
jù qínɡ piàn
  • feature film
  1. 获得金马奖最佳剧情片提名的电影还有香港导演杜琪峰执导的警匪片《毒战》(DrugWar),这是他首次与一家中国大陆公司合作;

    Rounding out the nominees for best feature film are Hong Kong director 's Johnnie To 's gangster movie ' Drug War , ' his first production for a mainland Chinese company ; '

  2. 在拍摄场面凶残的《魔屋》(TheLastHouseontheLeft)之前,克雷文一直拍摄纪录片,从未拍过剧情片。

    Mr. Craven had worked on documentaries but never a feature film before making the brutal ' The Last House on the Left . '

  3. 我没想过要拍一部剧情片,我正在拍一部纪录片。

    I had no thoughts of making a dramatic film . I was working in documentary .

  4. 了不起的盖茨比是一部上映于2013年的3D爱情剧情片。

    The Great Gatsby is a 2013 3D romantic drama film .

  5. 《社交网络》(TheSocialNetwork)是2010年一部传记类剧情片,讲述了Facebook的创办历程及由此带来的一系列诉讼。

    The Social Network is a2010 biographical drama film about the founding of the social networking website Facebook and the resulting lawsuits .

  6. 曾经登上头条,甚至拍成剧情片《像这样的男人》(MenLikeThese)的海神号事件渐渐被淹没在历史长河中。

    The story of the Poseidon , which made headlines and even led to a feature film called Men Like These , was lost to history .

  7. 《孩子们都很好》(TheKidsAreAllRight)是一套2010年的美国喜剧剧情片,由莉莎·蔻洛丹柯执导,安妮·贝宁、茱莉安·摩亚及麦克·路化奴等主演。

    The Kids Are All Right is a2010 American comedy-drama film directed by Lisa Cholodenko and starring Annette Bening , Julianne Moore , Mark Ruffalo , etc.

  8. DV剧情片的新美学特征探析

    An Analysis of the New Aesthetic Qualities of DV Stories

  9. 历史剧情片《为奴十二年》(12YearsaSlave)虽在另外六个竞赛单元中失利,但最终斩获了最佳剧情片奖。

    And despite missing out in the other six categories it was nominated in , the unflinching historical drama ' 12 Years a Slave ' concluded the night as best film drama .

  10. 该片曾在今年获得金摄影机奖(Camerad'Or)最佳影片奖,并且是首部入围金马奖最佳剧情片提名的新加坡电影。

    It won the Camera d'Or for best first feature film at Cannes this year and is the first Singaporean film to be nominated in this category at the Golden Horse Awards .

  11. 现年41岁的好莱坞巨星强尼·戴普(JohnnyDepp)凭借《寻找梦幻岛》(FindingNeverland)获得最佳剧情片男主角提名。

    Johnny Depp 's portrayal of JM Barrie in Finding Neverland earned him a nomination for best actor in a drama .

  12. 香港导演王家卫执导的功夫电影《一代宗师》(TheGrandmaster)领跑今年金马奖(GoldenHorseAwards)入围名单,共获得11项提名,其中包括最佳剧情片提名和最佳导演提名。

    Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai 's martial-arts drama ' The Grandmaster ' tops this year 's Golden Horse Awards nominations with 11 nods , including best feature film and best director .

  13. 妮可·基德曼(NicoleKidman)凭借新片《重生》(Birth)获得最佳剧情片女主角提名。《重生》讲述的是一个寡妇遇到了声称是自己死去多年的丈夫重生的小男孩的故事。

    Nicole Kidman has been nominated for best actress in a drama for her performance in Birth as a widow who meets a young boy claiming to be her reincarnated husband .

  14. 作品体裁不限,包括纪录片、家庭录像片、剧情片、改编作品、MV、幽默短片、风光片、新闻片、个性才艺展示片等。

    The styles are not limited and can include documentary , family video recording , scenario , reorganization works , MV , humor short , scenery , news and skill showing films , etc.

  15. 上周末,这部由NetflixInc.出品、荣获多项大奖的政治剧情片在情人节当天网上直播,众多粉丝迫不及待地想把新一季刷完,连续数小时在线收看这部剧集。

    Many fans of the award-winning Netflix series couldn 't wait to finish the show 's new season and binged on the political drama for hours last weekend after videos went live Valentine 's Day .

  16. 在最佳剧情片方面,有哪部剧或者演员,会阻挠AMC的《绝命毒师》最后一季及主演布莱恩·克兰斯顿(BryanCranston)的加冕吗?

    On the drama side , can any show or actor upset the expected coronation of the final season of AMC 's " Breaking Bad " and its star , Bryan Cranston ?

  17. 新加坡电影《爸妈不在家》(IloIlo)获得六项提名,包括最佳剧情片提名、最佳新导演提名、最佳男配角提名和最佳女配角提名。

    The Singaporean film ' Ilo Ilo , ' directed by newcomer Anthony Chen , received six nominations , including best feature , best new director , as well as best supporting actor and actress .

  18. 通过研究IMDB上20000部影片的172000次点映,罗斯曼和论文的另一个作者妮可?埃斯帕扎发现,剧情片比其他类型影片获提名的可能性高出九倍。

    Considering 172000 performances listed on IMDB in 20000 movies , Rossman and co-author Nicole Esparza found that dramas were were nine times more likely to get nominations .

  19. Netflix在艾美奖提名中进一步突围,这家订阅式视频服务公司的自制剧斩获31项提名,以剧情片《纸牌屋》和《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)领跑。仅仅在两年之前,Netflix还很少被电视学会所考虑。

    The Netflix insurgency gained steam , with the subscription video service racking up 31 nominations for its original programs , led by drama ' House of Cards ' and comedy ' Orange Is the New Black . ' Just two years ago , Netflix was barely on the radar of the TV Academy .

  20. 独立导演拉夫•迪亚兹(LavDiaz)执导的这部长达四小时的剧情片讲述的是,一名无辜男子因被误判谋杀罪而蒙冤入狱。戛纳电影节称,导演通过该片审视了菲律宾“背叛与冷漠的无休止循环”。

    The festival describes indie director Lav Diaz 's four-hour long drama about a man who 's been unjustly imprisoned for a murder he didn 't commit as a look at the " never-ending cycle of betrayal and apathy " in the Philippines .

  21. 我对剧情片比对喜剧更熟悉。

    Drama is something that I know more intimately than comedy .

  22. 这部剧情片的重点会是什么?

    What will be the focus of this feature film ?

  23. 我们在伦敦大学学院制作了第一部剧情片。

    And we made our first feature film at UCL .

  24. 本片并非纪录片,而是一出剧情片。

    But , this film is a drama rather than a documentary .

  25. 逃离德黑兰是一部上映于2012年的传记剧情片,导演本·阿弗莱克。

    Argo is a 2012 historical drama thriller film directed by Ben Affleck .

  26. 我们总是租动作片。我宁愿看剧情片。

    We always get action films . I 'd rather watch a drama .

  27. 但是在这部剧情片中,社会变迁是次要的。

    But social shifts come second to melodrama .

  28. 这正是优良剧情片的材料。

    This is the stuff of good drama .

  29. 不符合女性电影人和亚洲类别的所有剧情片,可以申请次类别。

    All feature films that do not fit the Female Filmmaker or Asian category .

  30. 《固定电话》是今年唯一一部必看的家庭喜剧/剧情片。

    Landline The only family comedy / drama you need to see this year .