
  • 网络Strong effectiveness;Strong Form Efficiency
  1. 具有Fuzzy约束的非光滑多目标规划的Fuzzy强有效解的最优性条件

    Optimal conditions for fuzzy strong efficient solutions in Nonsmooth Multiobjective Programming with fuzzy constraints

  2. 除节欲以外,正确一贯的使用橡胶安全套,也能强有效的防止HIV感染。

    Barring abstinence , use of a latex condom , consistently and correctly , is highly effective against HIV infection .

  3. 聚合酶链反应作为一种强有效的DNA体外扩增技术,已被广泛地应用于一些遗传性疾病的临床基因诊断。

    Polymerase Chain Reaction ( PCR ) as an efficient DNA amplification technique in vitro hasbeen widely al (?) lied to clinical gene diagnosis of some hereditary diseases .

  4. 血管内皮生长因子(VascularEndothelialGrowthFactor,VEGF)是一种血管内皮细胞特异性有丝分裂原,不仅可以促进血管内皮细胞增生,还可以强有效地增加毛细血管的通透性。

    Vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) is a kind of a specific mitogen of vascular endothelial cell ; it also can increase the permeability of blood capillary .

  5. 文章对数据包络分析(DEA)的强有效性问题提出了一种新的研究方法。

    This paper pursues " super-efficiency " issue in DEA ( data envelopment analysis ) and proposes a new approach .

  6. 许多研究显示IL-1做为一个强有效的细胞因子,在心脏、齿龈、肾纤维化中发挥重要作用。

    Some researches indicated that IL-1 is accepted as a potent cytokine for fibrosis of other organs such as heart , gingival tissue , and kidney .

  7. 褪黑素(MLT)是松果体分泌的一种吲哚类激素,是人体内强有效的自由基清除剂及抗氧化剂。

    Melatonin ( MLT ) is a hormone of benzopyrrole secreted from epiphyseal gland . MLT is an active free radical scavenger and antioxidant .

  8. 下体负压(LBNP)作为心血管系统强有效的应激因素,类似于重力的刺激,一直为航空航天医学领域所关注。

    Effects of LBNP is similar to that produced by gravitational force , especially as a stress factor on the cardiovascular system as has been concerned in the area of aerospace medicine .

  9. 关于线性多目标数学规划强有效解的讨论

    Discussions of strong efficient solution on linear multiple objective mathematical programming

  10. 他意识到必须采取强有效的措施了。

    He realized that something drastic would have to be done .

  11. 用广义梯度刻画集值优化的强有效解调强放射治疗中强度分布优化方法的研究

    The Characterization of Strong-Efficient Solution of Set-Valued Vector Optimization with Generalized Gradient

  12. 没有强有效的治疗,细小的受害者会死于脱水。

    Without intense treatment , the victims of parvo die of dehydration .

  13. 多目标规划强有效解的充分性条件

    Sufficient conditions of strong efficient solution for multi-objective programming

  14. 究其原因,在于我国缺乏强有效的证人保护机制。

    The reasons lie in the lack of effective mechanism of protecting witness .

  15. 因此,信息是否泄露对于市场的半强有效性具有重要影响。

    So the information leakage plays a crucial role in the semi-strong efficiency .

  16. “六合一”闭关班正式开始注册非常小班制,强有效,改变人生!

    Very limited size , Very Powerful , Start to Change Your Life Now !

  17. 集值优化问题的ε-严有效性和ε-强有效性

    ε - Strict Effeciency and ε - Strong Efficiency in Vector Optimization with Set-Valued Maps

  18. 利用大蒜强有效的抗菌特性并将这种草药用于耳药水。

    Take advantage of garlic 's potent antibacterial properties and use this herb in eardrops .

  19. 我国的证券市场未达到半强有效;

    The research shows : ① The " book-to-market effect " exists on Shanghai Stock Market ;

  20. 由于信息不对称,以及现实资本市场并非强有效,还需要对投资者关系进行管理,主要措施包括尽量选择投资理念一致的投资者、与投资者进行有效的沟通、合理引导投资者预期等。

    Because of information asymmetry and the weak-form efficiency , the relation of investors requires efficacious manage .

  21. 实证模型的回归也否定了我国上市公司高管持股激励的强有效性。

    Empirical model also rejected the return of senior executives of listed companies holding a strong incentive effectiveness .

  22. 富含强有效的抗老化维生素,抗氧化剂,以及滋养的玫瑰果油。

    Concentrated with potent anti-aging vitamins , antioxidants , and nourishing rosehip oil . Truly , 100 % Pure .

  23. 中国股市存在小公司效应。这说明中国股票市场不是半强有效的。

    Finally , the existence of small firm effect suggests that the Chinese stock market is the half-efficient one .

  24. 天然强有效,发挥植物功能的一款泡沫洗面液,能够有效防止脸上的起瑕疵,让你的脸颊干净亮丽。

    Powerfully natural , botanically effective foaming facial wash naturally treats and helps prevent blemishes and leaves skin squeaky clean .

  25. 因此,以动车事故为中心事件研究市场半强有效性是相当理想的。

    So it is appropriate to take the rail accident as the case in the event study of semi-strong test .

  26. 三种夜蛾科昆虫之所以能适应烟草作为寄主植物主要是因为他们拥有强有效的排泄机制。

    Three noctuid insects which have become adapted to tobacco as a host plant mainly because of an efficient excretory mechanism . 3 .

  27. 新成立的亚投行还可以建立强有效的新型问责机制,并争取所有股东支持。

    The new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has the chance to develop strong , new and effective accountability mechanisms all shareholders would support .

  28. 按照信息集的不同,有效市场可分为弱式有效、半强有效和强式有效三类。

    In terms of information sets , efficient market is classified into three categories : weak-form efficiency , semi-strong form efficiency and strong form efficiency .

  29. 作为联合国安全理事会常务成员国,英中两国的外交政策以保持强有效国际机制为基础。

    As permanent members of the UN Security council , both Britain and China base our foreign policy on the maintenance of a strong and effective international system .

  30. 分享组织租金是企业参与者(尤其是人力资本投入者)资本权利的重要体现,也是对企业参与者的一种强有效的根本激励手段。

    Sharing organizational rent is an important economic right for enterprise participant , especially for human capital holders , and it 's also a strong radical incentive instrument .