
  • 网络encirclement
  1. 战士们从敌人的包围圈中杀出了一条路。

    The soldiers fought their way out of the enemy 's encirclement .

  2. 他们形成了一个对城市的包围圈。

    They forced an encirclement around the city .

  3. 一名出租司机反复尝试开着车冲出自家公司蓝鸟集团(BlueBirdGroup)的抗议者的包围圈,场面相当诡异。看起来,他们想要打砸他的车,并把他从车里拉出来。

    In one bizarre scene , a taxi driver repeatedly tried to drive through a throng of protesters from his own company , the Blue Bird Group , who appeared to be trying to attack his cab and pull him from the vehicle .

  4. 在包围圈里更本没有核设施。

    There 's no nuclear storage facility anywhere inside that perimeter .

  5. 地球的大气是一个看不见的气体包围圈。

    The earth 's atmosphere is an invisible gaseous envelope .

  6. 她不可能冲出我们的包围圈的。

    She couldn 't have gotten past the perimeter teams .

  7. 一直到最后一个姑娘走出他们的包围圈为止。

    Till the last girl had run their gantlet ;

  8. 刘邦从匈奴包围圈中脱出的必然与偶然因素

    On The Inevitability and Accidental of Liu Bang 's Escape from the Surrounding

  9. 我军紧缩了包围圈。

    Our army tightened the ring of encirclement .

  10. 面对我强大的包围圈,敌军已回天乏术。

    Under our powerful siege , the enemies were powerless to save the desperate situation .

  11. 美国费米研究所已缩小了”上帝粒子“的包围圈?

    Fermi Institute of the United States have narrowed the " God particle " encirclement ?

  12. “帝国”师在包围圈东部作为后卫部队留了下来。

    The Das Reich Division stayed as the rearguard on the eastern edge of the pocket .

  13. 犹太人的铺子关闭了。那旗子取代了六角星旗。反犹太主义的包围圈一天紧似一天。

    Jewish-owned shops were shut down . Swastikas replaced six-pointed stars . The walls of anti-Semitism were closing in .

  14. 美国企图拉拢印度和巴基斯坦,将两国纳入其遏制苏联扩张的战略包围圈,同时美国又希望控制世界范围内的核扩散。

    America tried to draw in India and Pakistan , and tried to control nuclear proliferation in the worldwide .

  15. 敌军试图把我们的战士困在包围圈里,但我们成功地撤了出来。

    The enemy troops tried to surround our soldiers in a tight ring , but we backed away successfully .

  16. 此时德军在东线的抵抗只限于几个包围圈里,这些包围圈分散在德国,捷克斯诺伐克和奥地利。

    German resistance in the east was now limited to small pockets scattered across Germany , Czechoslovakia , and Austria .

  17. 他究竟是如何逃出数百名警察设有三道封锁线的包围圈的,仍令人费解。

    It is still a puzzle as to how he went through the three cordons formed by several hundred police officers .

  18. 陈阵又哆哆嗦嗦地吐出半口气,才侧头去看老人。毕利格正用另一只单筒望远镜观察着狼群的包围圈。

    Chen exhaled nervously as he turned to look at the old man , who was watching the wolf encirclement through the other telescope .

  19. 包围圈内近乎无物:那位老人穿着羊毛衫,戴着黑色软帽,打扫着人行道——

    Age and enclosing next to Nothing at all : the old man In a sweater and soft black Hat who sweeps the sidewalk -

  20. “不管怎样,”巡官说道,“这两个逃犯绝对想不到这么快他们就陷在我们的包围圈中了。

    Well ! 'said the sergeant , 'they 'll find themselves trapped in a circle , I expect , sooner than they count on .

  21. 这样的主张有可能加剧某些国家的不安情绪,尤其是印度。印度一直担心中国构建起针对它的战略包围圈。

    Such ideas have the potential to deepen unease in some countries , especially in India , which has long feared strategic encirclement by China .

  22. 至少三十个戴兜帽的人影悬浮在空中,组成一个巨大的圆圈,凤凰社的成员们浑然不觉地飞入了他们的包围圈

    At least thirty hooded figures , suspended in midair , formed a vast circle in the midst of which the Order members had risen , oblivious

  23. 结果,那些马鹿都撞进了包围圈,一头头倒毙在雨点般的箭矢之下。

    As a result , all the red deer dashed into their ring of encirclement , and one by one fell dead under the rainfall of arrows .

  24. 他也许会,但他会发现这样做必须先得穿过我的包围圈,而我还没听说他长了翅膀。

    He might seek it , but to find it he 'd need to get past my siege lines , and last I heard he hadn 't grown wings .

  25. 人类对其主体性的坚守与合理发挥,乃是突破利益的包围圈、实现科学发展和人的自由而全面的发展的关键。

    The adherence to subjective initiative and proper development of mankind are crucial to break through the blockades of interest and fulfill scientific development and the free and overall development of mankind .

  26. 刘备见状掣宝剑,骑黄鬃马斜刺过来,三个人把吕布围在当中,走马灯般的轮流厮杀,吕布毕竟难敌三人,渐渐觉得难以招架,便朝刘备虚晃一戟,拍马冲出了包围圈逃回虎牢关。

    The three brothers closed in . This proved too much for L ü Bu , who feigned a lance attack and while one of the three dodged , ran back to Hulao Pass for his dear life .

  27. 反映不同时期对于生活的不同需求烟囱、房顶,以及在这个不设防的年代用木头和金属做的栅栏包围圈内近乎无物:那位老人穿着羊毛衫,戴着黑色软帽,打扫着人行道

    Reflecting every stage and Custom of necessity Chimney roof fences of Wood and metal in an unfenced Age and enclosing next to Nothing at all : the old man In a sweater and soft black Hat who sweeps the sidewalk

  28. 整个军队把我们紧紧地包围在包围圈中。

    A whole battalion of soldiers surrounded us in a tight ring .

  29. 只要你在子弹的周围包围起一圈水,你还是能摸到子弹并活下来的。

    You can touch the bullet and survive ... but you need to surround it with water .

  30. 按照特使勒留斯的说法,军团部队的战术通常是找好战位,包围敌人并逐渐把包围圈缩小到足够近战范围之内。

    As Lanius states , their forces are much better suited at taking positions than holding them due to their up close style of fighting .