
  • 网络arranged marriage;arrange marriage
包办婚姻 [bāo bàn hūn yīn]
  • [arranged (forced) marriage] 不经男女双方同意,强行为他们订下的婚姻

  1. 他们是先恋爱后结婚的,不是包办婚姻。

    Andthis is a love marriage , not an arranged marriage .

  2. 凯里-欧文和勒布朗-詹姆斯一直都是一场“包办婚姻”。

    Kyrie Irving and LeBron James were always an arranged marriage .

  3. 乔治逃脱了和他表亲的包办婚姻。

    George ducked out of his forced marriage to a cousin

  4. 她补充说,西方人对包办婚姻的概念有些误解。

    She added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west .

  5. 她坚持要求在做出决定之前,可以单独会见未来的丈夫马纳斯·潘特(ManasPant)。这种要求一度极为罕见,如今却已经变成半包办婚姻的惯例。

    She insisted on meeting her future husband , Manas Pant , alone before making a decision , a once-rare demand that is now routine in semi-arranged marriages .

  6. 新德里——几千年来,印度的父亲们一直替子女包办婚姻,千禧一代加里马·潘特(GarimaPant)本来也打算遵循这项最具印度特色的传统。据估算,她95%的同代人都是这样的。

    NEW DELHI - For thousands of years , fathers in India have arranged the marriages of their children , and Garima Pant - like an estimated 95 percent of her millennial peers - was intent on following this most Indian of traditions .

  7. 从包办婚姻中学到的东西

    Here 's how . What you can learn from arranged marriages

  8. 这是一例表面看来很成功的包办婚姻。

    This be an example of the apparent success of arranged marriage .

  9. 首先是少年儿童时期的包办婚姻。

    To begin with , it is an arranged marriage for teenagers .

  10. 但是我爸爸仍然要给我包办婚姻!

    But my dad still wanted me to have an arranged marriage !

  11. 全是些包办婚姻和利益交易

    It 's all arranged marriages and business transactions .

  12. 从长远看,包办婚姻之所以能够成功的秘诀又是什么呢?

    What 's the secret behind the long term success of arranged marriages ?

  13. 包办婚姻是我唯一的选择。

    An arranged marriage is my only choice .

  14. 现代的包办婚姻中也有很多年龄差距很大的夫妇。

    Even modern arranged marriages can have a large age difference within the couple .

  15. 这是在古老的包办婚姻习俗方面一个比较时新的转变。

    This is a relatively modern change in the age-old custom of the arranged marriage .

  16. 包办婚姻的幸福意味着夫妻二人可以努力去创造奇迹。

    The happiness of arranged marriages means a couple can make magic if they try .

  17. 包办婚姻早在1950年就已被禁止。

    Arranged marriages were banned in 1950 .

  18. 你同意了这个包办婚姻。

    You agreed to an arranged marriage .

  19. 没包办婚姻寂寞

    No lonelier than an arranged marriage .

  20. 长久以来,中国见证了多少包办婚姻引起的悲剧。

    In its long history , China has witnessed many tragic events arising from arranged marriage .

  21. 在包办婚姻普遍的文化中,关系都是来自这种空洞的爱。

    In cultures in which arranged marriages are common , relationships often begin as empty love .

  22. 在这些问题里,包括了包办婚姻、性侵犯、贫困和教育的缺乏。

    Among the issues are forced marriage , sexual abuse , poverty and a lack of education .

  23. 但是随着时间的沉淀,大概5年后,包办婚姻的爱情甚至超过了“两情相悦”中的爱情。

    And then it increases gradually , surpasses the love in the love marriages at about five years .

  24. 他曾一直设法解救一个因包办婚姻要嫁给年老亲戚的年轻女子。

    He had been trying to rescue a young woman from an arranged marriage to an elderly relative .

  25. 研究人员对比了50对包办婚姻的夫妻和50对自由恋爱的夫妻,那么他们有什么发现呢?

    What do researchers find when they compare at 50 arranged marriages and 50 " love " marriages ?

  26. 此时,在中国,结婚仍旧普遍;在印度,包办婚姻也同样普遍。

    At the moment , marriage is still the norm in China and arranged marriage the norm in India .

  27. 由于封建的包办婚姻已经瓦解,传统婚姻的习俗非常复杂,传统婚姻已经不受欢迎。

    Traditional marriage customs lost their popularity due to the collapse of the feudal arranged marriage and its complexity .

  28. 蓄婢、纳妾和包办婚姻的习俗也是与地主制度分不开的。

    The institutions of slave girls , concubinage and forced marriage were also irrevocably tied to the landlord system .

  29. 早期基于人道主义和自我牺牲精神的矛盾之论,引发于自我包办婚姻的感同身受;

    At earlier time , Mao Dun mainly expressed his feeling about arranged marriage with his humanism and self-sacrifice spirit .

  30. 不管怎样,你是包办婚姻传统的一部分,你必须试着喜欢上某个人。

    In all cases , you are a part of a tradition where you have to try to like someone .