
  • 网络emotional need;affective needs
  1. 眼科患者术前焦虑水平与情感需求分析

    Survey of preoperative anxiety and emotional need of patients in ophthalmic department

  2. 基于成年人情感需求的玩具设计研究

    The Study on Toys for Adult Based on Emotional Need

  3. 调查还询问了母亲们,她们所面临的挑战,其中80%的人将情感需求视为做母亲最难的事情。

    It also asked mothers about the challenges they face , with 80 percent making emotional demand as the hardest thing about motherhood .

  4. 基于情感需求的ICU病房医护产品设计分析

    Design Analysis of ICU Medical Care Product Based on Emotional Needs

  5. 从OICQ看大学生的情感需求和情感教育

    OICQ and College Students ' Emotion Need and Emotion Education

  6. 最后,基于对SNS网站盈利形式的分析,本文也预测了SNS广告的未来发展趋势,多元化的发展和满足用户情感需求是它将来的广告之路。

    At last , base on Analysis profitable form of SNS website , This article also predicted the trend of the future development of SNS advertising . A wide range of development and meet the emotional needs of its customers is the way of advertising in the future .

  7. 这种情感需求还是会遗留在脑际的。

    it 's no wonder that this emotional hangover still lingers .

  8. 我们努力满足这里的孩子的物质和情感需求。

    We try to provide materially and emotionally for the children here .

  9. 基于用户情感需求的卫浴产品设计研究

    The Research of Sanitary Ware Design Based on User 's Emotion Need

  10. 论视力障碍病人的情感需求及其健康教育

    Emotional Needs of Patients with Visual Disorders and Relevant Health Education Strategy

  11. 老年人情感需求及相应设计问题浅析

    Analysis of Emotional Demand of the Elderly and Product Design

  12. 既关注受众的情感需求,也关注受众的发展需要。

    Mass hotlines pay attention to emotional and development needs of audience too .

  13. 当然,我无法满足手机的情感需求。

    I can 't fulfill my phone 's emotional needs , of course .

  14. 我们核心的情感需求是被肯定。

    Our core emotional need is to feel valued .

  15. 学生的情感需求没有得到满足。

    Students ' affective needs are not satisfied .

  16. 父母双方对自己孩子的情感需求负有同样的责任。

    Both parents should take equal responsibility for the emotional needs of their children .

  17. 苗族银饰品牌广告要传达出消费者的情感需求,以情打动消费者。

    Miao silverware brand advertising to convey the emotional needs of consumers love to impress consumers .

  18. 产品意象认知模型阐明了消费者情感需求与产品造型之间的关系。

    Product image cognitive model clarifier the relation between customers ' emotional needs and product form .

  19. 你有着令人羡慕的直觉,一直以来的情感需求也会得到满足。

    You have the enviable sense that all of your deepest emotional needs are being met .

  20. 总之,我们需要调整品牌来满足年轻人的情感需求。

    To conclude , we need to revise our brand to satisfy the sensibilities of young people .

  21. 宗教对信徒情感需求的满足是宗教热的强大动力;

    The strong motivity of " religion hot " is that religion satisfies the emotional demands of disciples ;

  22. 对消费者来说,驰名商标既能满足其消费需求,又能满足其情感需求。

    For the consumers , the well-known trademark can meet both their consumer needs and their emotional requirements .

  23. 我们需要明白,一段感情是因为某些需求才会产生:生理需求,情感需求或者心理需求。

    We need to understand that relationships happen because of certain needs & physical , emotional and psychological needs .

  24. 相应的,每个时代的人们所表现出来的娱乐需求心理,以及情感需求也是不一样的。

    Accordingly , shown by people in every era entertainment demand psychology , and emotional needs are not the same .

  25. 设计师也一直在通过各种设计语言和设计手段,试图满足产品使用者的情感需求和美好愿望。

    Through various design languages and design means , the designers try to satisfy users emotional needs and their good aspiration .

  26. 除掉鱿鱼.在我的词汇力,鱿鱼是那些似乎没骨头,却长了无数情感需求吸吮盘的人。

    Squid is my word for people who seem to be missing their backbones but possess myriad sucking tentacles of emotional need .

  27. 我只需要打开手机上安装的众多程序,就能满足我的情感需求。

    I only have to open one of the many apps installed on my handy device and an emotional need is met .

  28. 新消费趋势的现象有着无限延伸的趋势,因为企业的革新能力是无限的,消费者的情感需求也是无止境的。

    The trends has unlimited extension , because the innovation of enterprises are infinite , the emotional needs of consumers is also endless .

  29. 每个晶体的原子结构都有独特的特性,虽然这些特性可能对人类情感需求没有任何影响,

    Every crystal 's atomic structure has unique properties , and while these properties may not have any bearing on human emotional needs ,

  30. 强化消费者认知,了解消费目的;重视消费者情感需求和口头传播效应,强化口碑营销;二是建立信任机制,以信取胜。

    Pay attention to the emotional needs of consumers , and strengthen the mouth-to-mouth marketing . Secondly , build trust mechanism towin the letter .