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  • strenuous exercise
  1. 所进行的剧烈运动可以消耗掉增加的热量。

    The strenuous exercise undergone could balance out the increased calories .

  2. 晚上不要做剧烈运动。

    Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening

  3. 对喜欢剧烈运动者,我们有冲浪和潜水运动。

    For the more energetic , we offer windsurfing and diving .

  4. 每周做几个小时剧烈运动。

    Take vigorous exercise for several hours a week .

  5. 心脏对剧烈运动反应良好。

    The heart responds well to energetic exercise .

  6. 在家剧烈运动了一阵后他突然昏倒了。

    He collapsed following a vigorous exercise session at his home

  7. 厌氧呼吸只有在处于剧烈运动状态的肌肉等特别活跃的组织中才会发生。

    Anaerobic respiration occurs only in particularly active tissues such as muscles during severe exercise .

  8. 饭后几个小时不要从事剧烈运动,以便食物能够消化。

    Do not undertake strenuous exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest

  9. 每天散步半小时会比一周剧烈运动一次对身体更有益。

    A half-hour daily walk can be more beneficial than one hard bout of exercise a week .

  10. 在剧烈运动时,随着能量耗尽、废物积累,我们的肌肉会感到疲劳。

    During vigorous exercise , our muscles tire as they run out of fuel and build up waste products .

  11. 世界卫生组织建议的每周运动量是150分钟的中等强度运动,或75分钟以上的剧烈运动。

    The weekly amount of exercise recommended by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) is 150 minutes of moderately intensive activity , or more than 75 minutes of vigorously intensive physical activity .

  12. 然而,剧烈运动的定义不太严谨,至少按大多数PP读者的标准是这样的。

    However , vigorous activity was defined fairly loosely , at least by the standards which would be set by most of PP 's readers .

  13. 一周剧烈运动组在24h内变化情况与一次剧烈运动组相似,变化程度较轻。

    The change of one week strenuous exercises group in 24 hours was similar with the single strenuous exercise group .

  14. 用双抗体放射免疫法测定34名年轻消防队员剧烈运动前后血清催乳素(PRL)水平。

    The serum PRL levels were assayed by RIA in34 young firemen before and after a strenuous exercise .

  15. 剧烈运动时,血浆儿茶酚胺及血管紧张素浓度增加,刺激ET分泌增加.另外,骨骼肌和心肌缺血、缺氧或损伤,也可导致ET的分泌增加。

    The result suggests that increased plasma catecholamine and hypertensin secretion and / or anoxic and damage of skelecton muscle and cardiac muscle would have caused enhancing ET level ;

  16. 精英私立学校施利拉姆学校(ShriRamSchool)今年冬季取消了运动会,因为人们认为在污染严重的空气中进行剧烈运动是不安全的。

    Shri Ram School , an elite private school , canceled sports day this winter because strenuous activity was deemed unsafe in such polluted air .

  17. 结果剧烈运动前后及休息后男生尿RBC、WBC、Cast、EC差异有显著性(P<0.01);

    Results Urine RBC , WBC , Cast and EC in the male students had significant difference before and after violent movement ( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 针对平缓运动类型使用快速的DS搜索模式,针对剧烈运动类型使用GA/DS联合搜索模式。

    In the mild motion mode , DS method is used directly ; In the drastic motion mode , a combined GA / DS searching method is adopted .

  19. 本试验证明青年男子剧烈运动能使PRL和P明显升高,却不能改变血清FSH、LH、T及E2含量。

    It is indicated that strenuous exercise might elevate the serum values of PRL and P , whereas can 't alter serum FSH , LH , T and E 2 significantly .

  20. 运动后24h大鼠心肌myosin和titin及其mRNA均未恢复到正常水平,剧烈运动对这两种蛋白的影响时间较长。

    After exercise 24h , rats ' cardiac myosin and titin and their mRNA were not returned to normal levels , strenuous exercise affects these two kinds of protein for a long time .

  21. 由于角加速度影响的存在,在研制适用于剧烈运动状态的IFOG时,要考虑到角加速度的影响。

    It is necessary to take into account the effects of angle acceleration and adopt compensation approaches in developing high-precision IFOG which can be applied in extremely dynamic environment .

  22. 这项新综述还显示,某些遗传性心脏异常,如心肌病(心脏肥大)或长QT综合征(心脏电活动的紊乱)的患者在剧烈运动时,病情可能加剧。

    Similarly , according to the new review , people with certain inherited heart abnormalities , such as cardiomyopathy ( an enlarged heart ) or long QT syndrome , a disorder of the heart 's electrical activity , may exacerbate their conditions with strenuous exercise .

  23. 研究发现,剧烈运动可以引起血浆中IL-6浓度大幅升高,而这些增加的IL-6绝大部分来自运动着的骨骼肌,运动引起的IL-6的增加与运动的强度及运动持续的时间有关。

    Studies show that strenuous exercise could induce great increase of IL-6 level in plasma , and most of these increased IL-6 come from the contracting skeletal muscle , while the exercise-induced increase of IL-6 level has something to do with the length of time and endurance of exercise .

  24. 剧烈运动将导致机体肾小球和肾小管结构破坏、肾组织(LPO)含量增高、SOD(超氧化物岐化酶)活性改变、运动性蛋白尿和运动性血尿等变化。

    The research suggests the intense exercise will lead to the damage of the renal tubules and the glomerulus , the increase of the LPO of the kidney tissue , the decrease of the activity of SOD , the appearance of the exercise induced albuminuria , exercise induced hematuria .

  25. [结论]力竭运动后的血乳酸浓度与短时间剧烈运动后的血乳酸相比浓度减少一半左右,乳酸系统的供能能力在经历80min的有氧运动后减少一半左右。

    [ Couclusion ] The value of blood lactate acid reduced half than before , energy'supply abilities of the blood lactate acid dropped half after 80-minute aerobic exercise .

  26. 结果显示,实验组对象服用GDM一个月后,在安静状态、剧烈运动3分钟和恢复期第15分钟的红细胞变形能力,比服用前明显改善;

    Results show that after the members of the control group took GDM for a month , their erythrocyte deformation capacity at rest , after 3 minutes ' intensive exercise and at the fifteenth minute of the recovery period , is more significantly improved than that before taking GDM ;

  27. 医生嘱咐他不要进行剧烈运动。

    The doctor told him not to do any violent exercise .

  28. 但突然的剧烈运动也会引发头痛。

    But a sudden start to hard exercise can cause headaches .

  29. 剧烈运动对学生尿液有形成份的影响

    The Effect of Strenuous Exercise On The Students ' Urine Formed Elements

  30. 你剧烈运动时气喘吗?

    Have you ever been short of breath on exertion ?