
  1. OD需求估计的多模式双层规划模型新算法

    A New Algorithm for the Bi level Programming Model Estimating Origin Destination Demands on Mixed Urban Traffic Networks

  2. 给出一个新的启发式求解算法&多模式逐步更新比例矩阵法,用来求解多模式OD(OriginDestination)需求估计的双层规划模型。

    A new heuristic algorithm & the multimodal algorithm of updating proportion matrix by steps is proposed , for solving the bi level programming model of multimodal origin destination demands estimation .

  3. 求解O-D需求估计双层规划模型的新算法

    A new algorithm for solving the bi level programming model of origin destination demand estimates

  4. 与其他降噪插件,噪声忍者的需求估计噪声中的形象。

    As with other noise-reduction plugins , Noise Ninja needs to estimate the noise in your image .

  5. 对一般较复杂网络模型制定了动态定价策略,该策略可调整用户需求估计量均值,使网络取到最大收入。

    The average demand estimates are adjustable by the dynamic pricing strategy in order to make the profit of the networks system maximizing .

  6. 目的探求科学合理的医疗服务需求估计方法,以便科学地制订区域卫生规划。

    Objective To seek a rational method of estimating the demands for medical services so as to work out regional health planning in a scientific way .

  7. 针对现实中几个典型维修保障的问题,即维修保障能力需求估计和维修策略的选择问题,按照运筹学的方法,把其归纳为某一种排队系统问题;

    Aiming at two kinds of typical problems , such as estimating equipment maintenance capability and selecting maintenance strategy , according to operational researches , they are induced to related model of random service system .

  8. 然后,针对新建居住小区的停车规划设计,提出了其规划设计的原则及思路,并以此为依据从居住区规划结构、停车需求估计和停车布局几方面对其进行了系统的研究。

    Secondly , the paper put forward its principles and thoughts for the new residential districts , and researches the basis theory from the view of residential planning framework , estimation of parking requirement and parking layout .

  9. 并依据城镇商业布局的原则,运用了市场饱和度分析方法、商圈划分方法和需求估计方法构建了城镇商业布局模型;

    And rests on the small town commercial distribution principle , has utilized the market degree of saturation analysis method , business circle division method and the demand estimated method to construct the small town commercial distribution model ;

  10. 第二章,分析了武钢民用煤气输配系统的现状,对用户动态需求估计不准,按照最大能力组织生产,储备能力过剩,管网输送能力富余;

    Chapter n analyzes the present urban gas civil use in WISCO , and points out that the major problems are miscalculation of fluctuating needs of users , rigid maximum production , excess reserve , and redundant pipe net transport .

  11. 新的算法不仅能够给出OD需求的估计值,同时也能够给出各模式路段交通流量的估计值。

    Estimation of origin destination demands and the link traffic flows of all modes are provided simultaneously as the results of the new algorithm .

  12. 试验结果表明,本文所给的模型和算法不仅能较好地给出OD需求的估计值,而且同时还给出了各模式路段流量的估计值。

    In the numeral results , estimation values of origin destination demands and the link traffic flows can be obtained simultaneously from the model and algorithms .

  13. 交通定价与收费研究上海公交价格需求弹性估计

    The Research of Making a price and Charging in Transportation

  14. 为了安排我们今后的生产,请提供你方需求的估计数。

    We request an estimate of your requirement with the intention of budget our future production .

  15. 在需求领域估计的全部生产力改善为22.5%,在第一年内,将节约$2588625,三年将节约$13784191。

    An overall productivity improvement of22.5 % for the area of requirements is estimated , resulting in a first year , 12-month savings of $ 2,588,625 and a three-year , 36-month savings of $ 13,784,191 .

  16. 电力系统负荷预测指从电力负荷本身变化情况以及气象、经济等因素影响规律出发,通过对历史数据分析研究,探究电力负荷内在的联系与变化规律,从而对未来电力需求做出估计和预测。

    Power system load forecasting refers to itself form the changes in load , the meteorological and the economy factors , through analysis and research of historical data to explore the internal change and contact of the power load , then development of the future electricity demand pre-estimates and projections .

  17. 全部在需求方面的估计改善生产力为22.5%,如表A4所示。

    An overall productivity improvement of22.5 % for the area of requirements is estimated , as shown in Table A4 .

  18. 我国诱导需求的数量估计

    Estimating Quantity of Induced Demand for Medical Services in China

  19. 对中国居民卷烟需求的新估计

    New Evaluating of the Demand for Cigarettes From Chinese Residents

  20. 目的:证实在我国的医疗服务领域中存在诱导需求,并估计诱导需求的程度;

    Objective : The paper is to verify that there is induced demand in health in China and estimate its quantitative level .

  21. 由于私营资本流动大幅度下降,许多国家将难以满足其外部融资需求,后者估计大约为1万亿美元。

    With private capital flows declining dramatically , many countries will find it difficult to meet their external financing needs , estimated at $ 1 trillion .

  22. 通过示例计算,半参数回归模型对电力需求预测的估计误差数值小于二元线性回归法对电力需求预测的估计误差。

    The exemplified calculation showed that the estimation deviation by semi-parametric model regression is rather small , and even smaller than that obtained from binary linear regression .

  23. 去年墨西哥的经济比任何其他拉丁美洲国家都糟,由于美国对墨西哥输出品如汽车的需求下降,估计经济萎缩达7%。

    Mexico 's economy suffered more than any other in Latin America last year , shrinking an estimated 7 percent due to a plunge in U.S. demand for Mexican exports such as cars .

  24. 1978年经济改革以后,需求的GDP弹性估计为0.8左右,低于改革前(1978年以前)。

    The demand elasticity of GDP is estimated at about 0.8 after the 1978 PRC economic reforms , lower than the pre-reform period ( before 1978 ) .

  25. 随着IP网络规模指数式增长而带来的对网络管理和维护的迫切需求,流量矩阵估计已成为当前的热点研究问题。

    With the exponential increase in the size of the IP network and the urgent demands in network management and maintenance , traffic matrix estimation has currently become an interesting topic .

  26. PACS技术对计算机网络系统的要求是很高的,因此在认证它对临床信息系统带来的技术提升同时,也应对它的资金需求有充分的估计。

    Since PACS raise a high demand to network , it must be adequately evaluated about its financial requirement while evaluate the elevation of techique which brought to CIS .

  27. 本论文研究了航空收益管理中的舱位控制与需求非限化估计问题。

    The seat inventory control and unconstrained demand estimate in airline revenue management are studied in this dissertation .

  28. 针对国内航空市场数据特点,提出了需求非限化估计方法。

    As to unconstrained demand estimate for civil aviation market in China , a new method of estimation is set up , which base on booking process .

  29. 尤其在军事、金融、医疗等对性能要求较高的应用场景中,如果无法高效完成用户需求将会造成难以估计的损失。

    Especially in the military , financial , medical and other high performance requirements of the application scenes , if not efficient completion of user needs will cause incalculable losses .

  30. 分别采用了线性和对数形式对需求模型进行了估计,认为住宅属性需求弹性&特别是收入弹性和价格弹性对模型的数学形式的选择并不敏感。

    After using linear and log form , we found the elasticity of demand for housing attribute , especially the price elasticity and income elasticity , vary a little with the different mathematic form of the model .