
  • 网络Inclusiveness;inclusive;inclusion;inclusivity;Tolerance
  1. 延迟退休改革最重要的特征就是允许个人根据自身情况和条件,选择退休的具体时间,充分体现改革的灵活性和包容性。

    The most important feature of the retirement age reform is allowing people to choose when to retire according to their circumstances and conditions , said Jin . This showcases the flexibility and inclusiveness of the reform , said Jin .

  2. 特别提款权货币篮子重新评估提供了一个使IMF成为改革催化剂、包容性推动者的机会。

    The SDR basket review represents an opportunity to position the IMF as catalyst for change and promoter of inclusiveness .

  3. 该学会的包容性比过去强了很多。

    The academy is far more inclusive now than it used to be .

  4. 耶伦很可能在将失业率推到6%以下、稳定市场并确保复苏更具包容性和活力之后立即解决这个问题。

    Yellen is likely to address the issue right after she pushes unemployment below 6 % , stabilizes markets and makes sure that the recovery is more inclusive and robust .

  5. APEC各成员将就经济改革、新经济、创新增长、包容性支持和城镇化等五大支柱领域展开交流对话,发掘亚太新一轮经济增长的新动力。

    APEC members will discuss key fields such as economic reforms , innovation and urbanization . They will explore new momentum for regional growth .

  6. 我们都追求包容性增长,也愿意继续推行中国主办APEC期间提出的各项主张。

    We are for an inclusive growth and we would like to move forward all the initiatives that we put forward here during China 's APEC chairmanship .

  7. 包容性宏观经济和社会政策

    inclusive macroeconomic and social policies

  8. 难道我们就不能想象一个重视重归社会重视预防犯罪和城市包容性而不是只重视惩罚的司法系统吗?

    Can we imagine a criminal justice system that prioritizes recovery , prevention , civic30 inclusion , rather than punishment ? ( Applause )

  9. 慈善机构英国导盲犬希望这本书能让阅读尽可能地更具包容性,并计划先分发150套伴书气味盒。

    Guide Dogs UK say they hope the book will make reading as inclusive2 as possible and plan to distribute 150 of the kits3 as a start .

  10. 随着健康危机逐渐消退,政府决策者需要着手解决疫情的持久性影响,采取措施促进绿色、有韧性和包容性的增长,同时维护宏观经济稳定。

    As the health crisis eases , policymakers will need to address the pandemic 's lasting effects and take steps to spur green , resilient , and inclusive growth while safeguarding macroeconomic stability .

  11. RD/产品问题模型对于价格竞争的包容性探讨价格竞争也是一种数量竞争

    Does Price Competition Fit in with R D / Product Model ? Price Competition is Another Kind of Quantity Competition

  12. BDI代理中可动态加载能力组件的功能显著地提高了Web测试的包容性和可扩展性。

    Function of the capability component that can be dynamically loaded in BDI Agent improves the containing and extensible property of Web test remarkable .

  13. 第三,呼吁提高IMF地位,可以强化G20进程与IMF更具包容性工作之间的必要联系。

    Third , the call for an increased role for the IMF can strengthen the necessary linkage between the G20 process and the more inclusive work of the IMF .

  14. 他表示今年九月的杭州G20峰会强调的一个重点就是包容性发展,这一主题将继续主导明年的G20峰会。

    He says the idea of inclusive development , a key emphasis of the G20 Hangzhou Summit in September , will continue to dominate next year 's G20 agenda .

  15. 中国EFL学习者附加疑问句口语产出具备如下特点:附加问句产出率低,未能起到有效促进会话的作用,降低了其中介语交流的交互性与包容性;

    Chinese EFL learners ' oral production of tag questions is characterized by the rare occurrence of TQs , which results in a low degree of interactivity and solidarity in their discourse .

  16. NBA联盟在所有体育联盟中,总能比其他联盟在多样性和包容性方面,更够逐步走上正轨。

    But the NBA , among all of the leagues , is more in tune with moving in the right direction in terms of diversity and inclusion than all of the other leagues .

  17. 我们需要的是残疾包容性的发展,这也是为何我欢迎GaryQuinlan先生代表KevinRudd先生所做的发言。

    What we need is disability-inclusive development , which is why I welcome the remarks delivered by HE Mr Gary Quinlan on behalf of Mr Kevin Rudd .

