
qiǎng pò zhèng
  • obsession;obsessive-compulsive disorder
强迫症[qiǎng pò zhèng]
  1. 强迫症患者P(300)及其在颅顶空间分布的初步研究

    Preliminary study of the distribution characteristics of P_ ( 300 ) in patients with obsession

  2. 原始强迫症(PrimitiveObsession,缺少正确层次的抽象)会导致大多数问题,包括代码重复和条件复杂度。

    My take was that its Primitive Obsession ( lack of right level abstractions ) that causes majority of the problems including duplication and conditional complexity .

  3. 我不是个强迫症患者,完全不是。

    I am not an obsessive . Not at all .

  4. 有强迫症的人通常过多地思考死亡的问题。

    Obsessional personalities commonly ruminate excessively about death .

  5. HeadphoneOCD(耳机强迫症)指用耳机时总想着要把L一边放到左耳里,R一边放到右耳里。

    Headphone OCD is a condition where you want the two earphones on a headset on the correct ears , that is , the left side is on left ear and right side is on right ear .

  6. OCD是“强迫症”的简称,这其实是一种心理障碍,患有此症的人喜欢反复检查一些事情,反复做一些常规的举动,或者反复出现某些想法。

    The OCD refers to obsessive – compulsive disorder , which is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly , perform certain routines repeatedly , or have certain thoughts repeatedly .

  7. 霍华德?休斯(HowardHughes)似乎为如今强迫症名人们的怪癖和遁世树立了标杆

    Howard Hughes seems to have set the standard for today 's hypochondriac tics and reclusion .

  8. 霍华德·休斯似乎为如今强迫症名人们的怪癖和遁世树立了标杆

    Howard Hughes seems to have set the standard for today 's hypochondriac celebrities ' tics and reclusion .

  9. 常见的强迫症行为包括:洗手,数东西,检查门是否锁好。

    Common activities include hand washing , counting of things , and checking to see if a door is locked .

  10. 吉米有“高亮强迫症”,他阅读的时候总要不停地点击电脑屏幕!

    Example : Jimmy is a compulsive highlighter ; he constantly clicks at his computer screen even while he 's just reading !

  11. “吃得更健康”,这一愿望可能会发展成强迫症。越来越多的人们患上“完美食欲症”,尤以30多岁的女性居多。

    The desire to eat more healthily can veer , with rising numbers of people - mainly women in their 30s - suffering from orthorexia nervosa .

  12. “高亮强迫症”指的是一个人在阅读电脑屏幕上的文字时忍不住要选中自己正阅读的文字,让它呈高亮显示,然后在阅读过程中不断地选中、取消选中和重新选中。

    Compulsive highlighter refers to a person who , when reading text on a computer screen , cannot help but constantly select , deselect , and reselect the text .

  13. 有的“高亮强迫症”在阅读过程中会不断地点击选中任意文字,使其呈高亮显示,有的“高亮强迫症”会把某些文字标为突出显示,将其当作书签便于回溯。

    This highlighting ranges from constantly clicking the text at random1 , highlighting the words as they are read , or highlighting the words as a bookmark to stay on track .

  14. 强迫症认知功能障碍与P物质的相关分析

    Association analysis between cognitive dysfunction and substance P concentration in obsessive-compulsive disorder

  15. 强迫症患者血浆P物质浓度的研究

    Study of P substance concentration in obsessive-compulsive disorder

  16. 抑郁症、焦虑症、强迫症患者睡眠脑电图及P(300)的比较

    The comparison study of polysomnography and P_ ( 300 ) in patients with depression , anxiety disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder

  17. ~(18)F-FDGPET显像观察强迫症患者内囊前肢毁损术后脑内环路的改变

    ~ ( 18 ) F-FDG PET study after bilateral capsulotomy in obsessive-compulsive disorder

  18. 结论强迫症的认知领悟疗法辅以SSRⅠ类药物治疗,疗效好,更适合强迫症的治疗,值得提倡。

    Conclusions Cognitive therapy with drugs has better effect in treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder .

  19. 97例强迫症患者SCL-90和EPQ评定结果分析

    SCL-90 and EPQ Analysis of 97 Cases of Obsessive-compulsive Neurosis Patient

  20. 比较不同临床类型强迫症之间CSF和血浆单胺类神经递质的含量,探讨不同的强迫症状与单胺类神经递质的关系。

    To compare CSF and plasma levels of monoamine neurotransmitters among different clinical types of OCD .

  21. 目的分析并探讨感觉性脑诱发电位在强迫症(OD)患者中的特征和应用价值。

    Objective To investigate sensory evoked potentials character and application value in obsessive-compulsive patients .

  22. 强迫症、精神分裂症患者事件相关电位P300对比分析

    The comparison of obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia in event-related potentials of P300

  23. 强迫症(obsessive-compulsivedisorder,OCD),是一种以强迫思维和强迫行为主要特征的一类神经性障碍疾病,其主要特点为有意识的自我强迫和反强迫并存。

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder ( OCD ) is a mental disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions .

  24. 强迫症患者局部脑血流变化的SPM和ROI分析

    Study of regional cerebral blood flow in obsessive compulsive disorder patients with SPM and ROI method

  25. SPM在强迫症患者脑~(18)F-FDGPET研究中的应用

    Application of SPM in Obsessive - compulsive Disorder with ~ ( 18 ) F - FDG PET Study

  26. 如果你是个有强迫症的设计师,你可能会注意到谷歌logo在上周末做的细微调整。

    If you 're an obsessive designer , you might have seen a subtle tweak to Google 's logo made over the weekend .

  27. 多巴胺D4受体基因与强迫症的关联

    Association between Dopamine Receptor D4 Gene Polymorphism and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  28. 发起这个计划的动机,是出于对由ipad和智能手机的游戏引发强迫症现象的忧虑和担心。

    Motivation for creating the treatment programme came from a concern over the compulsive qualities of games available on iPads and smartphones .

  29. 目的:探讨强迫症(OCD)患者睡眠特征。

    Objective : To explore the sleeping characteristics in obsessive-compulsive disorders ( OCD ) .

  30. 这样的囤积行为被认为是强迫症(ocd)的一种。

    Such hoarding was thought to be a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder , OCD .