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  • swordtail
  1. 大熊猫基因组微卫星DNA的分离与序列分析剑尾鱼微卫星DNA的筛选

    Isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA from giant panda ( ailuropoda melanoleuca ) genome

  2. 实时荧光定量PCR检测免疫后剑尾鱼IgM在不同温度下的表达变化

    Detection of IgM mRNA in Xiphophorus helleri by fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR in different temperatures

  3. 剑尾鱼鳃和肝细胞Na+/K+ATPase活性可作为对水环境汞污染效应环境风险评价(ERA)的有效生物学标记。

    In addition , the gill and hepatic Na + / K + - ATPase activity in swordtails could be considered a valid biomarker for environmental risk assessment ( ERA ) .

  4. 剑尾鱼(Xiphophorushelleri)RR-B系的近交培育和遗传纯合度分析

    Inbreeding and genetic purity analysis of Swordtail fish ( Xiphophorus helleri ) RR-B strain

  5. 利用18个微卫星座位对剑尾鱼RR-B系遗传质量的分析

    Genetic Quality Analysis of Xiphophorus helleri RR-B Strain Using 18 Microsatellite Loci

  6. 本实验建立了RR-B系剑尾鱼分子检测方法,为实验动物剑尾鱼的遗传监测奠定了基础。

    The method established was found the base for genetic monitor of laboratory animal swordtail fish .

  7. 目的了解BY-F近交剑尾鱼白内障的发展及其对剑尾鱼生存的影响。

    Objective To explore the cataract development and its influence on the living status of BY-F swordtail fish .

  8. 剑尾鱼RW-H近交系的遗传结构分析

    Genetic structure analysis of Xiphophorus helleri RW - H inbred strain

  9. 剑尾鱼感染嗜水气单胞菌的比较病理学研究

    The study on comparative pathology in Swordtail infected with Aeromonas hydrophila

  10. 剑尾鱼耗氧率及窒息点的测定

    The Measurement of Oxygen Consumption Rate and Suffocation Point of Swordtail Fish

  11. 剑尾鱼在检测细菌毒力方面的应用

    Application of Xiphophorus helleri to detection of virulence of fish pathogenic bacteria

  12. 剑尾鱼肝细胞原代培养

    Primary Culture of Swordtail Fish ( Xiphophorus helleri ) Hepatocytes

  13. 剑尾鱼是白内障的易发群体。

    The BY-F swordtail fish are susceptible to develop cataract .

  14. 圆滑的剑尾鱼是一个敏捷的泳者并且需要充足的活动空间。

    The sleek swordtail is an agile swimmer and needs plenty of room .

  15. 人工配合饵料饲养剑尾鱼的初步研究

    The Preliminary Study on Rearing Xiphophorus helleri Using Artificial

  16. 口服α2巨球蛋白对剑尾鱼的免疫保护作用

    Protective effect by oral administration of α _2 - macroglobulin on Xiphophorus helleri

  17. 实验用剑尾鱼分成5组,每组30尾。

    The experiment fishes were divided into five groups , with 30 / group .

  18. 本文还讨论了剑尾鱼鳃结构与其功能的密切关系。

    The good relationships between the structure of fish gills and their function were discussed .

  19. 剑尾鱼硫酸铜急性中毒的病理学研究

    Histopathological Study of Intoxication with Copper Sulfate

  20. 母剑尾鱼可能不能生育,特别要指出的是,老年的母剑尾鱼可能会绝育。

    Females may NOT be physiologically able to reproduce ; in particular , older females may be infertile .

  21. 多氯联苯对剑尾鱼Na~+/K~+-ATPase活性的影响

    Effects of polychlorinated biphenyls on activity of Na ~ + / K ~ + - ATPase in Xiphophorus helleri

  22. 汞和硒对剑尾鱼Na~+/K~+-ATPase活性的影响

    Effects of Mercury and Selenium on Na ~ + / K ~ + - ATPase Activity in Xiphophorus helleri Heckel

  23. 应用光镜和透射电镜对剑尾鱼肾脏的组织学和超微结构进行了观察。

    Histology and ultrastructure of the kidney in Swordtails ( Xiphophorus helleri ) were studied with microscope and transmission electron microscope .

  24. 再解释一遍?简单说来,就是雄性剑尾鱼已经找到了一种精细的方法,在吸引同类雌性的同时避免招致被吃的厄运。

    Interpretation ? Male swordtails have developed a subtle way of advertising sexual readiness to females of their own species-while avoiding courting disaster .

  25. 方法观察眼球出现混浊的剑尾鱼,定期观察眼球病变的发展情况以及眼病引起的外部形态和行为的变化;

    Methods To notice the development of opaque appearance in the eyes of swordtail fish and to examine the external appearance and behavior changes of the blind fish .

  26. 大部分卖出的依然是热带鱼,尤其是虹鳉,剑尾鱼和米莉。人们喜欢这些鱼的明亮颜色,而且它们能给水族馆提供新的年轻的生命。

    The most sold are still tropicals , especially guppies , swordtails and millies , which people like because of their bright colors and because they provide the tank with new young fish .