
fú ɡānɡ
  • Fukuoka
  1. 福冈与国内其他城市之间有非常便捷的空运和铁路运输系统。

    Fukuoka has excellent air and rail connections to the rest of the country .

  2. 10家日本天然气提炼和分销商将参与丰田(toyota)、本田(honda)和尼桑(nissan)的行动,计划在东京、大阪、名古屋和福冈建设加氢站。

    Toyota , Honda and Nissan will be joined by 10 Japanese natural-gas refiners and distributors , which plan to install the hydrogen stations in Tokyo , Osaka , Nagoya and Fukuoka .

  3. 高仓健原名小田刚一(GoichiOda),1931年2月16日出生于日本福冈,他本来并没有打算成为演员,但去一家大型电影公司应聘管理职务时,被公司招募为演员。

    Born Goichi Oda in Fukuoka , Japan , on Feb. 16 , 1931 , he did not set out to be an actor but was recruited by a major film production company while applying for a managerial position .

  4. 福冈亚洲美术馆还出版《AJIBI新闻》(通讯期刊)并拥有自己的网站,广泛宣传亚洲艺术信息。

    The FAAM also publishes AJIBI News ( periodical newsletter ) and original website to widely distribute information on Asian art .

  5. 梁楠的妻子、孩子、母亲和岳母还在Laox免税店福冈分店里兴致勃勃地逛着,他们正沉浸在购物狂热中。

    The rest of Mr Liang 's party - wife , toddler , mother and mother-in-law - are still roaring around the Fukuoka branch of Laox in a state of retail fervour .

  6. 福冈市长高岛宗一郎(TakashimaSoichiro)表示,这些邮轮的一大好处,就是可以运来大批“购物狂”,为他的城市带来巨额利益。

    The great benefit of the cruise ships , says Fukuoka 's mayor , Takashima Soichiro , is that they can deliver the lucrative " shopping bomb " exploding in his city .

  7. 2014年,中国到福冈的邮轮抵港次数达到91次。

    In 2014 , 91 cruise ships travelled from China to Fukuoka .

  8. 第十届亚洲艺术展(福冈亚洲美术馆日本横滨);

    The10th Asian International Art Exhibition Fukuoka Asia Art Museum , Yokohama Japan .

  9. 苹果机则飞往首尔和福冈。

    Apple Jet flies to Seoul and Fukuoka .

  10. 在福冈,我见到了一位石井先生。

    In Fukuoka , I met Mr Isii .

  11. 福冈国际住宅展中的三栋建筑,日本

    Three Apartment in international quarter Fukuoka , Japan

  12. 台员飞香港及日本福冈耶班机几落班拢取消啊。

    Flights between Daiwan and Hong Kong and Fukuoka , Japan have been canceled .

  13. 8月29日,我们乘坐火车和地铁前往福冈的中心地区。

    AUG.29 , We take the train and underground to the central area of Fukuoka .

  14. 上周福冈港口开放了一个新的邮轮码头,将入境处理能力提高了3倍。

    The port last week opened a new cruise terminal that quadruples immigration processing capacity .

  15. 上海至日本福冈的航班实行雷达管制移交

    Shanghai-Fukuoka Flights Shift to Radar Control

  16. 我们的大学校舍正在兴建中,它建在福冈城北部的山坡上。

    Our university building is now under construction on a hillside in the north of fukuoka city .

  17. 另外,还与常驻福冈亚洲美术馆的研究人员共同对亚洲艺术开展更详细的研究。

    It continues further research on Asian art together with the researchers in residence at the FAAM .

  18. 福冈亚洲美术馆针对各类观众展开研讨会、讲座和其他教育活动。

    The FAAM presents workshops , lectures and other educational programmes for a wide range of audience .

  19. 从11月6日至15日,索萨和美国全明星队将在福冈打8场比赛。

    Sosa and US All-Stars team will play 8 matches in Fukuoka from 6th to 15th November .

  20. 周日,她在日本南部福冈的一家养老院庆祝了自已117岁的生日。

    She celebrated her 117th birthday at a nursing home in Fukuoka in southern Japan on Sunday .

  21. 但是,位于福冈湾入口处的小岛玄海町受到的破坏相当严重。

    However , damage is extensive on the tiny island of Genkai at the mouth of Fukuoka Bay .

  22. 围绕岛上最大的城市的北海岸区域,福冈,非常繁荣。

    The area on the north coast around the island 's biggest city , Fukuoka , is abuzz .

  23. 早在1990年12月8日,本校即与日本福冈县立春日高校,缔盟为姊妹校。

    NSHS established its sister-school relationship with Kasuga High School of Fukuoka , Japan on December8th , 1990 .

  24. 这个时期的代表作品有女子学院,大分县图书馆,福冈相互银行,大分县分行。

    The representative works of this period are women college Oita Library , Fukuoka Mutual Bank , Oita branch .

  25. 2006年,莫言出版的第一部章回小说《生死疲劳》获得福冈亚洲文化大奖。

    His first chapter book Fatigue of Life and Death got him the Fukuoka Asian Culture Award in 2006 .

  26. 这名独自居住在日本西部福冈市的57岁男子近几个月来发现家里冰箱里的食物总是离奇失踪,为了查明真相,他在家里安装了摄像头。

    The57-year-old man living alone in the western city of Fukuoka installed a security camera to find out the truth .

  27. 本文对日本福冈县北九州市宗玄寺遗址出土的颅骨进行了人种学研究。

    The human skulls studied in this article are from the ancient tombs in Shugenji site of Kitakyusyu City in Japan .

  28. 预计2015年将有100万中国游客搭乘邮轮,其中约有四分之一的人停靠福冈。

    Of the 1m Chinese forecast to take a cruise some time in 2015 , about a quarter called at Fukuoka .

  29. 由于福冈市内只有两辆出租车被装点成了万圣节的风格,因此任何看到这种出租车的人都会被认为是幸运的。

    Only two cabs are painted in the Halloween vein in the city so anyone spotting one can be considered lucky .

  30. 第12届亚洲田径锦标赛于星期二继续在日本福冈市举行,为期4天的比赛将于星期三结束。

    The12th Asian Athletics Championships continue in the Japanese city of Fukuka on tuesday , with the four-day event ending on wednesday .