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  • female
  • 母的,阴性的,与“雄”相对:~性。~花。~雄。

  • 〔~黄〕矿物,橙黄色,可做颜料,古时用来涂改文字,如“信口~~”(随意讥评)。

  • 柔羽。


(生物中能产生卵细胞的) female:

  • 雌狗

    female dog;

  • 雌猴

    female monkey;

  • 雌象

    female elephant;

  • 雌猩猩

    female gorilla

  1. 每个雌体四五月份只产一粒卵。

    Each female will lay just one egg in April or May .

  2. 那头雌虎生了4只小虎。

    Four cubs were borne by the female tiger .

  3. 它是雄的还是雌的?

    Is it a male or a female ?

  4. 很多生物体中雄配子与雌配子是不同的。

    In many organisms the male and female gametes are different .

  5. 雌配子体中的极核和卵核遗传上是同一的。

    The polar and egg nuclei of the female gametophyte are genetically identical .

  6. 那男孩抓到一只雌麻雀。

    The boy has got a hen sparrow .

  7. 雌马生了一匹小马。

    The mare gave birth to a colt .

  8. 雄蝴蝶的鲜艳颜色有助于吸引雌蝴蝶,而雌蝴蝶的较暗淡的颜色可使它们在产卵之前不易被“敌人”捕获。

    The gay colours of the male butterfly help to attract the female and the duller colours of the female make them less likely to be caught by enemies before they have laid their eggs .

  9. 雌鹤艾玛自2004年来到这里之后就一直受他们照料。

    Emma , a female crane , has been in their care since she arrived in 2004 .

  10. 一只雄蟹遇到了一只雌蟹,便向她求婚。

    A male crab1 met a female crab and asked her to marry him .

  11. 她的意识中,是一只雌螳螂正吞咽她的配偶。

    In her mind , it was a female mantis , devouring her mates .

  12. 它们游到阿森松岛搭窝:雌龟爬上岸,在沙滩上挖坑产卵。

    They go to Ascension Island to nest - females crawling ashore1 to lay their eggs in the sand .

  13. 第二天,雌蟹发现她的新郎走起路来和普通螃蟹一样。她便疑惑重重。

    The next day she noticed her new husband walking sideways like all the other crabs2 , and got upset .

  14. “这是一只完全成熟的雌蝉,现已准备好交配和产卵。尽管之前在地下蛰伏了17年,它只能活四到六周。”

    So here we have a fully grown female that 's now ready to mate and lay her eggs . She 'll only live four to six weeks , though , after being underground for 17 years .

  15. 据《北京晨报》援引北京市园林局的信息显示,目前,北京约有200万株杨柳树雌株,每年春季都产生大量飞絮。

    Beijing has about 2 million female poplar and willow3 trees which produce catkins to spread their seeds every spring , the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape and Forestry4 ( BMBLF ) was quoted as saying on Wednesday by the Beijing Morning Post .

  16. Northern杂交分析17β-雌二醇、孕酮对人成骨细胞护骨素mRNA表达的影响。

    Effect of E2 and progesterone on OPG mRNA levels by Northern blot analysis ;

  17. 17一p一雌二醇可减轻大鼠肝脏缺血再灌注后肝组织损伤,加快肝脏缺血再灌注损伤后肝脏功能的恢复。

    ( 2 ) 17-beta-estradiol significantly protects liver from ischemia reperfusion injury and accelerate comeback of liver function after liver ischemia reperfusion injury .

  18. Put可能与番木瓜性别分化有关系,在雄株现蕾的时候,雌株中的含量高于雄株的。

    It seemed that the Put was related to the sexual differentiation of the papaya , and the high Put level might be beneficial to the female differentiation .

  19. 16α取代雌二醇与雌激素受体ER结合活性的量子化学研究

    Quantum chemistry study on the relative binding affinities of 16 α - substituted estradiol derivatives

  20. 四倍体鲫鲤F9-F(12)的遗传特性和雌、雄核发育研究

    Study on the Genetic Property of F_9-F_ ( 12 ) Allotetraploid and the Gynogenensis 、 Androgenesis of Allotetraploid

  21. 目的探讨雌、孕激素对体外培养人类子宫内膜腺上皮细胞降钙素(Ct)表达的影响及其意义。

    Objective To explore the effect of estradiol and progesterone on the expression of calcitonin in human endometrial epithelial cells cultured in vitro .

  22. 两个人工雌核发育系鲢近交F1遗传多样性的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of inbreeding F_1 progeny in two artificial gynogenetic strains of silver carp

  23. 目的观察营养性肥胖大鼠血清中瘦素(leptin)、雌二醇(E2)水平和卵巢发育情况。

    Objective To observe the serum levels of leptin and estradiol , ovary development .

  24. 以抗雌二醇ABC免疫组化法(ABC法)和葡聚糖包裹活性炭生化法(DCC法)作为E2-HRP法的对照。

    The method was compared with ABC method and dextran coated charcoal bio-chemical assay ( DCC ) .

  25. CaM和类CyclinC蛋白在雌配子体游离核有丝分裂过程中起着重要作用。

    It was found that CaM and Cyclin C-like protein played an important role in the free nuclei mitosis of female gametophyte .

  26. PAGE结果表明,线虫感染后导致雌蜱血淋巴酯酶同工酶电泳图谱发生变化,主要为电泳图谱两端a带和b带的消失以及一条c带的增加。

    PAGE analysis revealed that nematode infection resulted in the change of esterase electrophoresis profile , mainly with the bands a and b disappeared and a new band c appeared .

  27. 另外有研究表明LIFmRNA表达水平的降低可能与雌(女)性着床失败有关。

    Other studies found that the low level of LIF mRNA express may be related to female implantation failure .

  28. 反义c-fos寡脱氧核苷酸对hCG诱导大鼠黄体细胞孕酮和雌二醇生成的影响

    Effect of c-fos antisense oligodeoxynucleotide on the hCG-induced progesterone and estradiol production in rat luteal cells

  29. 目的:1。唾液雌二醇(E2)ELISA测定的方法学研究,掌握灵敏、可靠的测定方法与技术。

    OBJECTIVE : 1.To study if enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) is a sensitive and stable method for salivary estradiol ( E_2 ) level .

  30. 东方百合2n雌配子诱导及三倍体多样性研究

    Study on 2n Female Gamete Induction and Triploid Diversity of Lilium oriental