
  • 网络Tilefish;Paracheirodon innesi;Branchiostegus
  1. 但是她们也做出了更明智的选择,避免食用汞含量很高的如鲨鱼、剑鱼、鲭鱼王和方头鱼等的鱼类。

    But they 're making savvier choices , avoiding the fish with the most mercury - such as shark , swordfish , king mackerel and tilefish .

  2. 大型食肉鱼类-如方头鱼,旗鱼和鲭鱼的甲基汞水平往往高于比他们更小的鱼,因为其水生食物链中更高。

    Large , predatory fish such as tilefish , swordfish and king mackerel tend to have higher levels of methyl mercury than do smaller fish because they 're higher in the aquatic food chain .

  3. 东海中南部外海银方头鱼资源状况及开发前景

    Status and Prospectives for Silver horsehead , Branchiostegus argentatus ( Cuvier et Valenciennes ) Resource off Sea of South-Central in East China Sea

  4. 其报告承认某些种类的海产品存在汞暴露风险,并指出孕妇、哺乳期或备孕女性应避免食用某些汞含量偏高的鱼类:方头鱼、鲨鱼、箭鱼和王鲭。

    The report also acknowledges the risk of mercury exposure from certain kinds of seafoods , and notes that women who are pregnant , nursing or may become pregnant should avoid certain kinds tilefish , shark , swordfish and king mackerel because of their high mercury content .