
  • 网络Fukushima nuclear power plant;Fukushima nuclear plant;Fukushima Nuclear Power Station
  1. 周四早间,日本直升机对福岛核电站的受损反应堆机组进行注水。

    On Thursday morning , helicopters dropped water on the stricken reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power plant .

  2. 日本政府表示,福岛核电站内部积水的核幅射水平急剧增高。

    Japan says levels of radiation contamination in water inside part of the Fukushima nuclear power plant have increased sharply .

  3. 摘要:东京方面告诉CNN,他们在福岛核电站五个不同的位置发现了少量的钚,而且是三种不同形式的钚。同时,今天的事态还有其他方面的变化。大量水含有大量放射性物质。

    Tokyo told CNN that it found traces of plutonium in five different locations at the Fukushima nuclear facility ,

  4. 法国已建议本国国民离开东京。目前外界对福岛核电站的问题越来越感到震惊,而气象厅警告称,关东地区(Kantoregion)可能发生一次较强的余震。

    France advised its nationals to leave Tokyo amid growing alarm about problems at the nuclear power plant and a warning from meteorological agency about a possible large aftershock in the Kanto region .

  5. 美国核管理委员会(usnuclearregulatorycommission)主任格雷戈里贾兹科(gregoryjaczko)称,他所在的委员会认为,福岛核电站四号反应堆正在释放“水平非常高”的核辐射。

    Gregory jaczko , head of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission said his organisation believed one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima plant number four had run dry and was emitting " extremely high " radiation levels .

  6. 萨科齐是自本月初造成福岛核电站破坏的地震和海啸以来访问日本的首位外国领导人。他建议G20各国在五月份召开会议讨论该问题。

    Mr Sarkozy , the first foreign leader to visit Japan since the earthquake and tsunami which damaged the plant earlier this month , proposed a meeting of the G20 countries to discuss the issue in May .

  7. 辐射强到可以干扰电子设备,所有捐赠给福岛核电站的美国机器人都在任务中失去了联系,一同失踪的还有一台名为“Quince”的日本机器人。

    With radiation high enough to sabotage electronics , American robots donated to the Daiichi plant have been missing in action , along with a Japanese robot dubbed quince .

  8. 在基辅市中心的办公室里,安德烈耶夫(YuriAndreyev)一直在关注日本福岛核电站危机不断扩大的消息。

    Sitting in his office in downtown Kiev , Yuri Andreyev has been glued to news of the widening crisis at Japan 's Fukushima nuclear plant .

  9. 有消息援引欧盟(eu)能源专员冈瑟厄廷格(guentheroettinger)的话称,福岛核电站“实际上已失控”,数小时内可能发生“进一步的灾难性事件”,这条消息令投资者的神经受到考验。

    The nerves of investors were tested when European Union Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger was quoted as saying that the Fukushima nuclear plant was " effectively out of control " and that " further catastrophic events " were possible within hours .

  10. 在欧盟能源专员欧廷格(GüntherOettinger)表示,福岛核电站的形势已失控后,美国和欧洲股市大跌。当人们弄清楚,他的声明并非以新消息为依据后,股市仅收回了部分失地。

    US and European stocks fell sharply after G ü nther Oettinger , the European Union energy commissioner , said the situation at the Fukushima plant was out of control and only partially recovered when it became clear his statement was not predicated on new information .

  11. 随后出现了福岛核电站危机。

    Then there was the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant .

  12. 福岛核电站事故之前,日本拥有54座正常工作的核反应堆。

    the Fukushima accident , the country had 54 functioning reactors .

  13. 福岛核电站的悲剧加深了长期延续的趋势。

    The Fukushima tragedy has strengthened trends that were long under way .

  14. 国际原子能机构称日本福岛核电站事故趋于稳定。

    IAEA sees positive developments at Japan 's nuclear plant .

  15. 日本福岛核电站在今年3月的事故为近几年来正在获得力量的核能复兴送去了一个冲击波。

    Renaissance that has been gaining strength in the past few years .

  16. 福岛核电站的反应堆位于太平洋海岸。

    The reactors at Fukushima are on the Pacific coast .

  17. 福岛核电站事故是对全球环保运动的一个考验。

    The accident at Fukushima was a test for the global environmental movement .

  18. 福岛核电站又发现高辐射积水。

    More radioactive water spills at Japan nuke plant .

  19. 福岛核电站事故发生后,德国关闭了17座核电站中的7座。

    After Fukushima , it shut down seven of its 17 nuclear plants .

  20. 海啸导致福岛核电站泄露事故。

    The tsunami led to a meltdown at the Fukushima-Daichi nuclear power plant .

  21. 科学家完成了对生活在福岛核电站附近的日本居民的研究。

    Scientists have completed a new study of Japanese living closed Fukushima nuclear plant .

  22. 在日本福岛核电站发生三重熔融事故之后,中国的核能项目放慢了步伐。

    China 's nuclear power program slowed after Japan 's triple meltdown in Fukushima .

  23. 福岛核电站被关闭,切尔诺贝利核电站却没有。

    Daiichi shutdown , Chernobyl did not .

  24. 福岛核电站危机至少在三方面深化了经济危险的可能性。

    The nuclear crisis at Fukushima broadens the economic danger in at least three ways .

  25. 对于福岛核电站悲惨事件的回应,既不简单也不完全相同。

    The responses to the tragic events in Fukushima will not be simple or uniform .

  26. 人们担心福岛核电站在地震后会发生严重核泄漏事故。

    A meltdown was feared at its Fukushima nuclear plant after it was rocked by the quake .

  27. 麻烦不断的福岛核电站的负责人表示,目前并未发现损害或异常情况。

    The operator of the troubled Fukushima nuclear plant says no damage or abnormalities have been found .

  28. 当地政府警告,来自遭受地震的福岛核电站的放射物已经达到了有害级别。

    Radiation from Japan 's quake-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has reached harmful levels , the government says .

  29. 上个月的地震导致福岛核电站受损,引发放射性蒸汽和水的泄漏。

    The earthquake last month crippled the Fukushima plant , leading to leaks of radioactive steam and water .

  30. 印度环境部长拉梅什说,政府正在为贾拉普尔核电站作出一个与福岛核电站的关键的不同设计。

    Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh says the government is planning a crucial design difference for the Jaitapur complex .