
cí qiú huā
  • female cone
雌球花[cí qiú huā]
  1. 4月中旬雌球花迅速增长为胚乳游离核期。

    Female cone elongates rapidly in middle April and at this time endosperm is in free nuclear stage .

  2. 金钱松雌球花的形态构造及大孢子和雌配子体的形成

    The Morphology and Structure of Female Cone and the Formation of Megaspore and Female Gametophyte in Golden Larch

  3. 在花芽绽开后第1~4d为雌球花的最适可授期,其中又以第2~3d的授粉效率最高;

    The optimal time of pollination was the first 4 days after flowering . The controlled pollination carried out within 2 ~ 3 days after flowering gave the greatest efficiency with 54 % of full seeds .

  4. 结果如下:毛乌素沙地天然臭柏种群的单花花期一般为11~13d,雌球花最佳可授期约为7d左右,可授期雌球花产生传粉滴而野外并未发现。

    The results were as followings : The single flowering period is from 11 to 13d , the best pollination period of female flower is about 7d , during which we found pollination drop in room but none in field .

  5. 杉木无性系雌球花量与生长性状的遗传相关分析

    A Genetic Correlation Analysis of Female Flowers of Chinese fir Clones in Guangxi

  6. 9月中旬,成熟胚形成,成熟胚具5~6枚子叶.太白红杉从雌球花花芽分化到胚胎成熟历时14个月。

    The mature embryo with 5 ~ 6 cotyledons appears in mid - September .

  7. 油松种子园无性系雌球花量变异及稳定性评价

    Clonal Variation of Conelet Yield and Evaluation of Yield Stability in Pinus tabulaeformis Seed Orchard

  8. 雄性不育株的雌球花发育正常,并能正常开花、授粉和结籽。

    The female cone of the male sterile plant can blossom , pollinate and bear seeds normally .

  9. 任何在空气中飘浮的花粉粒粘着于雌球花的几率,在任何情况下都是很小的。空气中有浓郁的花香。

    The probability of any air-borne pollen grain impacting a female strobilus is in any case very small .

  10. 化石标本保存了植物的茎枝、雌球花及种子;

    Impressions of reproductive shoots , female cones and seeds were preserved in a fossil specimen and its counterpart .

  11. 无性系母树的雌球花主要分布于树冠顶部;雄球花分布遍及整个树冠,但是,不同无性系有差异,可划分为上部型、中部型、下部型和均匀分布型。

    The correlation coefficient was -0.992 . The female cones of clonal seed trees were mainly distributed the top of the crowns .

  12. 1太白红杉球花在前一年10月份开始分化,第二年春天开始生长,雌球花一般着生在2~4龄枝上,雄球花主要分布在2~6龄枝上。

    The female strobiles are located at the branch of 2-4 years old , and the male strobiles at the branches of 2-6 years old .

  13. 但是雌球花败育率高(73%),有雄花株少(12%),着果率低(59%)。

    However , the abortion rate of female flowers was 73 % , the number of tree with male flowers was only 12 % , and the fruit-bearing rate 59 % .

  14. 华山松是我国西南地区重要的造林树种之一,其球果从雌球花到球果木质化完成的整个发育过程中受到多种生物和非生物因素的影响。

    Pinus armandii is one of important trees for afforestation in Southwest China , and the development of cones from the stage of bud burst to cone lignification are interfered by many biotic and abiotic factors .

  15. 雌球花主要分布在树冠中上部2~4龄枝上,雄球花分布范围较广,且常与雌球花混生;

    Female cones were mainly distributed on 2 ~ 4 aged branches in the middle and upper parts of a crown , while male cones on 2 ~ 7 aged branches in the lower and middle parts .

  16. 无性系母树的雌雄球花着花数量差异极显著,雌球花的重复力是35.78%,雄球花的重复力是47.31%,环境条件对红松无性系植株开花结实影响较大。

    The quantity of male and female cones of clonal mother trees reached to a significant level . The repeatability of female cones were 35.78 % , and that of male cones were 47.31 % , Environmental conditions had great effects for flowering and seeding of Korean pine .

  17. 开花同步指数在0.2498~0.4667之间。天然臭柏种群单位面积雄球花数量明显多于雌球花,二者之比约为6.27:1。

    Flowering synchrony index varied from 0.2498 ~ 0.4667.The numbers of male flower are more than that of female flower in per area of Sabina vulgaris populations and the proportion is about 6.27:1 . In experimental plot , female-male proportion is 0.6:1 and spatial distribution pattern is contagious distribution .

  18. 根据种子园亲本数目与雌、雄球花产量的关系,建立数学模型,提出了一种评价种子园各亲本配子贡献的数量方法&平衡指数法。

    The mathematical model is established on the basis of the relation between the number and the production of male and female flowers of parents in seed orchard .