
ɡònɡ tónɡ hánɡ wéi
  • joint act;joint conduct
  1. 公司设立的法律性质是民事法律行为中的共同行为。

    The legal nature of incorporation is one joint act of the civil legal acts ;

  2. 共同侵权行为产生连带责任,其基础在于共同过错和共同行为的结合。

    Joint act of tort incurs joint and several liability based on the combination of joint offence and joint act .

  3. 三种价值观的共同行为指向,都是知识共享。参考文献15。

    All the three views of values have a common behavior guidance , i.e.knowledge sharing.15 refs .

  4. 从而认可了人类在某一领域共同行为规范的合理性,同时论证了多元民族文化存在和发展的合理性。

    In the meantime , it proves the reasonableness of plural national cultures ' existence and development .

  5. 这一意志可以由国家参加体现几个国家意志的共同行为来实现。

    This will may be exercised by participation in a collective act of will by several states .

  6. 该事件不是由原告一方的主动行为或共同行为引起的;

    It must not have been due to any voluntary action or contribution on the part of the plaintiff ;

  7. 也许这个说法本来的意思是,死亡并不是,可以通过共同行为完成的事情。

    Perhaps the claim then is that dying is not something that can be done in that way as a joint undertaking .

  8. 从哲学角度来说,片面共犯场合,各单方面的认识也存在着共同行为人主观上的关系。

    From philosophy angle , although under the circumstance of unilateral accomplice , to some degree the actors have some relationship on subject .

  9. 这种共同行为,就像是用弦乐四重奏演奏室内乐。

    These joint undertakings are like , well , you might think of them analogous to playing chamber music with a string quartet .

  10. 公益诉讼本质上是公民共同行为的有机组成部分,其理论基础是公民共和主义而非自由主义。

    The essence of public interest litigation is one kind of civil common deed , and its theoretical basis is civil republicanism other than liberalism .

  11. 企业文化作为一种管理手段,是领导行为和员工思想行为的综合体,是企业所有员工长期共同行为的结果。

    Corporate culture as a management tool , is a synthesis of leadership behavior and employee thinking and behavior is the result of company employees long-term common behavior .

  12. 认为区域分工是区域经济秩序形成的根本要素,区域经济秩序是各个现实区域经济发展所要遵循的共同行为模式。

    This paper thinks regional division of labor is basic factor which forms regional economic order , regional economic order is a common model of behavior which all real region follow to develop economy .

  13. 事实上,这些组织之间确实存在某些共同行为,如它们都因领导、管理而产生具有约束力的行为以及这些行为存在一些共同的理论基础。

    In fact , these organizations do exist some common acts , such as they are for leadership , management and produce a binding acts and these acts , there are some common theoretical foundation .

  14. 国际技术转移是技术输出方和输入方的共同行为,由于行为双方的目标差异,所以在技术转移中可能存在直接或间接利益冲突,从而影响技术转移行为的实现。

    International technology transfer is a common behavior of technology exporter and importer . Because of the difference in target for both parties , there can be some direct or indirect benefit conflict which has its effect on technology transfer .

  15. 多因素Logistic回归分析发现:维吾尔族、汉族妇女患宫颈癌既有共同的行为危险因素包括初婚年龄、被动吸烟、怀孕次数;又有各自不同的危险因素。

    And through multiple factor Logistic regression analysis , Uigur and Han patients with cervical cancer had common risk factors such as the first marriage age , second-hand smoking and the number of pregnancy .

  16. 传统民法规定共同危险行为人承担连带责任。

    Traditional civil law provides joint and several liability for actors .

  17. 共同危险行为的归责基础不应单一化。

    The liability fixation of joint dangerous act should be plural .

  18. 第二章讨论了共同危险行为的构成要件。

    Chapter 2 discusses the components of the concurrent dangerous act .

  19. 浅论环境共同侵权行为的构成要件及实现机制

    On the factors and realization system of the environmental infringement action

  20. 共同危险行为人在主观方面是法律推定的各自过错;

    Its subjective essential condition is respective fault of legal presumption .

  21. 共同危险行为在因果关系上是必然性和法律推定相结合。

    Its causality is a combination of certainty and legal presumption .

  22. 第三部分,对共同危险行为的归责原则与责任分配进行研究。

    The third chapter has expounded liability principle of joint danger act .

  23. 第一节阐述共同危险行为的责任后果。

    Section I describes liability consequences of joint dangerous act .

  24. 共同海损行为直接后果所造成的损失

    Loss or Damage in Direct Consequence of General Average Act

  25. 浅析共同侵权行为认定中的几个特殊问题

    Analysis of Some Special Problems About Identification of Joint Tort

  26. 《侵权责任法》第10条规定的是共同危险行为。

    Art.10 of Tort Law of PRC stipulates the joint dangerous act .

  27. 在此部分,首先概述共同危险行为的归责基础,归责是指依据某种事实状态确定责任的归属,归责的内容包括归责基础和归责原则。

    It includes the basis of liability imputation and principles .

  28. 因此,研究共同侵权行为就显得十分必要。

    So it is very necessary to research joint torts .

  29. 共同侵权行为人对受害人的连带赔偿责任

    The Joint Indemnity of the Co-Tortfeasors to the Aggrieved Parties

  30. 第二节对共同危险行为责任免除作了分析。

    Section II analyzes liability relief of joint dangerous act .