
cí xiónɡ tónɡ tǐ
  • hermaphroditism;monoecism;androgyne;androgynism
  1. 普通鲻鱼雌雄同体现象的观察

    The observation on hermaphroditism of grey mullets

  2. 在近江牡蛎性腺整个发育过程中,存在雌雄同体现象。

    There was the phenomenon of hermaphroditism in the Gonad development process of C. hongkongensis .

  3. 对试验群体的性腺的类型进行的初步统计表明,雌雄同体个体比例A类型为4.6%,B类型为3.4%,其中雌雄生殖细胞均接近成熟的个体分别约为1.8%和2.1%。

    The primary statistic results showed that the percentage of type A individual was 4.6 % and type B was 3.4 % in the specimen group , in which percentage of specimens reaching the bisexual maturation were 1.8 % and 2.4 % respectively .

  4. 用让-保罗·高缇耶(Jean-PaulGaultier)的话说,莱斯利·维纳(LeslieWiner)是第一个雌雄同体的模特。

    Leslie Winer was , in the words of Jean-Paul Gaultier , the first androgynous model .

  5. 赤点石斑鱼(Epinephelusakaara)是名贵海水经济鱼类,雌雄同体,雌性先熟,存在天然性逆转现象。

    Red spotted grouper ( Epinephelus akaara ) is a kind of marine fish .

  6. 上周四(2月13日)Facebook发布的这个调整,该公司称最初针对的是其在美国的1.59亿月度用户,目的在于给大家更多描述自己的选择,如雌雄同体、双性人、阴阳人、流性人、跨性别。

    Facebook stated the adjustments , launched on Thursday , initially quilt the corporate 's 159 million monthly Customers in the US and are aimed toward giving folks more picks in how they describe themselves , such as androgynous , bi-gender , intersex , gender fluid or transsexual .

  7. 用让-保罗·高缇耶(Jean-PaulGaultier)的话说,莱斯利·维纳(LeslieWiner)是“第一个雌雄同体的模特”。在20世纪80年代,棱角分明的容貌让她成为华伦天奴(Valentino)和迪奥小姐(MissDior)的广告代言人;

    Leslie Winer was , in the words of Jean-Paul Gaultier , " the first androgynous model . " In the 1980s , her angular features landed her campaigns for Valentino and Miss Dior ;

  8. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙在其经典论著《一间自己的屋子》中提出了雌雄同体(androgyny)概念以及女性失语症问题。(2)女性主义美学研究。

    Virginia Woolf has put forward in her famous work A Room for One 's ( hvn the " Androgyny " concept and the problem of female " aphasia " . B ) Study on aesthetics of feminism .

  9. 雌雄同体动物的交配行为和规律具有多样性的特点。

    Mating behavior and mechanism of Hermaphrodite animals has diversity characteristics .

  10. 术语原生意指一起出生,产生或同源。雌雄同体的水生陆生或寄生环节动物。

    The term connate implies born , produced or originated together .

  11. 雌雄同体象虫一样的动物,生活在海底的污泥里。

    Hermaphrodite wormlike animal living in mud of the sea bottom .

  12. 二十世纪的西方妇女确实是雌雄同体的生灵。

    Twentieth-century Western woman is truly an androgynous creature .

  13. 别把雌雄同体和孤雌生殖搞混了!

    Let 's not confuse parthenogenesis with hermaphroditic reproduction !

  14. 大多数的扁虫雌雄同体,绦虫常常进行自体受精。

    Most flatworms are hermaphrodite and , in tapeworms , self-fertilization usually takes place .

  15. 在性腺发育过程中,26月龄-32月龄之间出现了雌雄同体现象。

    The hermaphroditic phenomenon occurs during the age of 26 months to 32 months .

  16. 它不是雌雄同体,而是男女皆宜,蕴含着完全正确的性别政治。

    Not so much androgynous as unisex , it implies perfectly correct gender politics .

  17. 雌雄同体的水生陆生或寄生环节动物。大多数哺乳动物生活在陆地上。

    Hermaphroditic aquatic or terrestrial or parasitic annelids . Most mammals live on land .

  18. 对雌雄同体人的俚语的说法。

    Slang term for a bisexual person .

  19. 艾米丽·迪金森作品中的雌雄同体理想

    Androgynous Ideal in Emily Dickinson 's Works

  20. 图上画了个雌雄同体的人,合拢双手,站着祈祷。

    It was an androgynous human figure , standing up , hands clasped in prayer .

  21. 雌雄同体为两性体的状态。

    The condition of being a hermaphrodite .

  22. 许多植物是雌雄同体的,但它们存在自交不亲和的机制,从而促进异花受精。

    Most plants are hermaphrodite , but have mechanisms such as self-INCOMPATIBILITY that promote allogamy .

  23. 有些物种的雌雄同体现象十分普遍,比如某些品种的花、蜗牛和鱼类。

    In some species , like certain flowers , snails and fish , hermaphroditism is common .

  24. 卵精巢雌雄同体的再生器官,可以产精子和卵子,在腹足纲软体动物身上发现。

    A hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces both sperm and eggs , found in certain gastropods .

  25. 雌雄同体的陆栖和水栖环节动物,只在沿身体部位有鬃毛。

    Hermaphroditic terrestrial and aquatic annelids having bristles borne singly along the length of the body .

  26. 结论该寄生虫在终末宿主中以雌雄同体进行有性繁殖,在中间宿主中是由生发上皮细胞增殖形式进行无性繁殖。

    Conclusions This parasite is sexual reproduction in the definitive host and non sexual reproduction in the intermediate host .

  27. 一个灌木或小乔木属,雌雄同体,长坚果;榛子;有时归入榛科或榛亚科。

    Deciduous monoecious nut-bearing shrubs of small trees : hazel ; sometimes placed in the subfamily or family Corylaceae .

  28. 通过雌雄同体的思想,她希望能创造出一个男女平衡的和谐世界。

    With her androgynous mind she hopes to create a harmonious world in which men and women are in balance .

  29. 这只不同寻常的猫咪雌雄同体,猫咪之友阿克林顿分部的志愿者给它起了名字:安格尔。

    The unusual feline , named Angel by volunteers at Friends of the Cats ' Accrington branch , is ahermaphrodite .

  30. 然而在《奥兰多》这部小说中,雌雄同体却使得主人公奥兰多经历了身份危机以致最后疯癫。

    While in Orlando , androgyny makes the protagonist Orlando experience the identity crisis and finally falls prey to madness .