
  • 网络mandatory rule;CODE
  1. 第一章为强制性规则概述。

    Chapter 1 deals with the summary of mandatory rules of law .

  2. 在此基础上具体分析了强制性规则和公共政策的关系。

    On this basis , the relationship between mandatory rules and public policy has also been speculated .

  3. 而在中国,同样的强制性规则,造成的影响将要大得多。

    In China , however , such a mandatory rule would have a much stronger effect .

  4. 许多在性质上属于契约的法律关系受到了强制性规则的冲击。

    More and more legal relationships that are contractual in nature have been impinged by those rules .

  5. 循环顺次强制性规则

    Cyclically ordered obligatory rule

  6. 不过,任何此类协议都必须遵守管辖合同的国内法的强制性规则。

    Any such agreement would however be subject to the mandatory rules of the domestic law governing the contract .

  7. 这些规则包括冲突法规则,国际统一实体法,强制性规则(大多是国际社会或欧盟的)。

    The rules of law include rules of the conflict of law , uniform substantive law rules and compulsory rules .

  8. 其重要性就在于,若要从那些有诸多其他选择的司法管辖区借鉴强制性规则,中国人须三思而后行。

    It means that Chinese should be especially careful about borrowing mandatory rules from jurisdictions where extensive choice in fact exists .

  9. 首先,友好仲裁的法律适用不能违背相关国家的强制性规则和公共政策。

    First , the application of ex aequo et bono cannot violate the mandatory rules and public policies of relevant countries .

  10. 法律通过两种形式规制不完备契约:第一,法律提供备用性规则;第二,法律提供强制性规则。

    The law regulates incomplete contract in two ways : First , it provides defaults rules ; Second , it provides mandatory rules .

  11. 其中,法律提供强制性规则是立法对契约的管制。管制契约类似于管制市场,因为在两种情况下政府都改变了私人交易。

    The mandatory rule constitutes mandatory regulation of contract which is analogous to regulating the market since under both circumstances the government changes private transaction .

  12. 但是,这里的法律,并不单指国家法律,而应当从广义上理解,是指包括社会法则在内的一切强制性规则。

    However , here the law is not just referred to national laws , in a broad sense , it is defined all the mandatory rules , including social laws .

  13. 美国应竭力推动一个以多元货币为基础、更为强大的新全球货币体系的创设,为货币管理制定中美两国都认可的强制性规则。

    It should press for a new , strengthened global monetary system based on multiple currencies , with enforceable rules for currency management to which both it and China would subscribe .

  14. 并且,本文将提出一个新的规范类型:相对强制性规则,并讨论此新方法对冲突法产生的一些重要影响。

    Furthermore , this article will propose a new normative category , " relatively mandatory rules " and discuss some important implications that the new approach may have for conflict of laws generally .

  15. 这些规则的来源及对财务披露管理的影响方式各异,其中强制性规则对我国企业财务披露管理活动的影响最为显著。

    The source of these rules and the effect to financial publish management are variedly , and the effect on our country 's Financial publish management of mandatory rule is the most remarkable .

  16. 当事人可以自由缔结合同并决定其内容,但要符合诚实信用和公平交易,以及由本原则确立的强制性规则。

    Parties are free to enter into a contract and to determine its contents , subject to the requirements of good faith and fair dealing , and the mandatory rules established by these Principles .

  17. 但是不能走得太远,以至于认为适用强制性规则构成一项义务,除非涉及到对跨国的或真正的国际公共政策的维护。

    But such considerations cannot go too far to view the application of mandatory rules of law as a duty imposed on arbitrators , except for the purpose of the protection of truly or transnational public policy .

  18. 对跨国收养的国际司法协助机制问题,包括跨国收养的承认制度、强制性规则实施问题和国籍问题,以及我国加入海牙跨国收养公约的重要意义进行了阐述。

    Discusses the international mutual legal assistance mechanisms including inter-country adoption recognition system , the implementation of mandatory rules and nationality issues , as well as the significance that China joined to Hague Adoption Convention on Inter-country Adoption .

  19. 然而,当国内的、超国家的和国际的强制法依据相关的国际私法规则可得适用时,效力应该赋予这些强制性规则,而不考虑约束该合同的法律。

    Effect should nevertheless be given to those mandatory rules of national , supranational and international law which , according to the relevant rules of private international law , are applicable irrespective of the law governing the contract .

  20. 其次,从一些国家司法实践的发展演变、法定权利请求、公共政策及法理等角度分析了有关强制性规则的争议的可仲裁性问题。

    Then the dissertation continues to supply an analysis on the issue of arbitrability of disputes involving mandatory rules of law from certain perspectives , such as national judicial practices , statutory claims , public policy and philosophy of law .

  21. 该部分界定了所本文讨论的国际私法意义上的强制性规则的定义,即法律的一项强制性规定,该规定必须适用于某一跨国法律关系,而不考虑支配该关系的法律为何。

    The foremost issue in this dissertation is about the definition of mandatory rules of law , which refers to an imperative provision of law which must be applied to an international relationship irrespective of the law that governs that relationship .

  22. 上市公司内部控制信息强制性披露规则及其执行效果研究

    Research on the Mandatory Disclosure Rules of Internal Control Information and Its Effect of Implementation of Listed Companies

  23. 这个强制性的规则将在本周生效,这是最直接和最深入的方式让观众更接近比赛。

    The mandatory rules go into effect this week . it 's the most aggressive and intrusive attempt yet to take television viewers closer to the game .

  24. 行业成本会计规则的制定目标与企业一般成本会计准则的制定目标基本相同,只是比企业一般成本会计准则更具强制性和规则性。

    Cost accounting rules of the industry and the general cost accounting standards have the same goals , but cost accounting rules of the industry are mandatory and regularity .

  25. 天下之事,不难于立法,而难于法之必行,内部控制信息强制性披露规则因国内外一系列财务丑闻的曝光而倍受关注。

    It is not difficult in legislation , but in implementation for things all over the world . Internal control disclosure is drawing more and more attention in recent years with the series of financial scandals at home and abroad came to light .

  26. 不过报告也表明有一些对关心全球变暖问题的企业,他们需要一些强制性的规则措施,而不是一些光靠自愿和个人承诺来实现的琐碎工作。

    But they have said within that report that the businesses that are concerned and that are eager to take action wants some kind of mandatory , across the board regulation , rather than a bit of the patch work that 's been exhibited through more voluntary and individual commitment .

  27. 强制性信息披露规则产生动因的法经济学分析&兼论强制性信息披露的限度

    Law-Economics Analysis of the Causes of compulsory information disclosed

  28. 本文提出以下思路:第一,修改强制性要约收购规则,最重要的是调整流通股要约价格;

    First , we should modify the rules on mandatory tender offer , especially to adjust the offer price for circulating shares .

  29. 自愿性信息披露是指在强制性披露的规则要求之外,公司管理层自主提供的关于公司财务和公司发展的其他方面相关信息。

    Voluntary disclosure can be defined as disclosure in excess of requirements , representing free choices on the part of company managements to provide accounting and other information deemed relevant to the decision needs of users of their annual reports .

  30. 根据安全管理规则的要求,安全管理体系应当保证符合国际公约、议定书和规则以及本国的法律、法令等强制性规定及规则,特别是海事组织制订的公约。

    In accordance with the requirements of the ISM Code , the SMS should ensure the complaince with mandatory rules and regulations of international Conventions , Protocals and Codes as well as national laws , decrees , particularly those conventions developed by international Maritime Organization .