
cí niǎo
  • Female bird;jenny
雌鸟[cí niǎo]
  1. 雄鸟黄色的喙是与雌鸟相区别的主要特征。

    The male 's yellow beak differentiates it from the female .

  2. 雄鸟喙呈红色,有别于雌鸟。

    The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak .

  3. 雄鸟和雌鸟轮流伏窝。

    The male and female birds take turns in sitting on the eggs .

  4. 雄鸟鸣唱以吸引雌鸟。

    A male bird sings to attract a mate .

  5. 雌鸟可能无法给幼鸟喂食。

    The hen may not be able to feed its young .

  6. 很多雄鸟进化出鲜艳的羽毛是为了吸引雌鸟。

    The bright plumage of many male birds has evolved to attract females

  7. 雄鸟和雌鸟轮流孵蛋。

    Males and females take turns brooding the eggs .

  8. 这是一只雌鸟。

    This is a female bird .

  9. 雌鸟孵卵16天左右,这期间雄鸟负责觅食。

    The female bird incubates the eggs for about 16 days while the male brings food .

  10. 雌鸟伏在蛋上直到其孵化。

    The female sits on the eggs until they hatch .

  11. 雄鸟雌鸟都会叫唤,但通常只有雄鸟才唱歌。

    While both male and female songbirds can call , usually only the male sings .

  12. 雄鸟和雌鸟几乎无法辨别。

    The male bird is barely distinguishable from the female .

  13. 筑巢工作主要由雌鸟承担,一般需要5~7d即可完成。

    It takes 5 to 7 days to build a nest , mostly done by females .

  14. 雌鸟单独孵化,每天都离巢,平均离巢时间(102±74)min,53.84%发生在早上,23.08%发生在中午,15.35%发生在下午;

    The female incubate alone and leave nest for feeding everyday . Leaving nest behavior happened on morning , noon , afternoon , 53.84 % , 23.08 % , 15.35 % respectively .

  15. 雄鸟鼻包为淡蓝色,雌鸟为肉色。

    The pale blue bag for male and female for flesh .

  16. 那种鸟雄鸟的喙呈橙色,与雌鸟不同。

    The male 's orange beak differentiates it from the female .

  17. 雌鸟正在雄鸟的看护下孵化鸟蛋。

    A mother was incubating her egg with her mate nearby .

  18. 雄鸟把食物传给雌鸟和雏鸟。

    The male passes food to his mate and nestlings .

  19. 雄鸟在雌鸟面前趾高气扬地走着。

    The male bird strutted in front of the female .

  20. 像雌鸟一样,雌鸭嘴兽也下蛋。

    The female platypus lays eggs like a bird .

  21. 雌鸟守护着她的幼雏。

    The mother bird is watching over her young .

  22. 雄鸟显示出几个区别于雌鸟的特征。

    The male bird displays several characteristics which distinguish him from the female .

  23. 提醒雌鸟去照顾年幼的布谷鸟

    prompts mother bird to look after baby cuckoo ,

  24. 最佳孵化方式为电孵卵器孵化,其次为雌鸟自然孵化。

    Electric incubation was the best method and natural hatching the most inferior .

  25. 不同的是,雌鸟在他的胡乱照顾下只活了六个月。

    Instead , the female died after six months of his erratic care .

  26. 这宏伟的设计可不是鸟巢而是引诱雌鸟终极展览�

    This grand design is no nest it 's the ultimate seduction parlour .

  27. 这种雄鸟在与雌鸟交尾以前要跳一种交欢舞

    The male bird performs a sort of mating dance before copulating with the female

  28. 尽管雌鸟的窝里根本没有它自己的孩子

    even though there 's nothing in it for the mother bird at all .

  29. 但是拍摄羞怯的雌鸟和求偶行为

    but filming the timid female and courtship behaviour

  30. 也得花不少力气但要赢得雌鸟的心它非加把劲不可

    but to win her heart he 's got to go up a gear .