
  • 网络yangxin county
  1. 阳新县吴茱萸母树林营建技术

    Construction Technique for Seed Orchard of Evodia rutaecarpa in Yangxin County

  2. 阳新县矿产资源现状优势评价及资源承载力分析

    Assessment on the superiority and bearing capacity of mineral resources in Yangxin County

  3. 阳新县古城八景及其山水城市特征

    " Eight scene " and mountains-water city characteristics in yangxin

  4. 湖北省阳新县血吸虫病的流行病学研究

    Epidemiological study of schistosomiasis in Yangxin county in Hubei

  5. 阳新县血吸虫病流行现状与防治对策

    Schistosomiasis situation and its control in Yangxin County

  6. 湖北省阳新县血吸虫病防治中大众传媒资源调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis on Mass Media Resources on Schistosomiasis Prevention and Control in Yangxin County , Hubei Province

  7. 城市历史形态与水环境&湖北省阳新县城市发展变迁剖析

    City history form and water environment & Dissection of development and changes of Yangxin County Town in Hubei Province

  8. 鄂东杰构&阳新县祠堂建筑及文化特征初探

    Elegant Construction in the East of Hubei Province & Research on the Architecture and Culture of the Ancestral Temple in Yangxin County

  9. 阳新县是湖北省的矿业大县,矿产资源十分丰富,但随着开发程度的不断加强,资源危机日趋严重。

    Yangxin County is one of the biggest mining counties in Hubei , but the shortage of mineral resouces becomes more and more serious with a great of mineral having been exploited .