
cí shī
  • lioness
雌狮[cí shī]
  1. 你像雌狮那样保护年轻人

    You protect cubs like lioness .

  2. 该动物园称,这一结果可能意味着这头18岁的雌狮长了可以产生激素的良性肿瘤,但她的健康状况却很不错。

    The zoo says the results likely mean the 18-year-old lioness has a benign tumor that 's producing the hormones , but that her health is excellent .

  3. 雄狮很少为争夺雌狮而死战。

    Male lions rarely fight to the death over females .

  4. 雄虎和雌狮杂交所生的后代。

    Offspring of a male tiger and a female lion .

  5. 这头雌狮学会了在安第斯山生存的重要一课。

    This female has learned an important lesson about surviving in the Andes .

  6. 今天它们想要获得更大的战利品—雌狮。

    Today they set their sights on a big prize-the lake cat lionesses .

  7. 雌狮常承担捕食任务,而雄狮负责保卫狮群免受其他动物攻击。

    Females hunt the most , while the males defend the prides from attacks .

  8. 园方表示,长鬃毛的雌狮并不是前所未闻的,只是这一情况比较罕见。

    The zoo says female lions with manes are not unheard of , but they are rare .

  9. 是时候记住我们是咆哮的雌狮,任何人都不敢来打扰我们。

    It is time to remember we are roaring lionesses that no one should dare to mess with .

  10. 类似的混血儿&雄虎与雌狮的后代被称之为“虎狮”。

    A similar hybrid , the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion is called a tigon .

  11. 2016版动物园牛仔裤的设计师是19岁的雄狮柯蒂斯和16岁的雌狮奥尼尔。

    The two resident designers for 2016-edition Zoo Jeans are Curtis , a 19-year-old male lion , and O'Neal , a 16-year-old female .

  12. 这头11岁大的雄狮名叫海神,因痴迷足球,不愿与动物园内其它7头雌狮玩耍。

    Triton the11-year-old male lion prefers a soccer ball to playing with any of the7 females he lives with at the zoo 's lion enclosure .

  13. 当一个新雄狮接管领地,它将杀死留下的幼仔,和任何经历过自然流产的雌狮。

    When a new male lion takes over a pride what he does is kill all the remaining cubs and any lionesses undergo spontaneous abortions .

  14. 近日,实验室的一项研究结果揭示了俄克拉荷马州动物园的一个谜题:是什么导致一头雌狮长出了鬃毛。

    Lab results have revealed the answer to a mystery at an Oklahoma zoo : Just what caused a female lion to sprout a mane .

  15. 雄狮群大小与植被类型无关,但在大的雌狮群分布区域发现大雄狮群。

    Male group sizes do not correlate with the type of vegetation , but larger male groups are found in areas with large female groups .

  16. 一旦幼仔出生后不能生存,雌狮的最好方式,是摆脱掉它们,开始新生活。

    These cubs are not going to survive once they are born so the female 's best strategy is to get rid of them and start anew .

  17. 《最后的狮子》是一部野生动物记录片,在博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲上有一片富饶的湿地,一只坚定的雌狮为了确保全家存活,甘冒一切风险,时刻准备着。

    From the lush wetlands of Botswana 's Okavango Delta comes the suspense-filled tale of a determined lioness ready to try anything and willing to risk everything to keep her family alive .

  18. 俄克拉荷马城动物园在其3月份的时事通讯中称,田纳西大学的测试发现,非洲雌狮布丽姬特的雄烯二酮水平较高,这是一种能促进雄性特征的激素。

    The Oklahoma City Zoo says in its March newsletter that testing at the University of Tennessee found the African lioness named Bridget has an elevated level of androstenedione , a hormone that can contribute to developing male features .

  19. 接着,他突然跃向猎物(那头捕杀的斑马)致使雌狮和小狮子急忙躲开。在他小狮子中养大一个,成了少壮狮子,学会抓食而吃人。

    Then he bounded over to the kill and the lionesses and cubs hurried out of his way . And she brought up one of her whelps : it became a young lion , and it learned to catch the prey ; it devoured men .

  20. 我们认为,雌狮群大小的不同是对植被结构的适应,即在开放生境中大群有利于协作狩猎、育幼、共同保护幼仔、应对高强度群间领域防卫竞争。

    We postulate that differences in adult female group sizes are adaptations to the differences in vegetation structure : in open habitat , large female groups are essential for cooperative hunting , for rearing and protecting their cubs communally and to cope with higher inter-group competition when defending their territory .