
  1. 他表示:许多IPO的质量都没有经过考验,因为它们是经过包装上市的。

    A large number of IPOs are of untested quality , because they have been dressed up to sell , he says .

  2. 打包装上市前包裹或包装(产品)

    To wrap or package ( a product ) before marketing .

  3. 上市公司往往采用利润操纵的方式编制虚假财务报告,或包装上市,圈占投资者的资金;

    Listed company always draw ups deceitful finance report by manipulating the profits , or to appear on market by packing and occupy investor 's bankroll ;

  4. 究其原因,一是上市公司的包装上市与高市盈率发行,二是上市公司控制人滥用控制权导致的上市公司投资价值的不断降低。

    One reason is the cheat of listed companies and high p / e ratio price when issuing , the other reason is the constant reducing of investment value of listed companies because the controllers of listed companies abusing the control power .

  5. 这种状况可能意味着,尽管国家可以通过各种企业并购活动调集更多的资源来包装上市公司,但并不能从根本上解决企业的长远发展问题。

    This situation could mean that , despite the country through a variety of M & A activities in the mobilization of additional resources to the packaging of listed companies , but it does not fundamentally solve the long-term business development . 3 .

  6. 结合公司股票上市实践,分析用路桥资产包装上市在经营、行业、市场及股市等方面存在风险的因素,阐述了多种应对的措施。

    By linking with the practice of company stock listing , the paper analyses the factors related to the risks existing in operation , industry , market and stock market for packaging of road and bridge assets . It also illustrates some countermeasures accordingly .

  7. 介绍了新闻纸、文化用纸和包装用纸上市公司2001年的主要业绩并对其发展前景作了分析。

    The paper introduces the achievements of listed companies of pulp and paper industry in2001 and analyzes their prospect .

  8. 但我们有完整的产业链,分销、供应链、开发、品牌包装和上市推都能产生一定的利润率。

    But we have a distribution machine , a supply-chain machine , a development machine , a branding machine , a go-to-market machine , which delivers a level of profitability .

  9. 我国证券中介机构失信的突出表现是:为企业虚假“包装”,骗取上市资格;

    The outstanding aspects on the lacking credit of China 's security agency are : false package for firm to gain qualification of listing by cheating ;

  10. 第二节,我们以流动收益期权票据这种特殊的可转换债券为例,来了解西方金融工程师对金融产品创新进行构思、包装、定价及上市等一系列过程,从而更好地认识可转换债券。

    The second section takes the liquidity yield option note ( LYON ) as an example to understand the properties of the convertible bond and the entire process of the financial instrument innovation in the western financial market .