
  • 网络Future consumption;Consumer Futures
  1. 事实上,零首付是建立在透支未来消费的基础之上。

    In fact , zero pays is the establishment , in overdraws above the foundation the future will expend .

  2. VaR(风险值)模型分析说明,支出增长预期对未来消费变化的影响仅次于可支配收入因素,但要强于预防性动机对消费的影响。

    The VAR model illustrates that the expectation of expenditure is only second to disposable income on consumption , but is superior to the precautionary motive .

  3. 随着半导体技术与计算机技术的发展,音视频产品数字化,高清晰度化成为未来消费类电子发展的大趋势,高清晰数字电视(HighDefinitionTeleVision)成为当前数字电视产业的发展趋势和研究热点。

    With the development of semi-conductor and computer technology , the digital and high definition of audio-video products have become the trend of the consumer electronic , nowadays high definition television has become the trend of Digital TV and a lot of research efforts have been made .

  4. 轿车是拉动未来消费最有效的途径

    Passenger Vehicles Becoming the Most Effective Way for Stimulating the Future Consumption

  5. 消费地球是我们的未来消费。

    Consuming the Earth is consuming our future .

  6. 但是,储蓄在本质上不是商品;它是一种以未来消费为目的的手段。

    But saving is not an intrinsic good ; it is a means to future consumption .

  7. 官方数据显示,未来消费仍会持续增长,但进一步加速的迹象不多。

    Government data suggest that consumers should continue to chug along but signs of further acceleration are scarce .

  8. 未来消费电子售后服务市场必将以顾客为中心,向人性化、个性化、网络化、规模化的专营服务发展。

    We conclude that future after-sale market should regard customer as the centre to and become humanization , individualized , networking , scaling and specializing .

  9. 另外,即使不发生死亡,当期较高的消费也可能会导致剩余财富较少,影响财富积累的数量,进而影响未来消费与保费的水平。

    Besides , even if he survives , more consumption will also lead to less wealth left , which will affect the wealth accumulation in the future .

  10. 时间偏好理论认为,现在消费和未来消费存在相互替代的关系,时间价值的存在使得人们更加倾向于现在消费。

    Time-favor theory is that there is substitution effect between present consumption and future consumption , and the existence of time value makes people incline to consume now .

  11. 资本要素流动源于资本要素积累,资本要素积累与跨期消费选择有关,它决定于当前消费和未来消费的效用比较的平衡。资本要素流动要受到七大因素影响。

    Capital factors flowing originates from capital factors accumulation which is related to consumption selection across phases and depends on comparison between current consumption utility and future consumption utility .

  12. 信息消费将成为人们未来消费的主流,尤其以网络为主要载体的新兴信息消费的迅猛发展,使消费领域快速扩展,并逐渐成为人们信息消费的时尚。

    Along with the rapid development of new carriers in web , and the rapid expansion of consumption sectors , information consumption will become the fashion of information consumption by people .

  13. 消费行为分析根据实地调查的结果,对消费者的购买决策过程、品牌性能偏好及冰箱未来消费趋势做出判断与预测。

    Consumer behavior analysis according to result of on-site inspection , purchase decision-making process in consumer , brand performance have a partiality for and refrigerator consume trend judges and predict future .

  14. 禽肉类产品因具有高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇等营养价值,使得其与传统的牛、羊、猪肉相比,更符合人们对营养的需要以及未来消费需求的发展趋势。

    Compared to cattle , sheep and pork , poultry products fit the trends of consumer demands in future because of their nutritional value , such as high protein , low fat and low cholesterol .

  15. 在考虑消费者对未来消费的柔性时,其保留效用低于经典假设中的保留效用,因此,拓展了厂商决策的可行空间。

    Under consumer ′ s flexibility , his ( or her ) retained utility is lower than that in classical models , that is , consumer ′ s flexibility expands firm ′ s decision space .

  16. 随着农村经济的迅速发展,深入分析农村居民消费特点、预测农村居民未来消费结构,对扩大内需和促进经济发展具有重要意义。

    With the rapid development of rural economic , to analyze the consumption characteristics and predict the future consumption structures of rural residents is of great significance to enlarge home demand and stimulate economic development .

  17. 城镇居民与农村居民的时间偏好率差异表明:城镇居民更注重现期消费,而农村居民更注重未来消费。

    The rate of time preference of consumption of urban residents is greater than rural residents ', that means : urban residents pay more attention to current consumption , while rural residents pay more attention to future consumption .

  18. 通过对农村居民消费结构变动和农村居民的收入水平的分析,对农村未来消费热点做了预测,并为启动农村消费市场提出了一些政策性建议。

    By analyzing the changes in rural residents ' consuming structure and their income level , a prediction is made of the future hotspots of consumption in China 's countryside and some policy-making suggestions are given to start China 's rural consuming market .

  19. 最后,通过五大消费热点的阐述,客观分析了我国城市居民的未来消费趋势,并借此揭示了本文的真正写作意图,即构建一个适合中国国情的可持续消费模式。

    Lastly , through the narration of five consumption pops , this article analyzes the future consumption tendency of citizens in an objective way , thus shows the writing intention of the writer , which is to construct a sustainable consumption mode well fitted in with China actualities .

  20. 生产醋酸乙烯单体(VAM)是醋酸最主要的最终用途,未来醋酸消费增长将取决于亚洲对VAM和对苯二甲酸(TPA)的需求。

    Vinyl acetate monomer ( VAM ) is the largest end use for acetic acid . Acetic acid 's future growth is tied largely to VAM manufacture and to a lesser extent to TPA manufacture in Asia .

  21. 未来的消费趋势将仍是喝得更少,但更好。

    The trend continues to see consumers drinking less but better .

  22. 农户未来住房消费意愿的影响因素分析。

    Analysis of factors will impact on Farmers ' future housing consumption .

  23. 电动汽车消费是未来的消费趋势。

    Consumption of electric vehicles is the trend .

  24. 我们意识到,对于绝大多数或许是全部未来的消费类电子产品而言,软件都将是核心技术。

    We realized that almost all-maybe all-of future consumer electronics , the primary technology was going to be software .

  25. 但今天的无线局域网和无线个域网技术不能满足未来大量消费电子设备对于高带宽的需求。

    However , WLAN and WPAN are capable to provide sufficient bandwidth for mass consumer electronics devices in future .

  26. 交通通讯项目是未来的消费热点,该项目上的需求收入和价格变动十分敏感;

    Transport and Telecommunications is a consumption heat point . Demand of the item is sensitive to price and income .

  27. 根据该模型,分析了广东省未来的消费水平以及经济发展的走势,对广东未来经济进行预测,为政府调控经济增长提供科学依据。

    Based the proposed model , we predict the future level of consumption and the trend of economic development in Guangdong Province .

  28. 同时,采用情景分析方法,对未来家庭消费高峰期变化对碳排放的可能影响做了预测分析。

    Furthermore , the paper uses the method of scenario analysis to predict the possible impact of future changes in the household consumption peak period on carbon emissions .

  29. 他们不断优化当前和未来的消费计划,并且能够相当精确地计算央行实行的利率变化将会产生何种影响。

    They continuously optimise their present and future consumption plans and are capable of calculating with great precision what the effects will be of interest rate changes implemented by the central bank .

  30. 当前体育消费活动的主力军之一便是高校大学生,他们的体育消费状况,将直接影响到未来体育消费的行为走向。

    The main force of the current sports consumption activities is one of the college students , their sports consumption status , will directly affect the sports consumption behavior towards the future .