
tāi dòng
  • fetal movement;quickening
胎动 [tāi dòng]
  • [fetal movement] 胎儿的蠕动

胎动[tāi dòng]
  1. 识别胎动和旺肌的下限幅值为1.33kPa(10mmHg),时距上限值为10s.此四个阈值可用于宫外宫缩波的信号识别。

    The lower - limit amplitude value of recognizing fetal movement and abdominal muscle is 10 mmHg and the upper - limit interval value is 10s . The four characteristic values are available for recognizing extrauterine contraction .

  2. 我是16周,四个月后感觉到胎动的。

    I was16 weeks , four months after feeling fetal movement .

  3. 你可以通过胎动图表记录分娩前胎儿的活动情况。

    You can keep score of your baby 's movements before birth by recording them on a kick chart .

  4. 血清β-HCG定量、E2、P以及E2/P在输卵管妊娠、胎动不安、胎漏中的相关性研究

    Relative Research of Blood Serum β - HCG Quantity , E_2 , P and E_2 / P in Fallopian Pregnancy , Unstable Fetal Movement and Fetal Leakage

  5. 由TMS320LF2407A构成的DSP模块完成对胎心信号、宫缩压力信号和胎动标记请求信号的实时处理,同时实现心跳的音量控制。

    The signals of fetal heart beating , uterine contraction and mark were processed with the DSP TMS320LF2407A . Meanwhile , the volume control of the heart beat sound was realized by the DSP module .

  6. 结果:补肾安胎中药复方治疗胎动不安与HCG组、黄体酮、维生素E、叶酸组、硫酸镁、舒喘灵组、维生素E、斯利安片组比较有显著意义;

    Result : The efficacy of " bushenantai " compound Chinese medicine group treating fetal irritability is better than that of HCG group , progesterone and vitamin E and folacin group , MgSO_4 and albuterol sulfate salbutamol group , vitamin E and sili'an table group ;

  7. 本文对319例单胎足月孕妇进行振动声音刺激试验(VAS&T)及声刺激引起的胎动(SPFM)与传统的无负荷试验(NST)对预测胎儿预后的临床意义进行前瞻性对比研究。

    A prospective and comparative study on the predictive values of SPFM , VAS-T and traditional NST were carried out in 319 normal term pregnancies .

  8. 在胎儿颅内注射KCL后心跳即使不能停止,也因注药后的胎儿脑组织损伤,胎动减弱或消失,为进一步实施心脏穿刺创造了条件。

    Even the fetal heart does not disappear after the injection of KCL , it also can decrease the fetal movement or make it disappear because of the damage of fetal brain tissue , to create the conditions for the cardiac injection .

  9. 这不只是HAARP或微波之类的东西辐射出的“波”,还是宇宙的胎动初期。

    It is not just " waves " beamed by such things as HAARP or microwaves , it is also a quickening of the cosmos .

  10. 应用胎动计数对胎儿的监护

    Use of Maternal Perception of Fetal Movement Counts for Fetal Monitoring

  11. 尚未胎动的胎儿是活的抑或不然?

    Is a fetus that has not yet quickened alive or not ?

  12. 超声实时显像法检查胎动的临床观察心肌超声造影实时三平面法的应用

    Clinical Application of the Real-time Tri-plane Imaging Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography

  13. 胎动减少应作为死胎的重要预测信号。

    Reducing fetal movement can be recognized as a important predictive signal .

  14. 小波变换提取的胎动信号的神经网络识别

    Fetal Movement Signal Recognition Based on Wavelet Transform and BP Neural Network

  15. 宫缩压力探头能够灵敏地反映出胎动时母体子宫收缩程度的变化。

    The uterine contraction detector could sensitively reflect the uterine pressure change .

  16. 设计了一种新的基于小波变换的自适应滤波器,其参考信号选择原始胎动信号经小波分解后与干扰基本无关的尺度信号。

    A new self-adaptive filter based-on wavelet transform is designed .

  17. 胎漏、胎动不安(早期先兆流产)75例临床治疗方案回顾性分析

    The Retrospective Analysis of Clinical Treatment for 75 Cases of Early Threatened Abortion

  18. 护理干预对孕妇自我监测胎动效果的影响

    Influence of Nursing Interventions on Fetal Monitoring in Pregnancy

  19. 不要因为你还没感到胎动而担心。

    Don 't worry if you don 't feel the first movements yet .

  20. 中国收入分配改革胎动

    Reform in Chinese Income and Distribution System Quickens

  21. 胎动信号的提取和自动识别

    Extraction and Automatic Recognition of Fetal Movement Signal

  22. 便携式胎动计数器的研制

    Development of Portable Fetal Movement Counter

  23. 但再次说,你可能还要等几个星期去感受胎动。

    But again , you might need to wait a few more weeks to feel them .

  24. 同时选择年龄、孕周及高危因素相似的孕妇120例作为对照组,单纯以胎动计数作为自我监护方式。

    The control group consisted of120 pregnant women who only used fetal movement counting as family self-monitoring method .

  25. 自觉胎动次数个体差异大,有假阴性,尚须客观检查。

    The subjective fetal movement count varied individually and false negative might be present , an objective test was needed then .

  26. 胎动监测对过期妊娠及高危孕妇胎儿宫内监护的临床意义

    The clinical significance of the fetal monitoring for prolonged pregnancy and the intrauterine monitoring of the high-risk pregnant women and fetus

  27. 胎漏、胎动不安文献及方药证治规律研究

    The Research on Literature and Order of Prescriptions and Herbs , Syndromes and Treatment of Spotting during Pregnancy and Fetal Irritability

  28. 方法:通过观察胎儿心率、脐带、羊水、胎动,做出超声诊断。

    Methods : The ultrasonic diagnosis for 56 cases were observing fetal heart rate , umbilical cord , amnion and fetal movements .

  29. 母亲感觉胎动减少经常但不是总是早于胎儿死亡,有些病人出现在(胎儿死亡)几天前。

    A diminution in the maternal perception of fetal movement often but not invariably precedes fetal death , in some cases by several days .

  30. 方法对638例孕妇产前常规进行胎动、胎心率电子监护、超声显像与多普勒脐动脉血流速度检查。

    Methods Fetal movement , fetal heart rate , ultrasonography , umbilical artery flow velocity were examined in638 cases of pregnant women before delivery .