  18. 而基于进化计算的优化方法,采用自适应随机搜索全局优化技术,具有广泛的适应性和包容性;基于多Agent的建模与仿真方法,则能够胜任复杂智能系统的综合效能仿真分析任务。

    The Evolutionary Computation ( EC ) based optimization methods , adopting self-adaptive stochastic searching technology for global optimization , possess comprehensive adaptability and compatibility , moreover , the Multi-Agent Based Modeling and Simulation ( MABMS ) methods are competent for analyzing the integrated effectiveness of complex intelligent systems .

  19. 这一框架具有较大包容性还在于:它不仅可以置换D·Easton的价值的权威分配与D·North的暴力潜能的分配,而且可以紧扣政治与经济原本存在的关系。

    It can not only replace D. Easton 's " Authoritative Distribution of Value ", and D. North 's " Distribution of Violence Potential ", but also keep in contact with the existing relationship between politics and economics .

  20. 不过,有目共睹的是,这个国家既不具有包容性,也没有效率:少数族裔图阿雷格人(tuareg)受到排斥;任人唯亲与腐败司空见惯。

    Admittedly , it was neither inclusive nor effective : the Tuareg minority was beyond the pale ; patronage and corruption were common .

  21. 该银行负责包容性事务的负责人玛乔丽·斯特罗恩(MarjorieStrachan)说,这一举措是为了回应银行员工和客户们的要求。

    The move was made , said Marjorie Strachan , the head of inclusion for the bank , to respond to requests made by bank employees and customers .

  22. 相对于其他消费理论分析框架而言,该模型具有明显包容性,并与Granger-Engle非经典时间序列方法成功实现了对接。

    This model is more compatible than other consumption theoretic analysis framework and matches the Granger-Engle non-classical time series approach .

  23. 美国和其同盟伙伴&欧洲和该地区的国家,都认为在巴格达建立一个包容性的,能够胜任的政府,是保证稳定和合法性、并在伊拉克消灭ISIS的关键。

    The US and its coalition partners – Europeans and regional states alike – see the creation of an inclusive and competent government in Baghdad as the key to stability , legitimacy and the erasure of Isis in Iraq .

  24. 制订JB/T8713&1998《机械式停车设备类别、型式与基本参数》的原则是按其主要运动方式,使其有较大的包容性且简单好记,而不是简单地引用现有机械设备名称。

    The principles for establishing the standard of JB / T 8713 & 1998 《 Mechanical Parking Systems Classification , models and basic parameters 》 include classification by major motion mode , good compatibility , easy to remember and right quotation of existing nomenclature .

  25. 埃森哲全球包容性与多元化部门主管内尔•波瑞罗(NellieBorrero)说:“坊间流传着这样一个笑话:你当然能休假,但当你回来工作的时候,你得为此付出代价。”

    The running joke is that you can take time off , but when you come back , you pay the price for it , ' said Nellie Borrero , Accenture 's managing director of global inclusion and diversity .

  26. 身为对“体育多样性和体育道德”研究的创始人理查德·雷普奇克说道:“我们总能做的更好,每个人都可以做到更好。NBA联盟在所有体育联盟中,总能比其他联盟在多样性和包容性方面,更够逐步走上正轨。”

    Richard Lapchick , founder of the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport . " We can always do better . Anybody can . But the NBA , among all of the leagues , is more in tune with moving in the right direction in terms of diversity and inclusion than all of the other leagues . "

  27. RCEP具有较强的包容性,符合亚洲产业结构、经济模式和社会传统实际,采取循序渐进方式,兼顾成员国不同发展水平,不排斥其他区域贸易安排。

    Being highly inclusive and based on Asia 's industrial structure , economic model and social tradition , the RCEP is a phased-in arrangement that accommodates member countries at different levels of development , and it does not exclude other regional trading arrangements .

  28. 基于一维投影的快速包容性检测算法

    An Accelerated Algorithm Based on One Dimensional Projection in Inside-Outside Test

  29. 诗歌选本是一种极具包容性的文学批评形式。

    Poetry anthology is an extremely inclusiveness form of literary criticism .

  30. 金融包容性对于中国仍是一项重大的发展挑战。

    Financial inclusion remains a major development challenge for the country .