
  • 网络removal of obstacles
  1. 让与人接到通知后,应当协助受让人排除妨碍。

    After receiving notification , the assignor shall assist the assignee in removing any obstacles .

  2. 他主要是致力于为他周围的人们排除妨碍他们进行自由而拘谨的活动时索面临的障碍;

    He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him ;

  3. 给相邻方造成妨碍或者损失的,应当停止侵害,排除妨碍,赔偿损失。

    Anyone who causes obstruction or damage to his neighbour , shall stop the infringement , eliminate the obstruction and compensate for the damage .

  4. 就盗窃罪而言,其意志态度就是积极追求危害结果的发生,意志努力就是想方设法、排除妨碍以达到犯罪目的。

    In terms of the larceny , will attitude is to pursues the harm result of the occurrence actively , the will struggle is to remove prejudice to achieve the criminal purpose .

  5. 他主要是致力于为他周围的人们排除妨碍他们进行自由而拘谨的活动时面临的障碍;他附和他们的行动,而不是自己采取主动。

    He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him ; and he concurs with their movements rather than takes the initiative himself .

  6. 本文的重点在于讨论环境侵权民事责任实现方式的特殊性及其具体形式,提出环境民事责任的实现应当是损害赔偿为主、排除妨碍作补充的具体形式。

    This article emphasizes the particularity of the forms of environmental civil liability and gives an opinion that compensation should be the main form of environmental civil liability and removal should be a complementary form .

  7. 尽可能排除任何可能妨碍你养成好习惯的障碍。

    Eliminate as many barriers to your good habits as possible .

  8. 由于行政垄断产生的效果与经济垄断相同,都是排除、限制或妨碍合法竞争,因此,通常将其视为一种违反了反垄断法的违法行为。

    Because the same results produced by both the administrative monopoly and economic monopoly : rejecting , restricting or blocking legal competition , the administrative monopoly is generally considered as a kind of illegal behavior against the Antitrust Law .

  9. 民事证据排除规则是民事证据规则的一个重要方面,其实质是排除妨碍司法裁判人员做出公正裁判的证据材料。

    The civil evidence exclusionary rules is one of the important aspect of civil evidence rules , its nature is to exclude the evidence that interrupt the judges to make fair judicial findings and judgments .