
jù zhōng rén
  • dramatis personae;characters in a play or opera
剧中人 [jù zhōng rén]
  • (1) [dramatis personae]

  • (2) 一出戏或一本小说或一首诗中的人物或演员

  • (3) 一出戏中说明人物的表;尤指印在剧本开端的人物表

剧中人[jù zhōng rén]
  1. 皮兰德娄把他的戏剧命名为《六个寻找作者的剧中人》。

    Pirandello titled his play ' Six Characters in Search of an Author '

  2. 元杂剧中,剧中人对帮闲的态度以厌恶、憎恨为主。

    In Yuan dynasty , people in drama usually hated idler .

  3. 他的剧中人的语言适合各自的社会地位,并能表现出各自性格的特色。

    The language of each of his heroes fits his status in society and discloses the peculiarities of his character .

  4. 虽然这些在我们看来并不是拯救他们的根本良方,但是剧中人只能以这种看似逃避的方法拯救自己。

    Although those measures are not the fundamental solution to their problems , they are the unique outlet to save themselves .

  5. 他好长时间都没有忘记这出戏,他叙述了许多有关剧中人的事。

    He remembered this play for a long time , and he talked a lot about the people in it . '

  6. 你有看着电视睡着,然后梦见自己成了剧中人的经历吗?

    Have you ever fallen asleep with the television on and then had a dream that you were part of the show ?

  7. 前者认为,幸运与灾难的分配是与剧中人的是非曲直相对应的。

    Bradley in Shakespearean Tragedy asks us to distinguish sharply from tragic injustice & that prosperity and adversity are distributed in proportion to the merits of the agents .

  8. 近代中国高等教育研究,应该回到作为剧作者和剧中人的中国近代教育实践者的思想与活动这一主线索上来。

    The research of modern China ′ s higher education should pursue its way on the ideas and activities of modern China education innovators , since they were the real dramatists and actors of modern China ′ s education .

  9. 既然观众必须揣摩这个那个人物有何用意,或者这种那种倾向和企图之冲突有何前因,他就不可能全神灌注在主角的行为和苦难上,也不可能提心吊胆地与剧中人同甘苦共患难。

    so long as the spectator had to conjecture what this or that figure represented , from whence arose this or that conflict of inclinations and intentions , he could not fully participate in the doings and sufferings of the protagonists , feel with them and fear with them .

  10. 蔡琳和高梓淇共同出演了中央电视台的《李家大院》,剧中两人饰演夫妻。

    Chae Rim and Gao Zi Qi appeared in CCTV ′ s drama , The Lee Family as a married couple .

  11. 在剧中,两人的互动显得轻描淡写,不足以发展为深刻的爱情故事。

    The limited interaction between the two as depicted is not enough to deliver a profound love story .

  12. 国家是一部的伟大剧本,剧中的每个人为了生存不惜牺牲其它任何人。

    The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else .

  13. 一个精神病学组织声明,希腊电影发行者同意在电影放映之前播放一则简短的提示,指出剧中的“人皮脸”并非精神分裂症患者。

    One of the Greek psychiatric groups said the Greek film distributor had agreed to run a short notice before the film pointing out that Leatherface was not schizophrenic .

  14. 除了克莱尔和弗兰克的计划依然和以前一样残忍之外,剧中的其他人似乎都成熟了、觉醒了。

    While Claire and Frank 's plans are just as diabolical as in the past , everyone else in the show seems to have grown up and wised up .

  15. 韩国偶像剧的风靡与剧中光彩照人的韩国美女不可分,她们是一个特殊群体,年轻、美丽、善良、贤惠,由女性创造、女性观赏,却依据男性的审美标准来建构。

    The prevalent of idol drama is because of the glamorous " Korean beauty " . They are a special group of young , beautiful , kind , virtuous , created by women , watched by women , but based on the male viewpoint of beauty to construct .

  16. 丽塔:为什么他们不提一下为剧中人物化妆的人呢?

    RITA : Why don 't they ever mention the makeup person ?

  17. 为什么他们不提一下为剧中人物化妆的人呢?

    Why don 't they ever mention the makeup person ?

  18. 最新的一项研究表明,好莱坞影视剧中同性恋、变性人的角色变多,并没有改善他们在圈子里被歧视的状况。

    A new study suggests the proliferation of gay and transgender characters in films and television shows has not prevented gay , lesbian , bisexual and transgender actors from experiencing discrimination in Hollywood .

  19. 在剧中扮演冷血黑衣人的埃德·哈里斯告诉《娱乐周刊》说,第二季会很好看,尽管他不确定自己是否完全了解这一切是怎么回事。

    Ed Harris , who plays the hardcore Man in Black , told EW that Season 2 will be enjoyable to watch , although he 's not sure he totally understands where everything is going .

  20. 我将过去的一段感情在剧中表现了出来,不是和剧中的人。

    BELLISARIO : I have spent the entire run of the show in a relationship , not with somebody from the show .