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  1. 重庆统帅部很快掌握方先觉降敌的证据,但被蒋断然否决。

    The Chongqing headquarters soon gained evidence pointing to Fang 's guilt , which was , however , dismissed by Chiang .

  2. 在当时的情况下,方先觉既可以选择突围,也可以选择自杀,但他却选择了投降。

    At that time , Fang Xian-jue may choose to break out of an encirclement or commit suicide , but he selected surrender .

  3. 成果内容提要衡阳之役与当时中国的政治走向有着直接关系。为此,方先觉作为是役主将,其投敌与否也就不是孤立的个人行为。

    As the battle of Hengyang had a direct effect on China 's political struggles , the surrender of Fang Xianjue , the chief commander of the battle , to the enemy was not a simple , individual act .