
jù píng
  • dramatic criticism;a review of a play or opera
剧评 [jù píng]
  • [dramatic criticism] 对戏剧的评论和批评

剧评[jù píng]
  1. 剧评人对这出戏的评价毁誉参半。

    The play was given a mixed reception by the critics .

  2. 这出戏受到了剧评人无情的抨击。

    The play received a mauling from the critics .

  3. 剧评家对这出戏反应良好。

    The play was well received by the critics .

  4. 在那部剧遭到许多负面评价之后,他的剧评给人带来了一股新鲜感。

    His review of the play came as a breath of fresh air after all the negative responses it had met .

  5. 还记得美国全国广播公司NBC的剧集《名声大噪》一经首播便获得剧评家们的一致好评吗?

    Remember when NBC 's Smash premiered to a standing ovation from critics ?

  6. 新剧集又是否值得观众们重新关注?同时,HBO电视网出品的《新闻编辑室》在第一季时,长时间遭遇剧评人的口诛笔伐,但仍不乏一些极具魅力且更加平民化的佳作。

    Meanwhile , HBO 's The Newsroom , long into its first season which critics hated so much , continues to make episodes far more captivating and less patronizing ;

  7. 那些剧评真的是在嫉妒我?

    You really think these newspapers are just jealous of me ?

  8. 那些报纸上的剧评家使她的成功更为圆满。

    The critics of the daily papers completed her triumph .

  9. 她完美无缺的表演赢得剧评家的大力称赞。

    Her flawless performance won rave reviews from the critics .

  10. 她被伦敦剧评家推举为崭露头角的、最有希望的女演员。

    She was voted most promising new actress by the London theatre critics .

  11. 剧评家们对这出戏反应良好。

    The play was well received by the ctitics .

  12. 剧评家们把她的新戏批评得一无是处。

    The critics tore her new play to pieces .

  13. 她的写作生涯始于为上海的西文报纸撰写剧评、影评。

    Her writing career began in Shanghai by writing theater and movie critics for the western newspapers .

  14. 节目剧院提供的节目在戏剧栏里,有一篇剧评提到纽约来的刚开演的新戏。

    On the theater page there was a review from New York of a new play that had just opened .

  15. 在中国的影评剧评网站豆瓣网上,这部电视剧的评分甚至达到了8.2分。满分是10分。

    It has even been rated 8.2 out of 10 on China 's theater reviews website " douban . com . "

  16. 评论至此,若阁下发现自己认同剧评人的观点,请不要继续阅读下去。

    If , at this stage of this review , you find yourself agreeing with the reviewers , don 't read on .

  17. 他说每星期六我发表的那些剧评是如何赏心悦目,同时还把我的手挽起,沿着站台一路缓缓地走。

    He linked his arm in mine , and walked with me slowly along the platform , saying with what pleasure he read my dramatic criticisms every Saturday .

  18. 她曾在1942年和1946年两度获得“古根海姆基金奖”,1950年获得“纽约剧评界奖”和“戏剧俱乐部金奖”。

    She was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in1942 and her second one in1946 respectively , the New York Drama Critics'Circle Award and a Gold Medal by the Theatre Club , Inc.in1950 .

  19. 此外,它还获得了纽约剧评界奖、安托万内特·佩里奖、戏剧俱乐部奖、报纸头版奖以及评论界的广泛好评。

    It also received the New York Drama Critics'Circle Awart , the Antoinette Perry Award , the Theatre Club Award , and the Front Page Award , as well as general critical acclaim .

  20. 接下来几周,全新美剧季即将登场,剧迷和剧评家们准备齐整,迎接突破性佳作的首播、热门剧集的回归以及可能脱颖而出的美剧新宠。

    As the new TV season gets ready to roll out in the coming weeks , fans and critics are gearing up for the premieres of breakthrough hits , returning favorites , and potential new gems .

  21. 倘若你不是儿童,或者如果你想保留对第一部《钢铁侠》的完美印象,要小心那些炒作喧哗,以及给予盛赞的剧评。

    If you 're not a kid , though , or if you want to keep your memories of the first ' Iron Man ' unsullied , beware of the buzz and hubbub , and the glowing reviews .

  22. 我承认,作为一个写过无数剧评的评论家,看《超感猎杀》是花了几个星期,断断续续看的,这也就是说,我观看的方式很可能是错的。

    And I 'll confess : As a critic with multiple TV commitments , I watched " Sense8 " on and off over weeks , which means it 's entirely possible that I was simply doing it wrong .