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fānɡ zhuō
  • a square table
方桌 [fāng zhuō]
  • [square desk or table] 桌面是方形的桌子

  1. 在相同的空间里,圆桌比起方桌可以坐下更多的人。

    Round tables seat more people in the same space as a square table

  2. 在冬斋里,和在餐室里一样,除了一张白木方桌和四张麦秸心椅子外,再也没有旁的家具。

    In this winter salon , as in the dining-room , there was no other furniture than a square table in white wood , and four straw-seated chairs .

  3. 这张旧的中国方桌是一件很珍贵的家具。

    This old Chinese square table is a valuable piece of furniture .

  4. 橱窗里展览了一张圆桌和一张方桌。

    A round and a square table were exhibited in the shop window .

  5. 靠墙放着一张旧方桌。

    There is an old table by the wall .

  6. 他们用箱子搭了一张临时用方桌。

    They made a makeshift table from boxes .

  7. 首先,在达文西以前,门徒都被排在一个方桌或圆桌的周围。

    First , the arrangement of the disciples around a circular or square table had been tradition until that point .

  8. 地板上铺了厚毡子,屋里的东西很凌乱,四张方桌并排地放在屋中央。

    The room was very messy , with four square tables pushed together in the . centre over a thick carpet .

  9. 等他走了之后,我在破旧的橡木方桌边上坐下,坐在三把不配套的椅子中的一把上,端详起查理的小厨房来:

    After he left , I sat at the old square oak table in one of the three unmatching chairs and examined his small kitchen ,

  10. 二门内安放了几张方桌,上面再放上椅子,作为临时的看台。

    In the inner compound , a number of tables were set up and chairs placed on top of them to serve as a temporary grandstand .

  11. 陈月娥说着摇摇头,吐出一口唾沫。她就在那方桌旁边坐了,随手斟出一杯茶,慢慢地喝。

    Chen Yueh-ngo shook her head and spat , then sat down at the table , poured herself out a cup of tea , and sat there sipping at it .

  12. 一个中间挖洞的方桌,几个人围桌而坐,中间的洞并不象火锅或是麻辣烫那么大,正好容一只猴子的头伸出。

    A hole in the middle of the table , Wei Zhuo a few people sitting in the middle of the hole is not as hot pot or Mala Tang so much , just allow a monkey 's head out .

  13. 走上一段阴暗的反反的楼梯,进到一间有一张方桌和几张竹凳、墙上装着一架电话的屋子,再进去就是我的朋友的房间,和外间只隔一幅布帘。

    A flight of dark , narrow stairs led to a room where a table and several bamboo stools stood and a telephone hung on the wall . Beyond this room , separated by a mere cloth curtain , was the room where my friend lived .