- 名see also 担保合同

The intervention from the government recessive contract of guarantee intensified the stock market 's abnormal policy fluctuation .
This ancient and innovative system is absolutely prohibited by our Real Law which still followed the old system .
In the process of drafting the Real Law , there had been an intense argument that the fluidity contract should be valid or invalid .
It can judge the risky type of SME exactly through SME with different risk selecting guarantee contract in order to make the guarantee contract more scientific and reasonable .
The essential outlet for the government to gradually relieve the implicit guarantee contract and get rid of the awkward role is to respond and satisfy the innovation demand in market .
Through system innovation , the government recessive contract of guarantee withdraws from the stock market and that the market rule guides the stock market 's running trend is the possible choice of preventing its big rises and falls .
Overcoming the disadvantages and exerting the benefits of fluidity contract , the fluidity contract will not only make our Real Law more inclusive and sophisticated , but also make the financing channels for the construction of our market economy more convenient , broad .
Deposit in lieu of bond collateral agreement