
  1. 没有一只雌性摩利鱼能看见任何雄性摩利鱼。

    None of the female Mollies can see any of the male Mollies .

  2. 然而,有趣的是穴居的摩利鱼身上所发生的事。

    What 's interesting , though , is what happens with Mollies that live in caves .

  3. 但是有一种较好的猜测认为穴居的摩利鱼是使用器官来感知排出的水。

    A good guess , though , is that the cave-dwelling Mollies use organs that sense water displacement .

  4. 摩利鱼想变得尽可能庞大,因为雌性摩利鱼对大的雄性鱼比小的更感兴趣。

    The Mollie wants to be as big a fish as possible , because the females show more interest in big fellows than little ones .

  5. 当德国汉堡大学的研究者们研究穴居的摩利鱼的性偏好时,他们发现这些摩利鱼和洞外的摩利鱼有相同的取向——雌性摩利偏爱体积更大的雄性鱼。

    When researchers at Hamburg University in Germany studied sexual preference in Mollies that lived in caves , they found the same pattern as in Mollies living outside caves - the females preferred the larger males .

  6. 自然界中有很多雌性动物被体积最大的雄性动物吸引的例子。这真实体现在一种叫做大西洋摩利的鱼身上。

    There are plenty of examples in nature of females being attracted to the biggest males . This is especially true for a species of fish called the Atlantic Mollie .