
  • 网络By the times;the times of passiveness
  1. 伴随全球环境问题的日益严峻,WTO在环境与贸易问题上的立场已经发生了微妙变化,碳关税事实上已经被时代所接受。

    With the global environmental problems becoming more and more serious , the standpoint about WTO on the environment and trade has undergone a subtle change that carbon tariff is being accepted by the age .

  2. 在1954年,运动杂志首次被时代股份有限公司出版。

    In 1954 , Sports Illustrated was first published by Time Incorporated .

  3. 我被时代杂志控制着。

    I 'm obsessed by time magazine .

  4. 他还被时代杂志誉为20世纪最具影响力的人之一。

    He was named by Time Magazine as one of the most influential people of the 20th century .

  5. 技术将不断进步、更新,你必须不停地学习、适应,否则就有成为恐龙的危险,被时代所淘汰。

    Technology will continue to advance and change , and you must constantly learn and adapt or risk becoming a dinosaur .

  6. 教师的专业发展是一个终身的过程,传统的一朝受教一辈子管用的思想已经被时代淘汰。

    Teacher professional development is a lifelong process , the traditional " once sights lifetime effective " thinking has become obsolete .

  7. 消费这个词源于经济学术语,如今被时代赋予更鲜明的社会意义。

    " Consumption " is the word from the economic terms , now is time to give a more distinct social significance .

  8. 作为一名应用写作教师只有在观念上跟上时代,在技能上跟上时代,才不会被时代淘汰。

    Under this circumstances , teachers of applied writing should keep up with the times in teaching ideas and skills in order not to be washed out .

  9. 这是他能够被时代接受,同时又超越时代的显著特征。

    This is the reason why he can be accepted by the times , and this is also the reason why his works can overstep the times .

  10. 洋人侵略中国,洋人都该杀,将爱国主义变成盲目排外,这种思想将被时代所淘汰。

    The thought that foreigners invaded China and all foreigners must be killed , changed patriotism into blind rejection of foreign things , will be washed out by the times .

  11. 儒学内容根据政治需要不断地丰富和发展,适合了现实需要,因而未被时代淘汰;

    The Confucian content was enriched and developed constantly in accordance with contemporary politics , it adapted to the need of reality in that time and avoided being washed out .

  12. 但不是所有口味方面的创新都能达到羊角甜甜圈那样的效果,羊角甜甜圈被时代周刊誉为2013年最佳发明之一。

    But not every flavor innovation is going to reach the heights of the cronut , the croissant / donut mashup that Time hailed as one of 2013 's best inventions .

  13. “茶峒”的地理位置、民族特色、凝滞闭塞的生存方式,以及被时代抛弃的失落感,使“茶峒人”呈现出一种孤独的生存状态。

    Its local , ethical , stagnate living condition and losing feeling which be discarded by epoch , made " Cha Dong People " have a kind of lonely living condition , Mr.

  14. 她在高级时装界的非凡影响力证明她是被时代杂志提名的20世纪100名最有影响力的唯一一位涉足服装领域的人物。

    Her extraordinary influence on haute couture was such that she was the only person in the field to be named on TIME Magazine 's 100 most influential people of the 20th century .

  15. 作为国际知名饮料品牌,激浪传递出这样一种概念,即年轻人应该勇敢的去探索更加刺激的方式去释放压抑的激情和欲望而不是被时代和世俗所困。

    As a celebrated cultural brand , Mountain Dew conveys kind of image that young people should find more exciting ways to express their desires and appeals rather than simply comply with authority in nation .

  16. 这个故事表面是在说一个被时代抛弃的人,但实际上蕴含了一种无声的英雄主义,能唤起人们对上个时代的记忆,也从侧面反映了当下电影业正在发生的代际转变过程中的残酷。

    Ostensibly about a former good-for-nothing , it is imbued with a quiet heroism and evokes a way of life that is fast receding - echoing the somewhat cruel generational shift that is happening in today 's film industry .

  17. 那时的许多妇女都被时代之手捏弄得可怕地变了形,却没有一个妇女能比现在走在大街上的这个无情的女人更可怕的了。

    There were many women at that time , upon whom the time laid a dreadfully disfiguring hand ; but , there was not one among them more to be dreaded than this ruthless woman , now taking her way along the streets .

  18. 如果一个城市想要获得很好的发展,不被时代淘汰,就必须勇于面对竞争,通过各种途径和方式去赢得竞争,而塑造响亮的城市品牌正是赢得竞争的重要途径之一。

    If one city wants to achieve a very good development , it must have the courage to face competition , through various ways and means to win the competition , and create a good city brand is one of the important way to winning the competition .

  19. 为避免被时代遗弃,各国政府都在投巨资推进各国的信息化建设,包括企业信息化、政务信息化、科技信息化、医疗卫生信息化、社区服务信息化等各个方面。

    In order to prevent from being abandoned , all governments are investing much capital in pushing forward their countries ' informatization , including enterprise 's informatization , government administration 's informatization , science and technology 's informatization , medical treatment informatization , community service informatization and so on .

  20. 爱因斯坦在1952年的期刊文章上写道,否则你就会“完全被自己时代的偏见和潮流左右”。

    Otherwise , you 'd be “ completely dependent on the prejudices and fashions of [ your ] times , ” he wrote in a 1952 journal article .

  21. 周四,Jay-Z被《时代》杂志评为全球最具影响力人物之一。

    On Thursday , Jay-Z was named one of the most influential people in the world by Time magazine .

  22. 连续49周被纽约时代周刊评为畅销书吗?

    That was49 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list ?

  23. 美国总统奥巴马被《时代》周刊评选为2012年度风云人物。

    President Barack Obama has been named Time 's Person of the Year .

  24. 他的名字将被整个时代称颂。

    His name will resound through the ages .

  25. 该书曾被《时代周刊》评选为1923到2005一百部最佳英文小说之一。

    The book was included in TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005 .

  26. 正因如此,环境法被推倒时代的最前沿。

    For this reason , environment law is pushed to the forefront of the era .

  27. 我们被《时代》评为完美夫妇

    we were being heralded in " The Times . " as a golden couple ,

  28. 被维多利亚时代的讽刺作家画成黑猩猩的达尔文,对防御性的合并发出了一个谶言。

    The genius caricatured as a chimp by Victorian satirists issued a coded warning against defensive mergers .

  29. 门德尔松也无法避免那个时代的纠纷,他的衣襟注定要被那个时代溅起的浪花打湿。

    Being unable to avoid the disputes in that era Mendelssohn doomed to be splashed by its moisten .

  30. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦因他对科学的贡献被《时代》周刊称为世纪先生(1901-1999)。

    Albert Einstein was named the Person of the Century ( 1901-1999 ) by Time magazine for his contributions to science .