
  • 网络demand stimulus;demand stimulation
  1. 单边财政放松只会带来温和的需求刺激;

    They would only enjoy a muted demand stimulus from unilateral fiscal relaxation ;

  2. 他们接着又断定,无论在哪个领域,需求刺激措施总是可取的。

    It then concludes that demand stimulus , from whatever quarter , is to be welcomed .

  3. 需求刺激毫无用处,因为根本不存在系统性的需求短缺。

    Demand stimulus is of no use , since there is no systematic shortage of demand .

  4. 大量的高素质的劳动者需求刺激了高等职业技术教育蓬勃发展。

    The demand of more highly-qualified workers has stimulated the development of the higher vocational-technical education .

  5. 就其原因,除却盐业生产需求刺激外,和统治者的政策密切相关。

    Its reason was closely related with the policy , exception of demand stimulation for salt production .

  6. 结果,新兴国家受非必要的需求刺激,继续推高商品价格;

    In turn , the unwarranted stimulus to demand in emerging economies is further pushing up commodity prices ;

  7. 它们还可以在改善未来财政状况方面进行投资,即便不可能产生任何正面的需求刺激效应。

    They can also invest in improving their future fiscal position , even assuming that no positive demand stimulus effects are likely to materialise .

  8. 凯恩斯的需求刺激理论等经典方法,以及货币政策或产业战略,都无法解决信息领域的核心问题。

    Classic approaches such as Keynesian demand stimulation , or monetary policy or industrial strategy do not address the core problem of the information sector .

  9. 中国对煤炭和其他化石能源的迫切需求刺激了全球范围内(从加拿大的含油砂地区到尼日利亚油田)对这些能源的探索,带来了环境方面的争议。

    Its hunger for coal and other fossil fuels spurs environmentally contentious exploration for such energy sources worldwide , from Canadian tar sands to Nigerian oilfields .

  10. 在日益高涨的休闲消费需求刺激下,新型的休闲产业正以一日千里的蓬勃气势高速发展。

    Leisure in the ever-increasing consumer demand , spurred by a new type of leisure industry is booming by leaps and bounds the momentum of rapid development .

  11. 如果不减弱凯恩斯主义政策的需求刺激作用,这也将带来滞胀的威胁。

    This would bring with it the threat of a stagflationary outcome , if the demand stimulus from Keynesian policies were not to be adjusted downwards in consequence .

  12. 算法和自然语言生成器已经存在了一段时间,但随着对它们的需求刺激了投资和创新,它们变得越来越好,越来越快。

    Algorithms and natural language generators have been around for a while , but they 're getting better and faster as the demand for them spurs investment and innovation .

  13. 房产旺盛的需求刺激了土地需求,引起地价上涨,地价上涨又提高了房产成本,促使房价上涨。

    Premises strong demand stimulated the demand for land , so , land prices rise . Land prices raise increased real estate costs , so , housing prices rise .

  14. 单边财政放松只会带来温和的需求刺激;由于它们深度参与国际贸易,因此很多刺激效果将渗漏到国界之外。

    They would only enjoy a muted demand stimulus from unilateral fiscal relaxation ; so enmeshed are they in international trade , much of the effect would seep across their borders .

  15. 从感应度系数来看,装备制造业的增长受其他部门需求刺激较小,在发展过程中具有较强的独立性。

    From the induction coefficient shows , the demand stimulation of equipment manufacturing industry growth by other sectors is smaller , and it has a strong independence in the development process .

  16. 作为对近几十年来需求刺激策略投资者隐约猜测,今后情况也将一如既往的回应,许多行业的供应潜力大幅提高。

    In response to demand stimulus over recent decades , with investors implicitly assuming that the future would be like the recent past , there has been a massive increase in supply potential in many industries .

  17. 城市化是社会经济上升的过程,城市的发展不可避免的会有人口扩张,增加的人口需要大量住房,这种需求刺激了房地产的快速发展。

    Urbanization is the increase in socio-economic development of the city is inevitable there will be population expansion , increasing population requires a lot of housing , this demand has stimulated the rapid development of real estate .

  18. 由于铝及其合金具有许多优良性能而成为现代社会大量使用的金属材料,铝的强烈需求刺激了氧化铝生产工业的迅猛发展。

    Owing to their plenty of excellent performances , aluminum and its alloys have become the widely-used metallic material in modern society . The intensively demand of aluminum has stimulated the rapid development of alumina production industry .

  19. 虽然连年的战争对军粮的大量需求刺激了陕西农业生产的发展,保证了大批西北驻军的粮食给养,但也导致了大量劳动力人口的锐减、农田的荒芜和农业生产环境的破坏等。

    Continuous wars stimulated development of agricultural production for huge demand on army provisions and guaranteed provisionment of many garrison in Northwest , but inflicted decline of labouring population , deserted cropland and destruction on environment of agricultural production .

  20. 扩大消费需求,刺激消费是经济增长的根本动力。

    The expansion consumer demand , the stimulation expense is the economic growth basic power .

  21. 能够拉动对农产品的有效需求,刺激农产品价格;

    Increasing the effective needs of agricultural products , stimulating the price of agricultural products ;

  22. 庞大的市场需求,刺激了中国医疗整形产业的飞速发展。

    This large demand of plastic surgery has stimulated the industry in China to develop rapidly .

  23. 与凯恩斯时代相比,发达国家的行动速度快了许多,采取了提振需求的刺激方案。

    Developed countries have acted much faster than in Keynes ' day to boost demand with stimulus packages .

  24. 结果表明:人口政策对商品房价格的影响较小,但对需求的刺激作用明显。

    The results show that : the population policy has less impact on housing prices , but has apparent stimulation on demand .

  25. 各国纷纷将注意力集中道国内市场,期望通过需求拉动刺激新一轮经济增长。

    A lot of countries have focused on domestic market , hoping to stimulate a new round of economic growth through demand-pull .

  26. 税收政策作为财政政策的一个重要组成部分,应在扩大有效需求、刺激经济景气方面发挥应有的作用。

    The tax policy as a main part of finance policy should play an important role in expanding effective demand and stimulating economy .

  27. 运输的作用除了保证流通的一面,还有通过自身提出巨大需求,刺激工业和技术迅速发展的一面;

    Besides promoting commercial circulation , transportation also can stimulate the development of industries and technology by making its own tremendous demands for them ;

  28. 估计内地对石油及钢和铜等原材料的进口需求均刺激这类产品在国际市场的价格提高。

    Its import demand for oils and raw materials like steel and copper is reckoned to have bolstered the prices of these commodities internationally .

  29. 随着全球经济的发展,服务业正经历着革命性的变化,新的服务需求不断刺激着新的服务的产生。

    With the development of global economy , service industry is experiencing revolutionary change . New service needs constantly stimulate the birth of new service .

  30. 他说美国与我们的欧洲朋友存在理念上的分歧,并呼吁欧洲各国同意提振短期需求以刺激经济增长。

    He said the US had philosophical differences with our friends in Europe and called on European countries to agree to boost short-term demand to stimulate growth .