
fānɡ jì
  • prescription;recipe
方剂 [fāng jì]
  • [prescription;recipe] 简称方。方指医方。剂,古作齐,指调剂。治病的药方

  1. 我们在临床中发现以何首乌为君药的方剂治疗PD确实有一定疗效。

    In clinical , we found the herbal prescription which is gentleman medicine of PM have certain curative effect for PD treatment .

  2. 抗生素治疗组上述指标结果较差。结论:承气方剂对肠屏障功能具有保护作用,通过对肠屏障的保护发挥防治MODS的药效学作用。

    Conclusion : Chang Qi prescription could protect the gut barrier function in the treatment of MODS .

  3. 中药(TraditionalChinesePrescription,TCP)是祖国医学的重要组成部份,仅历史文献就记录有十余万首方剂。

    The Traditional Chinese Prescription ( TCP ) is an important part of TCM , about hundreds thousands of prescriptions are recorded in historical literature .

  4. 白藜芦醇和抗坏血酸对预防非典型肺炎方剂Ⅰ和Ⅵ所致小鼠外周血液淋巴细胞DNA损伤的保护作用

    Protective effect of resveratrol and ascorbic acid on lymphocyte DNA damage in mice induced by prescriptions ⅰ and ⅵ of Chinese materia medica against SARS

  5. 两种中药方剂治疗SLE的免疫机制的初步研究

    The Preliminary Study on Immunologic Mechanism of Two Lupus Recipes Treatment in SLE

  6. 为治疗LN的有效的方剂之一。

    One of the effective prescription treatment of LN .

  7. 莪芪抗瘤方剂对白血病HL-60细胞凋亡的作用及机理研究

    Studies on effect and mechanism of Eqi Anti-tumor Prescription on myelocytic leukemia HL-60

  8. 结论:1.运用SPSS聚类分析方法进行方剂配伍方法与规律的研究具有可行性。

    Use of SPSS clustering analysis of the compatibility law of infertility prescription study is feasible . 2 .

  9. [结论]调胃汤有较好的促进胃肠运动的作用,是治疗FD的有效方剂,值得进一步研究。

    [ Conclusion ] TWD has good effect on FD patients in promoting gastrointestinal motility .

  10. 方剂使小鼠的血清溶血素(HC50)显著降低(P<0.05)。

    Fangji also reduced production of hemolysin antibody ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 结论:肠平饮是治疗UC的有效方剂,尤其对中度和慢性复发型UC效果明显;

    Conclusion : Changping Decoction is effective for UC , especially for moderate and the chronic recurrent UC .

  12. 目的:进行清热利湿中药方剂(Chinesetraditionaldrugs,CTD)联合糖皮质激素(corticosteroids,CS)和单用CS治疗天疱疮的临床对照研究,以及CTD治疗天疱疮作用机制的实验室研究。

    Objective : To study the clinical efficacy of Chinese traditional medicine ( CTM ) in pemphigus .

  13. 不同补肾方剂对老年前期小鼠不同脏器细胞核体外RNA转录和无细胞提取液蛋白质合成活性的影响

    Effect of Different Prescriptions for Tonifying Kidney on RNA Transcription Activity in Isolated Nuclei and Protein Synthesis Activity in Free Cell Extracts of the Different Organs of Presenile Mice

  14. 通过抗体监测研究子安益母方剂对ABO母儿血型不合溶血的疗效

    The therapeutic effect research of Child Safe Tonifying Mother Pellet Formula on ABO maternofetal blood type incompatibility by antibody monitoring

  15. 结论:本中草药复方是清除ACA和治疗由其引起的RSA有效而安全的方剂。

    Conclusions : This compound Chinese Medicine is a effective and safe preparation for eliminating ACA and treating RSA caused by ACA .

  16. 目的为论证方剂体内/血清成分谱概念,建立同步测定人血清中阿魏酸、川芎嗪的HPLC法。

    OBJECTIVE To demonstrate the concept of " in vivo / serum component spectrum of Chinese drug " and establish the simultaneous determination method of ferulic acid and ligustrazine with HPLC .

  17. 结果表明,理气止疼方剂金铃子散对冰醋酸以及甲醛-足跖炎性疼痛反应(F、S相)均有显著抑制作用,但对热刺激疼痛反应的抑制作用没有统计学差异。

    JLZS showed a potent inhibitory activity on the acetic acid induced writhing and formalin induced F , S phase pain response , but heat induced pain like response was not inhibited significantly .

