
  • 网络welfare-oriented public housing distribution system;Housing distribution
  1. 然而,随着1998年的住房分配货币化以来,我国停止福利分房,住房的产权通过货币支出来购买或通过货币支出来建造。

    However , since the capitalization of housing distribution in 1998 , we have stopped the welfare-oriented public housing distribution system and the property right has to be gained by purchasing or building .

  2. 在计划经济时代,我国实施的是福利分房的制度,而在后来,随着经济转轨的进行、企业改革,原先的福利分房制度已经不能适应经济的发展。

    In planned economy era , what our country implemented is the welfare-oriented public housing distribution system , but later on , with enterprise reform and economy transition going on , original system of welfare houses distribution can 't meet the development of economy already .

  3. 停止福利分房,从而实现所有住房商品化

    Stop the welfare-oriented allocation of housing so as to commercialize all residential housing

  4. 国家取消以前的福利分房制度之后,商品房的市场豁然打开。

    Cancel the welfare of the nation before time system after the market opened , commodity house suddenly .

  5. 自从上世纪末全国取消福利分房制度后,我国房地产业兴旺发展起来。

    Since the last century devotes welfare system , cancel after real estate industry of our country prosperous developed .

  6. 从1998年取消福利分房之后,上海住宅市场发展迎来了一个新的时期。

    The development of Shanghai housing market met a new period since the welfare housing allocation was cancelled in 1998 .

  7. 自1998年我国取消福利分房待遇以后,城镇房地产市场迅速发展。

    China had the abolition of welfare housing from the treatment in 1998 , urban real estate market is developing rapidly .

  8. 随着1998年我国福利分房制度宣告结束,住房制度改革进入消费货币化的阶段。

    As the end of welfare housing distribution system in China , 1998 , housing system step in consumption monetization reform stages .

  9. 经济适用住房制度就是国家在取消福利分房制度后在住房改革方面采取的一大措施。

    Affordable housing system is the major measures our country taken on the housing reform after the abolition of welfare housing system .

  10. 自1998年取消福利分房制度并实行住宅货币分配体制以来,我国房地产价格持续走高。

    Since 1998 , China cancel system of welfare residential housing and implement monetary allocation system , the real estate price is going higher .

  11. 1998年我国加速了住房制度的改革,此次结束了福利分房制度,实现了住房分配向货币化和商品化的转变。

    The housing system reform in 1998 end in welfare housing system , fully completing the change of monetization and commercialization of housing distribution .

  12. 在计划经济背景下,我国实行的是福利分房制度,即住房被当成福利由城镇职工享有。

    In the planned economy period , China adopted the system of welfare housing , and housing was shared as welfares by the urban workers .

  13. 随着城市化的高速发展及福利分房制度的取消,我国的城市住宅将持续稳定地增长。

    With the development of city and the calling off of welfare house system , city residence will be improved persistently and steadily in our country .

  14. 尽管房改的步伐在加快,但福利分房的老办法仍未突破。

    Although the pace of housing reform is being accelerated , the old method of allocating housing through benefits has still has not been broken through .

  15. 房屋市场一直被看好,具有巨大发展潜力,国务院取消福利分房后,房地产市场已经趋于活跃。

    Seen as a business with great potential for growth , the real estate market has boomed since the State Council abolished the welfare housing system .

  16. 近十年来,随着我国福利分房制度的彻底结束,商品化、货币化的住房市场已全面建立。

    Resent ten years , as the welfare housing allotment system in our country is completely over , the commercialize 、 monetization housing market has already built .

  17. 随着计划经济体制下形成的福利分房制度逐渐退出历史舞台,住房按揭贷款在中国内地应运而生。

    With China 's economy steadily transitioning from the planning economy to the market economy , the free housing system has become a part of the history .

  18. 历史的原因造就了具有中国特色的福利分房制度,然而,随着市场经济在中国的产生和发展,传统的住房分配制度已经与现代市场经济社会的基本内涵不相适宜。

    With the development in China , the system of beneficial house , based on historical reasons , however , was not accord with the market economy .

