
bāo gōng
  • Bao Gong;Bao Zheng , an upright official known for his stressing the dignity of law
包公 [bāo gōng]
  • 同包拯

包公[bāo gōng]
  1. 新缩瞳剂包公藤甲素人工合成研究

    Studies on Synthesis of Baogongteng a & a new Myotic agent

  2. 离开了这一点,民间话语的言说将不会选择包公,这是我们理解包公传播的社会文化背景。

    This is the social and culture background of understanding BaoGong .

  3. 元代社会阶级状况与包公戏的兴起

    Class condition of yuan dynasty and the arising of Bao Gong drama

  4. 近百年包公研究述评

    Review on the studies of Baogong in recent hundred years

  5. 老百姓管包公叫包青天。

    The people called Lord Bao " Bao the Clear Sky " .

  6. 然后给出了非超递增背包公钥体制的模拟实现。

    Finally this article give the stimulant implementation of non-super-increasing knapsack scheme .

  7. 包公文化资源的开发利用与合肥旅游发展

    Revival of Lord Bao 's Cultural Resources and Development of Tourist Industry in Hefei

  8. 此井原为包公井。

    This well was originally called Bao well .

  9. 包公形象,在宋代市井文艺家那里,包公只是一个判官形象。

    The Bao Gong image in the Song folk literature is simply a judge .

  10. 留下来的著作有《孝肃包公奏议》。

    Left behind book of Su Bao Zheng memorialize the Emperor of filial piety .

  11. 包拯的故事北宋时期就在民间流传,宋元明清以包公故事为题材的文学作品难以统计。

    The stories of Bao Zheng have been popular since the North Song dynasty .

  12. 从元杂剧包公戏谈公案剧对公案文学的发展

    Studies the Yuan Dynasty Play from Baogong Flay to the Involved Legal Matter Literature Development

  13. 包公故事的丰富,在通俗文学中可以说是独一无二。

    The stories of Bao Gong are uniquely rich and varied in the popular literature .

  14. 而包公文学在这方面几乎没有成功之作。

    Nearly all the literary adaptations on Bao Gong from dramas to novels are not successful .

  15. 包公故事:一个考察中国法律文化的视角

    Stories of Judge Pao : Another Angle of View to Reinterpret the Legal Culture of China

  16. 人们问包公:“你怎么知道他是小偷?”

    They all asked Lord Bao ," How do you know that he is the thief ?"

  17. 包公与仁宗作为古代君臣相得的典范,获得了社会文化的广泛认同。

    BaoGong , take as the nonesuch of ancient people , gains the self-identify of social culture .

  18. 包公藤甲素的中枢M-胆碱能效应

    Central M-cholinergic Effects of Baogongteng-A

  19. 非超递增背包公钥体制

    Non-super-increasing Knapsack Public-key Scheme

  20. 包公在元代传播是蒙元统治下的汉族知识分子集体无意识的民族认同。

    The communication of the figure & BaoGong in yuan dynasty is the national self-identify of Han intellectuals .

  21. 第三部分具体论述包公形象在古代小说中的演变。

    Part III The third part discusses the specific image of Bao Gong evolution in the ancient novel .

  22. 并分析了包公戏之所以能元朝获得极大发展的原因。

    And analyzed the reason that why the Baogong play can obtain the significant development in the Yuan Dynasty .

  23. 正是基于这一原因,本稿在讨论包公故事中的法律问题时,首先标举罪与罚这个题目。

    It is based on the above-mentioned legal story that the article is entitled " crime and punishment " .

  24. 第二编,主要从传播内容方面,梳理了历史上包公文学的多级传播。

    In the second part , the author analyse the information multi-step communication of BaoGong literature from the aspect of its content .

  25. 平民呼唤包公,实际上是对黑暗现实的极度不满而导致的一种心理幻想。

    The appeal of the grass-roots for Bao Gong is actually a psychological illusion caused by their extreme dissatisfaction of the dark reality .

  26. 本篇包公文学的研究以戏曲、小说为主,对包公文学的考察时限止于清末。

    The study of the literature on Bao Gong focuses on the dramas and the novels before the end of the Qing dynasty .

  27. 包公故事不断扩增或翻新,反映了人民的理想与愿望,凝结着公理与正义。

    The unceasing increase and revision of Bao gong 's stories are the reflection of people 's hope and dream for justice and truth .

  28. 人们慢慢地,一言不发地从口袋里掏出一个铜钱,扔到包公拿的篮子里。

    Not saying a word , each slowly took a coin out of his pocket and dropped it into a basket before Lord Bao .

  29. 伴随传说故事的发展,包公铁面无私、执法如山的艺术形象逐渐形成。

    With the development of the legendary stories about Bao gong , the artistic image of an upright and disinterested Bao gong gradually came into being .

  30. “什么!什么!”包公生气地说,“你们竟敢说我糊涂!我要罚你们一人一个铜钱。”

    " What !" Lord Bao roared angrily ," how dare you call me stupid ? I will fine each of you one coin as punishment . "