
  • 网络Miri;misato
  1. 工作与结婚后辗转住过汶莱、美里、斗湖、山打根及诗巫各乡城。

    After she went to work and got married , she lived in places like Brunei , Miri , Sandakan and Sibu .

  2. 每周五在美里日报「钻油台」专栏执笔,另有专栏「闲话」与「长短说」。

    Her essays appear every Friday in " Drilling Platform " of Miri Daily , and in other columns like " Chitchat " and " Long and Short " .

  3. Glide联合创始人贾尼丝•美里木谷(JaniceMirikitani)上周在发起拍卖时表示:“富人与穷人之间的差距越来越大了。巴菲特激励其他有能力的人士帮助弥合这一鸿沟。”

    Glide 's co-founder Janice Mirikitani said at the launch of the auction last week : " The divides are getting bigger between the haves and have-nots . Mr Buffett inspires others who have the means to help bridge that divide . "

  4. 美里:我一直认为空调是人类的财富!真实科学的成功!

    Misato : I 've always thought that the air conditioner is the greatest treasure of humanity ! It 's a true scientific success !

  5. 美里又名油城,它与汶莱国隔邻,是砂拉越北部沿海的重要门户,也是马来西亚最早的石油生产地。

    In the city , and oil and brunei country , is the north part of sand along the sea , the door to door , also is the horse to west and most early oil production .

  6. 如果你想买一件小东西,但又不想多花钱,那么10美分店里很可能就会有正是你所要寻找的那件东西。

    If you need a small item and don 't want to spend very much , the dime store is likely to have just what you are looking for .

  7. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你,爱我,只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。

    At least , there is one time that you forget yourself for someone . Asking for no result , no company , no ownership . And don 't ask you to love me , but let me meet you in my most beautiful life .

  8. 只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。

    Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years .

  9. 你也许很喜欢日光浴—或者在美黑沙龙里暴晒自外线。

    You may love to soak up the sun - or the UV rays at the tanning salon .

  10. 步美在后备箱里发现了大量的现金,还有小女孩的头颅,非常害怕。

    Ayumi found a lot of money and a girl 's head in the boot and was very fearsome .

  11. 在不美观念世界里,人们对糊口的观点也在履历着由科技前进而激发的年夜震动。

    In idea world , the people the view are also experiencing the big shake which to the life stimulates by the advance in technology .

  12. 然而生命却忘却了。因为生命必须奔赴永恒的征召,她轻装启程,把一切记忆留有孤独凄凉的美的形象里。

    But life forgets , for she has her call to the Endless : and she goes on her voyage un-burdened , leaving her memories to the forlorn forms of beauty .

  13. 我们说:”美在眼睛里“,可是看着自己仿佛真地认为这句话是真的,又是什么含义呢?

    We say that " beauty is in the eye of the beholder ," but what would it mean to look at ourselves as though we really believed this were true ?

  14. 但该研究小组表示紫外线对身体造成的明显增益效果提示我们是否也是由于有同样的化学反应的激励,才使得人类对海滩日光浴或者美黑沙龙里的床位趋之若鹜。

    But the research team says that the apparent physical reward for UV exposure suggests it 's worth exploring if a similar chemical reaction may be spurring humans to keep running to the beach or tanning bed .

  15. 在《谈美书简》里,朱光潜以马克思主义的实践观点(生产劳动)为基础,协调、统一主体与客体,人与自然、心与物之间的矛盾对立;

    In Letters on Beauty , Zhu Guang-qian tries to unify and harmonize contradictory opposites between subject and object , man and nature , mind and things on the foundations of Marxist views of practice ( labor production ) .

  16. 在荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中,波塞冬只被描述成一个主宰海洋的神。他住在海中华美的宫殿里,或驾驭战车在海面上巡幸,或掀起地动山摇的巨浪。

    In the Iliad Poseidon appears only in his capacity of ruler of the sea , inhabiting a brilliant palace in its depths , traversing its surface in a chariot , or sirring the powerful billows till the earth shakes as they crash upon the shore .

  17. RealCapitalAnalytics董事总经理、房产分析师丹??法苏洛(DanFasulo)指出,这栋公寓楼完工后,开发商鑫苑置业将成为在美上市中资企业里首家在美国建设大型居住开发项目的企业。

    This would make developer Xinyuan one of the first US-listed Chinese companies to build a significant residential development in the US , according to Dan Fasulo , managing director at Real Capital Analytics , the property analysts .

  18. 只要将眼睛睁开,我们就能看到许多美景,但这份美将在记忆里存留多久,这取决于我们有多用心去领会它的内涵。

    We can see beauty well enough just by opening our eyes , but how long this beauty survives in memory depends on how intentionally we have apprehended it .

  19. 但这在思想中所未能实现的东西,反而在有机组织和艺术美的当前现实里,感官和直观却能看见理想的现实。

    Yet if thought will not think the ideal realised , the senses and the intuition can at any rate see it in the present reality of living organisms and of the beautiful in art .

  20. 可爱的妇人呀,我感觉到你的美了。你的美如同黑夜里点亮了一盏灯。

    I feel thy beauty , loved woman , like that put on the lamp in dark night .

  21. 精神价值主要体现为真、善、美,美是真与善统一并超越的主体自由的最高价值。在美的境界里教育管理的人本价值和社会价值实现了整合统一。

    The spiritual value is crystallized in truth , benevolence and aesthetics , with the later to be integrated in the former two as the ultimate value .