
jiāng hú láng zhōng
  • a quack doctor
江湖郎中[jiāng hú láng zhōng]
  1. 国王咒骂大臣们竟然从一个江湖郎中那里开药方,并且立即把他们关进了监狱。

    The King cursed the courtiers and clapped them quickly into clink for taking prescriptions from a quack doctor .

  2. 我四处求医,看过了各种各样的江湖郎中。

    I went everywhere for treatment , tried all sorts of quacks .

  3. 辛勤工作的医生可能变成江湖郎中那样的骗子。

    Hard-working medical men may come to be almost as mischievous as quacks .

  4. 当冒牌医生或江湖郎中。

    To act as a medical quack or a charlatan .

  5. 那么,让那些江湖郎中和组织者走开!

    Away , then , with quacks and organizers !

  6. 也许是个江湖郎中想要骗钱。

    Probably some charlatan hoping for a quick shilling .

  7. 那些江湖郎中声称他们卖的万灵药能治百病,你相信他们吗?

    Do you believe the charlatans ' claim that the panaceas they sell can cure all diseases ?

  8. 人们经常通过江湖郎中和古老的神话来获取几乎没有任何科学依据的健康信息。

    People would turn to quacks and old myths for health information that is rarely grounded in any science .

  9. 勤勤恳恳的工作人员、学生、态度.辛勤工作的医生可能变成江湖郎中那样的骗子。

    A conscientious worker , pupil , attitude Hard-working medical men may come to be almost as mischievous as quacks .

  10. 一群手持戒指、铁钩、绳索的巫师、道士、江湖郎中包围着他。

    A crowd of soothsayers , magicians , and quacks armed with rings , hooks , and cords surrounded it .

  11. 为了避免可能引起的误解,我得赶紧指出,他决不是一个惯于招摇撞骗的江湖郎中。

    I hasten to add , to anticipate possible misconception , that he was not the least of a charlatan .

  12. 父亲说那个医生是江湖郎中,这也就是为什么我们必须继续与无知奋斗的原因。

    My father said the doctor was a charlatan and this was why we needed to keep struggling against ignorance .

  13. 贺拉斯曾说他们是吹笛子的穷汉、卖艺人、小丑、江湖郎中。并且,只要社会将来还是今天这个样,他们将来便也还是今天这个样。

    Horace speaks of them : Ambubaiarum collegia , pharmacopolae , mendici , mimae ; and so long as society remains what it is , they will remain what they are .

  14. 这种德国的社会主义,将学术性看得如此严肃和神圣,并且以这种江湖郎中的风格颂扬它的差劲的手段,同时渐渐失去了它的学究式的天真。

    This German Socialism , which took its schoolboy task so seriously and solemnly , and extolled its poor stock-in-trade in such mountebank fashion , meanwhile gradually lost its pedantic innocence .

  15. 于是凯利博士与一群持类似观念的医生开始治疗患者,这触发了美国癌症学会(该组织声称凯利是个江湖郎中)和数个专业学会的众怒。

    Once Dr. Kelley - working with a group of like-minded physicians - began treating patients , he ran afoul of the American Cancer Society ( who claimed he was a quack ) and various professional societies .

  16. 一些专家提出,在人类历史上大多数时期,医生对患者是弊大于利:或者行事乖戾,就像招摇撞骗的江湖郎中在推销专利疗法;或者本意良好,但常常直觉错误,了解不足。

    Some specialists have argued that for most of human history , doctors did more harm than good to their patients : whether acting cynically as snake-oil salesmen of patented cures or out of well-intended but often misguided intuition and limited understanding .