
shí dé yí shī wù
  • lost and found objects
  1. 草案中关于拾得遗失物问题的规定,也还存在不少问题,值得再予改进。

    Moreover , there are a few problems and much space to perfect on the question of lost and found objects in the proposal .

  2. 浅论拾得遗失物的相关法律问题

    On the Relevant Legal Issues of the Lost Property

  3. 拾得遗失物与盗窃罪界限研究

    Research on the Demarcation Line between Picking up the Lost Articles and Larceny

  4. 拾得遗失物制度研究

    Study on the System of Picking up Lost Property

  5. 我国历来重视对拾得遗失物引起的社会关系的规范。

    China has always attached importance to regulate the social relations from missing thing .

  6. 《物权法》关于拾得遗失物制度的缺陷与完善

    The Deficit and Perfect of Picking up Loss System about the Law of Property

  7. 拾得遗失物是生活中时常发生的事情,由此引起的民事纠纷也时有发生。

    People occasionally lose personal property in life . Therefore , the civil disputes caused by lost property often happen .

  8. 因此,不少国家和地区的立法对拾得遗失物制度都予以相当关注。

    Therefore , not only the legislation of many countries and regions pay considerable concern to the Lost Property system , but also our country .

  9. 拾得遗失物、漂流物或者失散的饲养动物,应当归还失主,因此而支出的费用由失主偿还。

    Lost-and-found objects , flotsam and stray animals shall be returned to their rightful owners , and any costs thus incurred shall be reimbursed by the owners .

  10. 在现实生活中,由于人们一时不慎而丢失物品,其他人拾得遗失物的现象是屡见不鲜,而因拾得遗失物的归还问题引发的纠纷也很常见。

    In our daily life , losing things and picking up lost property are matters of common occurrence . The dispute for returning the lost property is also common .

  11. 为此,各国都在其民法典中制定了相应的条文来规范拾得遗失物的行为,日本还专门出台了《遗失物法》。

    So there are lots of provisions to regulate the acts of picking up lost property in many countries ' civil codes . In Japan , there is a special law , Lost Property Law .

  12. 然后,文章从道德、权利义务对等、经济学等角度加以分析,阐述了我国确立拾得遗失物报酬请求权的可行性和必要性。

    Then , this paper analyze on the aspects of morals , rights , economics and so on , expounds the feasibility and necessity of establishing reward request right of picking up the lost article .

  13. 依约定效力优于法定效力和特别条款优于一般条款原则准确处理遗失物悬赏广告与拾得遗失物条款的竞合。

    4th , decides the potency to surpass the legal potency and the special clause as agreed surpasses general provision principle accurate processing to lose the lost object advertisement offering a reward with to ascend to lose the lost object provision to compete gathers .

  14. 在罪与非罪方面,主要对使用盗窃、盗窃自家或近亲属财物、拾得遗失物、非法取得死人财物等问题进行了探讨。

    In the aspect of crime crimeless , the dissertation mains to discuss the issue of using theft , stealth of possessions of one 's own family or those of his / her near relatives , appropriation of lost property and illegal taking of possessions of the dead .