
  • 网络madame bovary;Emma bovary
  1. 我也喜欢亨利·詹姆斯(HenryJames)和居斯塔夫·福楼拜(GustaveFlaubert),《包法利夫人》(MadameBovary)是第一部女性主义小说。我喜欢那段时期的文学,就像兴奋而优美的闲谈。

    I also love Henry James and Gustave Flaubert , who wrote the first feminist novel in " Madame Bovary . " I love that period of literature ;

  2. 包法利夫人,真漂亮,真鲜艳!

    Madame bovary , you 're quite pretty and fresh !

  3. 包法利夫人从来没有像现在这样漂亮。

    Mme Bovary was never more beautiful than at this time .

  4. 包法利夫人就脱去孩子的外衣服,让人看她的胳膊。

    Madame Bovary undressed the child to show her limbs .

  5. 三月份他们离开多特时,包法利夫人已怀孕了。

    When they left Tostes in march , Madame Bovary was pregnant .

  6. 包法利夫人换了位置,莱昂站在她身边。

    Mme Bovary changed places ; leon sat beside her .

  7. 理想转嫁与现实超越&包法利夫人形象分析

    Shifting Ideals and Overstepping Reality & An analysis of Madame Bovary 's character

  8. 从叙述模式和叙述语言看《包法利夫人》的客观性

    Objectivity in Flaubert 's Madam Bovary by narrations

  9. 《包法利夫人》:一部理想破灭的悲剧

    Madame Bovary : An Tragedy of Ideal Evaporates

  10. 也正是因为这种不存在,包法利夫人在对自己和生活的绝望中走向毁灭。

    Living on her despair of herself and life , Madame Bovary is dying .

  11. 包法利夫人只会购买手袋。

    A Bovary merely buys the handbag .

  12. 本文正是希望这个角度来加强《包法利夫人》的进一步研究。

    This paper hopes to strengthen Madame Bovary in the further study through this angle .

  13. 《包法利夫人》是福楼拜写的。

    Madame Bovery was written by Flaubert .

  14. 一个浪漫女人的悲剧&《包法利夫人》评析

    A Romantic Woman 's Tragedy

  15. 《包法利夫人》达到的艺术高度,在输入中国之前已成为共识。

    Agreement has been reached that Madame Bovary has achieved a high degree of art before entering China .

  16. 对《包法利夫人》的译本翻译批评研究《锦瑟》英译和法译的隐喻学对比研究

    Criticism on the Translation of Madame Bovary A Metaphor Study of English Version and French Version of The Zither

  17. 我告诉他们《包法利夫人》的故事,他们再一次感到惊异万分。

    I gave them the plotline of Madame Bovary . Again , a book they were enchanted to discover .

  18. 译介是其经典化的外在推动力,是《包法利夫人》中国化的必经之路。

    Translation is the external driving force of classic , and the only way for Madame Bovary to China .

  19. 用完美理想构筑爱情的祭坛&从《包法利夫人》看福楼拜的爱情观

    Constructing Perfect and Ideal Sacrificial Altar with Love : A Perception of the Love Outlook of Flaubert in Madame Bovary

  20. 《包法利夫人》情节的分析表明:该部作品不但存在一条明线,同时还有两条暗线。

    Based on the analysis of Madame Bovary , there are two shade lines as well as one light line .

  21. 浪漫的天性和美丽的外表与其说是包法利夫人骄傲的资本,不如说是摧毁她生活乃至生命的武器。

    Romantic nature and beautiful appearance are cruel weapons , which destroy her living and end her life , rather than proud capital .

  22. 同时,在这种文本细读的基础上,本文分析福楼拜自身与《包法利夫人》中爱玛形象之间的相似之处。

    On the basis of text analysis , this paper probes the similarities between Flaubert and the image of Emma in Madame Bovary .

  23. 摘要本文讨论的是法国著名作家福楼拜在创作长篇小说《包法利夫人》时,对法国丑恶的社会现实进行了无情的抨击,从而折射出作者强烈的政治动机。

    This article discusses French famous writer , flaubert 's powerful political motivation reflected by his uncharitable attacking ugly social realities of French when creating the novel Madame bovary .

  24. 全文分为六个部分:引言:福楼拜与《包法利夫人》。

    That is the other writers in the nineteenth century can not match . This paper is divided into six chapters . Introduction : " Flaubert and Madame Bovary " .

  25. 包法利先生,夫人,我是你们的药剂师,霍马斯。

    M.bovary , madame , I 'm your chemist , m.homais .

  26. 包法利先生和夫人,这是莱昂杜普斯。

    M.and MME bovary , this is Leon dupuis .

  27. 帮包法利先生和夫人搬行李。

    Take in m.and MME bovary 's bags .