
  • 网络Need to investigate;needs investigation
  1. 如果发现系统使CPU保持100%忙碌,则需要调查导致这种情况发生的进程。

    If you discover that the system keeps the CPU100 percent busy , you need to investigate the process that causes this situation .

  2. 如果报告了任何不一致的地方,那么我们需要调查每个不一致的地方,然后在Findandfix模式下重新运行一致性检验来修复不一致的地方。

    If there were any inconsistencies reported , we would need to investigate each one and then re-run the consistency check in Find and fix mode to fix the inconsistencies .

  3. 他说,“我们需要调查新突变的出现,特别是在非洲,当地所有疟疾控制项目目前正在把药物政策转向“青蒿素结合疗法”(ACTs)。

    " We need to survey any appearance of new mutations , especially in Africa , where all the control programmes are currently moving their drug policy to ACTs ," he says .

  4. 还需要调查其他很多方面,比如硬件、磁盘I/O、配置、拓扑、调优参数、OS和补丁等。

    There are many other areas of investigation , for example , hardware , disk I / O , configuration , topology , tuning parameters , OS , and patches , among others .

  5. 您需要调查一些有关所需功能的基本事实,然后您将下载并安装Joomla。

    You 'll do some basic fact finding as to the functionality required , and then you 'll download and install Joomla .

  6. 我刚离开位于芝加哥的我需要调查的一家市场,正是这里给我提供了即将到来的有关AOE3游戏的预览。

    I just got out of a market research study here in Chicago where we were given a preview of the upcoming AOE3 game .

  7. 为了获得对BASIX效能的更多了解,我们需要调查利益相关者的观点,包括他们对BASIX的看法,态度,相关的知识以及行为。

    In order to gain insights into the effectiveness of BASIX , we need to investigate what are the stakeholders'perspectives , including perception , attitude , knowledge and behavior , towards it .

  8. 方法用癌症患者需要调查问卷(SCNS)对82例膀胱癌患者进行问卷调查,收回有效问卷74份(90.2%)。

    METHODS : Eighty two bladder cancer patients were assessed and the Supportive Care Needs Survey ( SCNS ) was used as assessment tool . Seventy four patients completed questionnaires ( 90.2 % ) .

  9. 3875名陆军军人口腔医疗需要调查与分析

    Analysis of demands for oral medical care for 3 875 soldiers

  10. 我们也需要调查很多学生。

    We could still be looking at a lot of kids .

  11. 不过指控这么严重,应该需要调查。

    But accusation is so serious that going to require an investigation .

  12. 摩丁:你是需要调查的人。

    MODINE : You 're the one under investigation .

  13. 新兴技术领域的合作需要调查

    Needs Identification Survey in New and Emerging Technologies

  14. 急性心肌梗塞患者出院后健康教育需要调查报告

    Survey Report on Health Education Requirement of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction after Discharge

  15. 职业教育探析在职职业中专生168例心理需要调查分析

    The investigation of psychic needs in 168 students of secondary vocational at their posts school

  16. 因为它是图形,所以标签可以是链接,您可以根据需要调查这些链接。

    Because it is graphic , the tags can be links that can be investigated as needed .

  17. 假如存在大量失败的案例,那么您就需要调查事情的原因。

    It there are a large number of failures , you will need to investigate the causes .

  18. 不同类别流动人口接受预防艾滋病宣传教育和行为干预状况及健康需要调查研究

    Survey on Receiving of Health Education and Behavior Intervention on AIDS Prevention and Demand among Floating Population

  19. 不再需要调查使用电压表,因此节省时间进行的站点。

    There is no longer the need to investigate the site using a voltmeter so time savings are made .

  20. 由于目前我们还知之甚少,因此肠胃气胀是一个需要调查研究的丰富主题。

    The precious little we know so far would certainly indicate that flatulence is a rich topic for investigation .

  21. 我们仍然需要调查以不同存储格式存储二进制文件所需的大量服务器磁盘空间。

    We still needed to investigate the amount of server disk space used to store binaries in different storage formats .

  22. 它还表明迫切需要调查伊拉克北部以及可能其它地方禽类疫情的程度。

    It also points to an urgent need to investigate the extent of bird outbreaks in northern Iraq and possibly elsewhere .

  23. 究竟是什么原因导致韩亚客机在旧金山坠毁,导致两人死亡,将需要调查人员花费一段时间确定。

    Just what caused the Asiana crash in San Francisco , which left two people dead , will take some time for investigators to establish .

  24. 2008年国际部将针对海外客户需求推出各种定制版的英文咨询报告。根据客户的需要调查某一产品或某一区域的市场情况。

    International department would push out English version Consultation Report according to customer requirements in2008.And investigate the market condition of certain product or certain region .

  25. 迫切需要调查哪些干预措施起作用以及它们如何能以成功、可持续和经济上切实可行的方式得到实施。

    There is an urgent need to investigate which interventions work and how they can be implemented in a successful , sustainable and financially viable way .

  26. 拿到理想的薪水,不仅需要调查、勇气、一点点策略,最重要的还是要准备充足。

    Getting the salary you deserve takes research , courage , and a little bit of finesse - but most of all , it takes preparation .

  27. 但多尼隆表示,巴基斯坦需要调查“奥萨马本拉登是怎么到这里,并在过去6年把这个地方当作居住地的”。

    But Mr Donilon said Pakistan needed to investigate " how Osama bin Laden came to this place as his home for the last six years " .

  28. 英国最高官员称,警方应该停止放弃那些难以破案的犯罪案件,而让受害人来决定是否需要调查。

    Police should stop giving up on crimes that are difficult to solve and instead allow victims to decide whether an offence is investigated , Britain 's most senior officer has said .

  29. 数据仓库的规划研究主要包含:数据仓库需要调查与分析、数据仓库开发目标与实现范围的确定、开发策略的选择和使用方案与开发预算的确定等工作。

    Including investigate and analysis of data - warehouse , define of development goal and achieve scope of data - warehouse , choose of development plan , define of development scheme and budgetary of development .

  30. 此法可操作性强,实用性强,但要求估价人员需要调查大量的数据资料,并认真分析待估地块的实际情况,选择出切实可行的空间分配率的确定方法。

    The method is with strong feasibility and practicability , but it needs the appraiser to do much survey , analyze the status of the land carefully , and choose the feasible spacial allot way .