  18. 而现有文献证明,所有这些途径:致DNA损伤、抑制拓朴酶、抗代谢、激素样作用、诱导分化等,是不同类中药或方剂所具备的,这为中药诱导细胞凋亡提供了科学依据。

    Some Chinese herbs and formula made with herbs have effects of injuring DNA , suppressing topology amylase , anti-metabolism , hormone and inducing cell differentiation , which give scientific foundation for inducing cell to wither with Chinese herbs .

  19. 结论:此方剂通过增高肾组织GSH-Px、SOD活力和胰腺组织的GSH-Px活力起到抗氧化的作用,从而起到保护肾功能的作用。

    Conclusion : The prescription has antioxidation to protect the kidney function through increasing concentration of GSH-Px and SOD in kidney tissue and GSH-Px in pancreas tissue .

  20. 结论:综合运用色谱和直接输注ESIMS,可以获得关于方剂提取部位组成的丰富信息。

    Conclusion : With synthetical chromatographic and direct infusion ESI MS methods , abundant information on composition of fractions of traditional Chinese medicine formulas can be obtained .

  21. 本研究使用了3种中药配方并将大白鼠相应分为A、B,C3个中药组,目的在于寻找有良好功效的方剂与适合的剂量。

    In order to find out the effective preparation of Chinese herbs and its appropriate dose , rats were divided into 3 groups with gavage feeding of 3 kinds of Chinese herbal preparations .

  22. 515抗瘤方剂诱导白血病HL60细胞凋亡的研究

    Study on 515 Anti Tumor Recipe in Inducing Leukemic HL-60 Cells Apoptosis

  23. 由实验结果可知,基于主题的LDA模型对肺痿方剂的药物和方剂聚类均有很好的效果。

    By the experimental results , the topic-based LDA model on the consumptive lung prescription drugs and prescription clustering has very good results .

  24. 进一步深入研究该两个方剂诱导HOC分化的不同作用机制不仅有重要的应用价值,对中医药基础研究也将有重要的理论意义。

    Further study of the different mechanisms of the two prescriptions in inducing differentiation of HOC not only has significant applicable value but also theoretical significance in study of traditional medical basic theory .

  25. 利用漫反射傅立叶变换近红外光谱技术(DRNIR)可以无损定量分析中药材、中成药和方剂的组分含量;

    The content of Chinese herbs , medicine and medicament can be quantified without destruction by Diffused Reflection Fourier Transform and Near Infrared Spectroscopy ( DR NIR FTIR ) .

  26. 目的:探讨益气活血中药方剂对早期闭塞性动脉硬化症(ASO)的治疗作用。

    To explore therapeutic action of the formula for supplementing Qi and activating blood circulation on early arteriosclerosis obliterans ( ASO ) .

  27. 中药方剂对家兔注射FMD疫苗部分生理指标影响试验

    Effects of the Chinese Herbal Medicine on Parts of Physiology Indexes of the Rabbit Injected by the Vaccine of FMD

  28. 目的探讨中药方剂Ⅰ号对小鼠前列腺增生的治疗作用及其对前列腺细胞雌激素受体(ER)和雄激素受体(AR)的影响。

    Objective To investigate therapeutic effects of traditional Chinese medical herbs ( TCMH ) on experimental mouse prostatic hyperplasia and influences on estrogen recepter ( ER ) and androgen recepter ( AR ) of mouse prostate .

  29. 中药方剂在干预治疗各型动物模型中都有不同程度的作用,展望COPD的临床和基础研究,我们仍旧有非常艰巨的工作要做。

    Traditional chinese medicine have in various degree function in intervening , treating various animal model . Look forward to clinic and basic research of COPD , we still have very arduous work to do .

  30. 结果表明,本方剂对小鼠白细胞(WBC)有稳定作用,能增强受抑制巨噬细胞(Mφ)的吞噬能力和增进Mφ对吞噬物的消化能力,并可促进受抑制T细胞免疫功能恢复。

    The results showed that the decoction increased the stability of WBC , increased the phagocytic and digestive power of depressed macrophages and enhanced the recovery of T-cell immunity from depression .