
ɡònɡ yǒu cái chǎn
  • community property;joint estate;joint tenancy;jointly owned property
  1. 对抢劫特殊对象行为,主要分析抢劫共同共有财产、赃物、犯罪证据、通过抢劫实现债权等行为罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪的区分。

    To acts that rob the special objects , should analysis mainly the boundary of offense with not offense and this offense with that offense of acts as to rob the common community property , booty , crime proof , to realize legal right passing robbery etc.

  2. 离婚案件中三类特殊共有财产分割探析

    Analysis About Partition Of The Three Kinds Of Special Joint Estate In Divorce Cases

  3. 遗产在家庭共有财产之中的,遗产分割时,应当先分出他人的财产。

    If the decedent 's estate is a component part of the common property of his family , that portion of the property belonging to the other members of the family shall first be separated at the time of the partitioning of the decedent 's estate .

  4. 共有财产资源产权结构的特点与利用行为

    Characters of the property right structure of common property resources and use behavior

  5. 婚姻期间夫妻共有财产制度

    Community of property regime during marriage

  6. 关于联合共有财产的分割,法律规则与普通共有财产分割的规则是一致的。

    The rules of partition of tenancy in common are applicable to the partition of joint tenancy .

  7. 婚姻采取的是夫妻共有财产制,所以婚书很简单。

    As the marriage was taking place under the regime of community of property , the papers had been simple .

  8. 随着法律观念的不断增强和人们权利意识的觉醒,因夫妻一方擅自处分共有财产而引起的法律纠纷越来越多。

    Being aware of the right sense of the people , there are more and more dissension caused by this issue .

  9. 共同拥有指的是你和另外一方共同拥有该共有财产的全部。

    If you own property as a joint tenant with another person you jointly own the whole of the jointly owned property .

  10. 城市滨水空间是城市经营的重要空间资源,同时也是城市居民的共有财产。

    The urban waterfront is an important space resource for urban management and meanwhile it is the common wealth of urban residents .

  11. 共有财产的全部占有共有房产的预售,必须有共有人的书面协议。

    Tenancy by the entirety The sale in advance of jointly owned building property must be by a written agreement of the joint owners .

  12. 外空是人类的共有财产,维护外空安全,确保和平利用外空,符合各国的共同利益。

    Outer space is the common asset of the entire mankind and to maintain security in outer space and ensure its peaceful use serves the common interests of all countries .

  13. 经分析认为,应增加公益财产类别,公益财产与共同共有财产是社团财产的本质属性。

    Analysts believe that the category of " public service property " should be increased , public service property and jointly owned property is the essential attribute of the sports association property .

  14. 我们来自不同的国家,但是我们我们是同一个世界的国民,所以不同国家的非凡的文化是地球上每个人的共有财产。

    We are indeed from different nations , but we are the citizens of the same world , so the outstanding culture of different nations is the commom wealth of everyone on the earth .

  15. 可以根据对共有财产的实物形态以及价值形态的不同利用,将按份共有人的处分行为划分按份共有人对共有物的处分和按份共有人对应有份的处分。

    Based on the different use of physical form and value form of the mutual property , the disposition of co-owners by shares can be divided into their disposition of mutual property and due shares .

  16. 对确定离婚精神损害赔偿数额应考虑的因素逐一阐述,并指出在审判过程中,要认清离婚损害赔偿与分割夫妻共有财产的区别,不能以多分共有财产代替损害赔偿。

    The thesis discusses the methods to ascertain the material injury and mental injury , expounds all the factors of determining the compensation amount and clarifies the difference between the divorce damage compensation and the communal estate .

  17. 协议书说,联合报税的财产不会被视为共有财产,扎伦巴的名字将被加进杰克逊纽约公寓的租约当中。

    Assets filed on a joint tax return wouldn 't be considered joint assets , the agreement states , and Mr. Zaremba 's name would be added to the lease on Ms. Jackson-Zaremba 's New York apartment .

  18. 信托的运用领域十分广泛。从家庭理财到社会共有财产的管理,从各种私人养老基金到共同基金和慈善基金会,从财产管理到金融投资等,都要利用信托原理和信托制度。

    The Trust principles and institutions can be used in many fields , such as from the management of family assets to public assets , from various private pensions to mutual and charitable foundations , from the management of property to financial investment .

  19. 这样,这一理性的法则使得谁杀死印第安人的野鹿,它就是谁的食物,他在这只鹿上花费了劳动,虽然之前它是每个人的共有财产。

    Thus this law of reason makes the deer that Indian 's who hath killed it ; it is allowed to be his goods , who hath bestowed his labour upon it , though before it was the common right of every one .

  20. 笔者认为股东在行使股权自由转让的权利时,不仅要符合公司法的规定,也要符合物权法、婚姻法的规定,否则极易影响到夫妻共有财产的增减。

    The writer thinks that his action will be according to the provisions of the property law and the marriage law as well as the company law . Otherwise , it will influence the increase and decrease the joint property of husband and wife easily .

  21. 分家制度是一种以家庭共有财产为基础并规定财产如何分配的习惯规则,在中国流传了两千多年至今仍普遍适用于广大乡土社会,并扎根于中国的传统文化体系中。

    Separation system is regular which is based on the family property , and stipulates how to distribute the property . It has been spreaded for two thousand years . Today , it still be used in rural society , and root in the traditional culture system .

  22. 2001年婚姻法把法定财产制分为共有财产制和特有财产制,弥补了以往仅有共同财产而无个人财产的不足,反映了社会发展的要求。

    Marriage Law amended in 2001 divides the legal property provision into two parts : joint possession and personal possession . Compared with the former one which only has joint possession and no separate possession , it has been greatly improved and reflected the demands of the social 's development .

  23. 前条第二项及第三项规定,于共有著作财产权准用之。

    The second and third paragraphs of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to joint ownership of economic rights .

  24. 供应商应根据具体情况将该工具标记为我们的财产或我们拥有共有权的财产。

    The supplier shall label the tools as our property or property held in co-ownership , as applicable .

  25. 但是,在现代市场经济社会,为维护交易安全和第三人的利益,在共有人处理共同共有财产常常适用善意取得制度。

    In the modern society of market economy , however , we often hold the good faith regulations under the disposition of common estates in order to secure the exchanges and protect the interests of the third person .

  26. 分割共有物之诉,分割共同财产之诉共同共有人对共有财产享有权利,承担义务。

    Each of the common owners shall enjoy the rights and assume the obligations respecting the joint property .

  27. 终止(termination)如果共有人只剩下了一个,生存者取得了共有财产的全部所有权,联合共有终止。

    Upon the death of all but one joint tenant , the survivor takes the whole estate and the joint tenancy is terminated .

  28. 按份共有人的处分行为是指按份共有人对其共有财产的价值以及实物,变更所有权或者限定所有权的行为。

    The disposition of co-owners by shares is the act that co-owners change or limit the ownership of their mutual property value and entity .