
cí xìnɡ dònɡ wù
  • female;she
  1. 雌性动物何时准备交配一目了然。

    It is easy to tell when a female is ready to mate .

  2. 雌性动物的剂量补偿效应是通过细胞中一条X染色体的转录失活来实现的。

    Dosage compensation in female mammals is achieved by inactivating the transcription of one of the X chromosome .

  3. 兽中的雄性动物保护雌性动物和幼崽。

    The males in the herd protect the females and the young .

  4. 雄性动物常比雌性动物大。

    The males are often larger than the females .

  5. 对雌性动物抑制LH的释放;

    Inhibiting the LH release in female .

  6. 卵巢是雌性动物的重要器官,而cGMP在卵巢细胞中起着多方面的调节作用。

    Ovary is an important organ in the female animal , and cGMP regulates a wide range of ovarian functions .

  7. VEGF及其受体在雌性动物卵巢上的卵泡、黄体正常发育与维持,子宫内膜的周期性变化及胚胎发育与附植等方面均具有重要作用。

    VEGF and its receptors have important role on the female 's regular development and maintainance of follicular on ovarium and corpus , luteum , endometrial tissues 's regular changes and embryo 's development and implantation .

  8. 以期为促进早期胚胎发育、防止流产、提高体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)的成功率和雌性动物的繁殖力提供理论依据。

    We have provided the theory basis in advancing development of early embryo , discovering miscarries as early as possible , enhancing the ration of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer ( IVF-ET ) and animal reproductive ability .

  9. PrRP在下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴分布情况的总体倾向是雄性动物的分布量大于雌性动物,提示PrRP在雄性动物体内有重要作用,可能与机体体重和体内脂肪比例等相关。

    The tendency of the distribution characteristics of PrRP in hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis is that males contain more PrRP than females . It indicates that PrRP may play an important role on male bovine and be related to the body weight and body fat percentage . 3 .

  10. (指雌性动物)去除卵巢。

    ( of a female animal ) having the ovaries removed .

  11. 雌性动物负责照顾幼仔。

    A female animal takes responsbility of taking care of the offspring .

  12. 雌性动物也喜欢这个讯息,是吧?

    The female animals also like this message , right ?

  13. 卵黄磷蛋白是所有卵生雌性动物卵黄的主要成分。

    Vitellin is the major constituents of the yolk protein .

  14. 雄性动物通过彼此间的搏斗解决争夺雌性动物的问题。

    The males settle their problems over females by battling between themselves .

  15. 雌性动物生殖过程的调控机制

    The Regulating-controlling Mechanism in Reproductive Process of Female Animals

  16. 雌性动物确定和保护自己领土的行为。

    The behavior of a male animal that defines and defends its territory .

  17. 用于雌性动物催情和促进卵泡发育;也用于胚胎移植时的超数排卵。黄素化未破裂卵泡综合征卵巢动脉血流彩色多普勒超声研究

    Color Dopper Ultrasonography of Ovarian Artery Blood Flow in Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome

  18. 她确实是一个健壮茁实、味道十足的雌性动物。

    She was a complete and substantial female animal .

  19. 特定雌性动物群周期性地获得稳定收获量的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model for Groups of Specific Female Animals which Periodically Produce Stable Yield

  20. 形成卵并产出卵;这是雌性动物的生理活动。

    Produce and discharge eggs ; of females .

  21. 卵泡闭锁是雌性动物重要的生理过程。

    Follicular atresia is an important physiological process .

  22. 在试验中,没有一个被试验的雌性动物能够看见雄性动物。

    In the experiment none of the females being tested could see the males .

  23. 牧羊人、妇女和所有的雌性动物都禁止进入这个半岛。

    Shepherds , women , and all female animals were forbidden from entering the peninsula .

  24. 雄性及雌性动物的需求不同,所以两性之间总是纷争不断。

    Males and females have different needs , so they have always battled each other .

  25. 雄性动物通常长得比雌性动物高。

    Males are generally taller than females .

  26. 母牛和许多其他的雌性动物都正好是在排卵前发情。

    In cows and many other animals , the female is in estrus just before ovulation .

  27. 性别间选择促使用来吸引异性的一些特征得到发展。雌性动物的配偶选择或与所选择的特征协同进化,或可以从选择中得到直接的利益。

    Female mate choice co evolved with trait exaggeration or females that are choosy gain direct benefits .

  28. 他很震惊,那么多的研究者在研究中没有包括雌性动物。

    He is astonished that so many researchers have failed to include female animals in their studies .

  29. 通常人们认为雌性动物的繁殖策略受捕食和食物提供方式的影响。

    A female 's reproductive strategy is usually thought to be affected by hunting and food supply .

  30. 当雌性动物分娩时,它们的后代在成年之前就会因基因问题而死亡。

    When the females give birth , their offspring will die before adulthood thanks to the gene .