  19. 传统的福利分房制度存在重大缺陷,导致十多年来住房制度的不断改革。

    Over the past ten years , the reform of traditional welfare housing distribution system has been carried out in colleges and universities owing to its disadvantages .

  20. 从1998年国务院宣布取消福利分房制度开始,我国房地产市场取得了长足的发展。

    After 1998 , when the State Council announced the cancellation of welfare housing distribution system , real estate market in our country has made great strides forward .

  21. 自从福利分房制度于1998年结束住房市场化得以全面实施以来,房地产市场在我国的发展走上了快车道。

    Since the end of welfare housing distribution system and the full implementation of the housing market in 1998 , real estate market in our country accelerates to develop .

  22. 福利分房制度终于在1998年退出了历史舞台,但公有房屋仍存量巨大,且纠纷繁多。

    In 1998 , the welfare oriented housing distribution left the historical stage , but public housing in Shanghai were still remarkable in quantity and gave rise to various disputes .

  23. 我国的房地产业自1998年我国取消福利分房制度以后,城市房地产投资迅速扩大,大批量的企业开始进驻房地产行业。

    Since the abolishment of welfare distribution of houses , the real estate investment in cities has expanded a lot and more and more companies begin to engage in real estate industry .

  24. 从福利分房、到实物分房再到全面推进城镇住房向市场化改革,在一定程度上促进房地产市场发展,同时在某种程度上对房地产市场风险的减低。

    From a long time , physical welfare again to comprehensively promote urban housing to mercerization reform , to a certain extent , promote the real estate market development , and to some extent on the real estate market reduce risk .

  25. 1998年7月中央正式取消福利分房制度,彻底实行住房货币化、住房商品化,使得房地产市场逐步走向市场化,而正是这种市场化给波澜不兴的四川房地产市场带来了生机。

    In July 1998 , Central Government formally abolished welfare housing distribution system , completely implement " housing monetization "," housing commercialization " making the real estate market is gradually towards marketization , the marketization bring Sichuan real estate market with vitality .

  26. 1998年,我国进行了住房制度改革,停止福利分房,由国家统一分配住房转变为城市居民到市场上购买住房,使住房成为一种商品,城市居民可以通过市场进行买卖。

    In 1998 , China in the housing system reform , stop welfare time , unite by the country distribution for the city residents to housing transition housing purchases on the market , make housing become a commodity , urban residents can traded through the market .

  27. 1998年,国务院宣布取消福利分房,把住宅变成商品推向市场,房地产开始作为一个独特的行业迅速成长和发展起来,购房逐渐成为老百姓所关心的日常问题。

    State Council declared that the Welfare-oriented public housing distribution system was cancelled and residence was pushed to the market as a commodity . Buying houses is becoming a daily problem which people are concerned about when real estate is gradually developing as a unique industry .

  28. 个人住房贷款是我国福利分房制度向住房分配货币化转变过程中引入的一种金融产品,它是指贷款人向借款人发放的用于购买自用普通住房的贷款。

    Personal real estate loan is a financial product that was brought in during the transformation from the welfare housing allotment system to magnetization of housing allotment . This product refers to the loan made by the credit giver to the credit receiver for purchasing personal common real estate .

  29. 自然人或法人购买的住宅、别墅和其他商品房产,房产权归购买者所有。从过去坐等单位福利分房,到现在以个人购房为主体,个人将越来越成为住宅的购买主力。

    In the case of residential houses , villas or other commercial building property purchased by natural persons or legal persons , the building property right shall belong to the purchasers . The individuals will be the main housing purchasers after the benefit housing has been replaced by the pay-for-housing .

  30. 其核心内容就是取消福利性分房,同时加大职工工资中的住房消费含量。

    Its central content is to abolish benefit housing allocation , and at the same time to increase housing expense amounts in employee salaries .