
mǎ fū
  • groom;stableman;stable boy;ostler;lad;horsekeeper;mafoo;buggy driver;mafu;stable girl
马夫 [mǎ fū]
  • (1) [horsekeeper;groom;buggy driver]∶喂养马的人

  • (2) [mafoo]∶中国旧称养马的孩子或马童

马夫[mǎ fū]
  1. 马夫叫他的马走近一点。

    The groom made a call to his horse to move to one side .

  2. 在烟雾里爆炸,杀死了一个马夫。

    Gone up in smoke to kill a groom .

  3. 满脸胡须的马夫们大口痛饮着上等葡萄酒(W.H.奥登)

    Unshaven horsemen swill the great wines of the Chateaux ( W.H.Auden )

  4. 两只老鼠变成了马匹,一只变成了马夫。

    Two mice became horses and one mouse became the driver .

  5. “您的马吃牡蛎吗?”马夫问道。

    " Will your horse eat oysters ?" said the hostler .

  6. 她无论对马夫或司机总是很和气。

    She was always kind to the stableboy or the chauffeur .

  7. 马夫的高帽要和马鞍相配。

    And the driver 's top-hat will match the horse 's saddles .

  8. 守夜人一点也不缺马夫。莫尔蒙司令咕哝道,

    The Watch has no shortage of stableboys , Lord Mormont grumbled .

  9. 派一个人去通知第一站的马夫。

    Despatch a messenger to apprise the grooms at the first station .

  10. 园丁和马夫是在那儿,可是林惇也跟他们在一起。

    The gardeners and coachman were there ; but Linton was with them .

  11. 马夫赶着他的马沿大路小跑起来。

    The driver trotted his horse down the road .

  12. 他在长岛一家公馆里找到了一份当马夫的差使。

    He got a job as a stable-lad in a long island mansion .

  13. “马夫来说先生的马很累了!”

    " The stableman says that monsieur 's horse is extremely fatigued . "

  14. 如东著名的传统舞蹈跳马夫。

    Dancing the famed Rudong traditional dance , tiaomafu .

  15. 据说跳马夫是从唐朝留传下来的。

    It 's said tiaomafu has been passed down from the Tang dynasty .

  16. 他来这里当马夫的。

    He came here as a stable boy .

  17. 如果我没有记错的话,还有一个马夫,还有两个沼地的农民。

    Then there is a groom at the Hall , if I remember right .

  18. 他是三年的老马夫了。

    He was senior groom for three years .

  19. 你的马夫好像也很雄壮

    As is your stableboy , it seems .

  20. 其实我的马夫也不过一两个钟头前才赶到

    As it is , my groom only got here an hour or two ago .

  21. 马夫们把这匹御马带到同一个浅水池里,他们总是在这里为它洗澡。

    The grooms took him to the same shallow pool where they always washed him .

  22. 马夫把他那叮当作响的金属带扣紧。

    The groom buckled his jingling straps .

  23. 年轻马夫牵进了金儿。当给我们刷洗时,詹姆斯在一旁看着。

    The younger man brought in Ginger , and James watched while we were groomed .

  24. 嫁给一个马夫与做王后是天壤之别

    Life with a stable boy is a far cry from a life as queen .

  25. 马夫回到马车那儿。

    The groom returned to the carriage .

  26. 那送荞麦来喂马的马夫忽然蹲下去,检查那左边的轮子。

    The stableman who brought the oats suddenly bent down and examined the left wheel .

  27. 忧郁的马夫变得更忧郁。

    The glum groom grew glummer .

  28. 他父亲曾是个马夫。

    His father was a groom .

  29. 夏季里的一天,马夫仔细地给我清洗过,又给我打扮了,

    One day during this summer , the groom cleaned and dressed me with special care ,

  30. 我被卖给了另一个人,他有一个脾气和萨姆森一样坏的马夫。

    I was sold to another man , but he had a groom as bad-tem-pered as Samson .