
tāi quān
  • tire bead
胎圈[tāi quān]
  1. 分别建立了组合花纹、横向花纹、纵向花纹轮胎全局模型,基于组合模型技术建立了组合花纹轮胎胎圈部和胎冠部模型,并基于子模型技术建立了组合花纹轮胎胎冠部的子模型。

    The global model with combined pattern , lateral pattern and longitudinal pattern are established . Tire bead and crown of combined pattern are established based on the combined modeling technique respectively , crown submodel of combined pattern is established based on the submodel technique . 3 .

  2. 钢丝加强层帘线角度对全钢载重子午线轮胎胎圈性能的影响

    Effect of enhancing steel cord angle on properties of TBR tire bead

  3. 胎圈用钢丝青铜镀层中Sn含量的测定

    Determination of Sn Content in Bronze Coat on Bead Wire

  4. 防焦剂CTP在轿车子午线轮胎胎圈护胶中的应用

    Application of anti-scorching agent CTP in bead chafer of PCR tire

  5. 胎圈直径减小1mm;

    The bead diameter was decreased by 1 mm ;

  6. 试验研究防焦剂CTP减量对轿车子午线轮胎胎圈护胶喷霜的影响。

    The influence of anti-scorching agent CTP on blooming from bead chafer of PCR tire was experimentally investigated .

  7. 同时运用帘线轴力、Mises应力、剪切应变、应变比能4个力学量对胎圈部的危险区域进行了精细分析。

    Then the hazard zone of tire / rim contact area with axial force of cord , Mises stress , shearing strain and strain energy potential were analyzed .

  8. 对于LCX-4B工程轮胎成型机的扣圈装置&扣圈盘系统,以及胎圈在轮胎成型中的地位作了详细的理论与实验性的分析研究。

    As the importance technology of the tire-building machine , push-wheel system is described detailedly through theoretical and experimental analysis in the paper .

  9. 对比国产和进口锂系低顺式聚丁二烯橡胶(LCBR)在全钢载重子午线轮胎胎圈护胶中的应用效果。

    The application of domestic Li low cis polybutadiene rubber ( LCBR ) in the chafer compound of all steel radial truck tire was investigated by using an imported LCBR as control .

  10. MARC软件对子午线轮胎的滚动阻力进行了三维有限元分析计算,对轮胎的胎体、带束层、胎圈等部位采用了rebar膜单元以及rebar实体单元进行模拟,采用Yeoh材料模式描述橡胶材料。

    Three dimensional finite element analysis of radial tire rolling resistance is carried out with MSC . MARC software . Tire core , thread ply and tire bead are simulated with the rebar membrane element and the rebar solid element , and rubber is described with Yeoh material mode .

  11. 锦纶包布对全钢载重子午线轮胎胎圈性能的影响

    Influence of nylon flipper on performance of bead in TBR tire

  12. 回火轮胎胎圈钢丝表面镀层量的测定

    Determination of Adherent Quantity of Coating on Tempered Tire Bead Wire

  13. 长齿顶齿轮;径向正变位齿轮;径向正变位齿轮力车轮胎胎圈着合直径

    Long addendum gear bead diameter at rim seat of cycle tyre

  14. 力车轮胎胎圈着合直径一级行星齿轮轴座圈

    Bead diameter at rim seat of cycle tyre primary planet ring

  15. 大盘重连续化生产回火胎圈钢丝工艺技术

    Technology for Producing Tempered Bead Wire Continuously with Heavy Coil

  16. 化镀锡青铜回火胎圈钢丝生产工艺技术

    Production Technology of Tempered Bead Wire with Chemical Plating Bronze

  17. 胎圈钢丝化镀锡青铜工艺研究

    Technology Research of Bronze-plating by Chemical Displacement on Bead Wire

  18. 载重子午线轮胎锦纶胎圈包布挂胶配方的改进

    Improving coating compound for nylon bead flipper in BTR tire

  19. 我国胎圈钢丝标准的演变我国钢丝电阻系数试验方法标准剖析

    Analyse Internal Standard of Experimental Method for Measuring Steel Wire Resistance Coefficient

  20. 成品工序工艺对回火胎圈钢丝黏合力的影响

    Influence of finished product procedure process on tempered bead wire adhesion force

  21. 回火胎圈钢丝生产探讨

    An Approach to the Production of Tempered Tire Bead Wire

  22. 电镀低锡青铜回火胎圈钢丝生产工艺研究

    Production Technology Research of Electroplating Low-Sn-bronze for Tempered Bead Wire

  23. 胎圈钢丝的基本特性对轮胎性能的影响

    Influence of Basic Characteristics of Bead Wire on Tire Performance

  24. 胎圈钢丝回火处理工艺的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Tempering Process of Tempered Bead Wire

  25. 影响电镀紫铜胎圈钢丝粘合力因素的工艺探索

    Technology Study of Factors Affecting Binding Force of Electroplating Copper on Bead Wire

  26. 胎圈用扁钢丝生产线设计与研究

    Design and Research of Flat Bead Wire Production Line

  27. 不得将胎圈压在车轮电子设备单元上。

    The tyre bead must not be pressing against the wheel electronics unit .

  28. 否则,胎圈可能被夹住,并遭受无法修复的损坏。

    Otherwise , the tyre bead can become jammed and be damaged irreparably .

  29. 胎圈钢丝与橡胶粘合力试验中的注意事项

    Matters Needing Attention in the Test for Binding Force of Bead Wire with Rubber

  30. 全钢载重子午线轮胎胎圈包布宽度优化分析

    Optimized analysis on chafer width of TBR tire