
jiàn yú
  • swordfish ;dorado
  1. “剑鱼”比“天使鱼”略小,直径42毫米,厚度仅10.6毫米,比Moto360要薄大约10毫米。

    Smaller than the ' Angelfish ' it has a diameter of 42mm and thickness of just 10.6mm , making it almost 10mm thinner than the current Moto 360 .

  2. 家用洗涤剂对红剑鱼、孔雀鱼和食蚊鱼的急性毒性实验观察

    Acute Toxicity of Domestic Detergents on Xiphophorus helleri , Poecilia and Gambusia affinis

  3. 剑鱼的肉,常用来做鱼片。

    Flesh of swordfish usually served as steaks .

  4. 要不要试试剑鱼?

    B : Will you try swordfish ?

  5. 例如,条纹鲈和北大西洋剑鱼已经沿美国西海岸返回。

    Striped bass and North Atlantic swordfish have returned along America 's east coast , for instance .

  6. 今天菜单上没有剑鱼片。而且,现在不是剑鱼季。

    Swordfish steak is not on the menu today ; furthermore , it is out of season now .

  7. 西恩点了配辛辣胡椒酱的烤剑鱼,还坚持要我尝一口看看。

    Sean had grilled swordfish with a spicy pepper sauce and he insisted that I try a bite .

  8. 第二款手表绰号“剑鱼”,迎合了粉丝们注重款式胜于材质的需求。

    The second watch , dubbed the ' Swordfish ' caters for gadget lovers looking for style over substance .

  9. 并且有超过25万濒临灭亡的海龟死在了多钩长线装置上面,而这些装置是用于捕捞金枪鱼、剑鱼以及其他鱼类的。

    And more than 250 thousand endangered sea turtles are killed on longlines set for , and other fish .

  10. 据消息人士透露,两款设备分别代号“天使鱼”和“剑鱼”,分别提供不同的穿戴体验。

    Code-named ' Angelfish ' and ' Swordfish ' , each offer a different wearable experience , the sources said .

  11. 中美洲有剑一样长尾巴的淡水鱼;养鱼池中很常见。剑鱼的肉,常用来做鱼片。

    Freshwater fish of Central America having a long swordlike tail ; popular aquarium fish . flesh of swordfish usually served as steaks .

  12. 汞含量最高的鱼类包括剑鱼、鲨鱼、枪鱼和长鳍金枪鱼。

    Among the fish that have been found to have the highest mercury content are swordfish , shark , marlin and albacore tuna .

  13. 它的背部和剑鱼的一般蓝,肚子是银色的,鱼皮光滑而漂亮。

    His back was as blue as a sword fish 's and his belly was silver and his hide was smooth and handsome .

  14. 你要是在想“要命,真要命,这条剑鱼差点戳穿我脑袋了”的话,那我们就想一块儿去了。

    Were you thinking ," Holy shit , holy shit , a swordfish almost went through my head "? If so , then yes .

  15. 在一篇关于金枪鱼和剑鱼体内汞含量过高的报道发出之后,本周,有关对于吃寿司安全问题的担忧被提了出来。

    Concerns about the safety of eating sushi were raised this week after reports surfaced over the high levels of mercury in tuna and swordfish .

  16. 但是她们也做出了更明智的选择,避免食用汞含量很高的如鲨鱼、剑鱼、鲭鱼王和方头鱼等的鱼类。

    But they 're making savvier choices , avoiding the fish with the most mercury - such as shark , swordfish , king mackerel and tilefish .

  17. 保证每天都有足够的硒摄入量,可以吃巴西坚果,金枪鱼三明治,葵花籽,全麦谷物或者剑鱼。

    Be sure to get your daily dose by eating a Brazil nut , or tuna sandwich , sunflower seeds , whole grain cereals , or swordfish .

  18. 不,昨晚我们还在那儿吃饭,她不断端来剑鱼,你要去……

    Jamie : No , no , no. We were there last night . She kept ... bringing swordfish . Are you gonna go to the , um ?

  19. 可是,看那样子太花钱了,太快活了.我再踱过去,从那“剑鱼客店”的光亮的红窗格中,射出了那么强烈的光芒,

    but it looked too expensive and jolly there . Further on , from the bright red windows of the " Sword-Fish Inn , " there came such fervent rays ,

  20. 这个建议和英国政府提出的忠告相似,英国政府表示孕期妇女和幼童不宜食用剑鱼、鲨鱼或者枪鱼,其他成年人也应该将摄入量限制在一周一次。

    That advice is similar to the counsel from the British government , which says that pregnant women and young children should not eat swordfish , shark or marlin , and that other adults should limit their intake to one portion a week .