
  • 网络fetal infection
  1. 梅毒螺旋体IgM抗体蛋白印迹试验诊断新生儿胎传梅毒的探讨

    Diagnosis of Neonatal Congenital Syphilis with Treponema pallidum IgM Western Blot

  2. 结论梅毒螺旋体IgM抗体蛋白印迹试验可作为一种确诊试验应用于新生儿胎传梅毒,尤其是胎传潜伏梅毒的早期诊断。

    Conclusions In view of its high specificity and sensitivity , TP-IgM-WB could be used as a confirmatory test for the diagnosis of both symptomatic and asymptomatic neonatal congenital syphilis .

  3. 方法:回顾性分析38例早期胎传梅毒患儿的临床表现、实验室检查特点以及治疗后TRUST、TPPA滴度变化情况。

    Methods : 38 cases of early congenital syphilis were retrospectively studied on the characteristics of clinical and laboratory and the change of TRUST , TPPA after treatment .

  4. 目的探讨梅毒螺旋体IgM抗体蛋白印迹试验(TreponemapallidumIgMWesternblot,TP-IgM-WB)在新生儿胎传梅毒早期诊断中的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical usefulness of Treponema pallidum IgM Western blot ( TP-IgM-WB ) test in the diagnosis of neonatal congenital syphilis .

  5. 目的探讨早期胎传梅毒的临床表现。

    Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations of early congenital syphilis .

  6. 它指所有从先天获得的信息,包括遗传信息和胎传信息。

    It is all information before birth including genetic and embryonic information .

  7. 胎传梅毒危险因素的病例对照研究

    Risk factors in association with congenital syphilis : a case control study

  8. 早期胎传梅毒性骨损害的临床特点

    The clinical features of bone lesions in early congenital syphilis

  9. 早期胎传梅毒15例回顾性分析

    The Retrospective Analysis of 15 Cases of Early Congenital Syphilis

  10. 广东省1996-2004年胎传梅毒流行病学分析

    Epidemiologic Analysis of Congenital Syphilis in Guangdong Province during the year of 1996-2004

  11. 早期胎传梅毒18例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 18 Infants with Early Congenital Syphilis

  12. 婴幼儿麻疹胎传抗体的持续时间

    Lasting Time of Placenta Transfering Measles Antibody in Infants

  13. 先天梅毒又分早期和晚期胎传梅毒两种。

    Congenital syphilis is divided again inchoate pass syphilis with terminal embryo two kinds .

  14. 结论典型皮肤损害可作为早期胎传梅毒诊断的主要依据;

    Conclusion The typical cutaneous lesions are regarded as the diagnostic main basis of congenital syphilis ;

  15. 目的探讨早期胎传梅毒骨损害的临床特点、X线表现以及治疗效果。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical and X-ray features of bone lesion in early congenital syphilis .

  16. 胎传梅毒1例

    A case of congenital syphilis

  17. 婴儿麻疹胎传抗体及初次接种麻疹疫苗免疫效果观察

    A Study on Level of Antibody Against Measles Through Maternal Fetal Transfer and Immune Response to Measles Vaccine

  18. 先天梅毒又称胎传梅毒,乃梅毒螺旋体经胎盘传染给胎儿之梅毒。

    Congenital syphilis says the embryo passes syphilis again , it is syphilis helicoid to infect fetal syphilis via placenta .

  19. 也可通过胎盘传播引起流产、早产、死产、胎传梅毒等。

    Besides it can be transmitted through placenta and results in abortion , premature birth , dead birth , syphilis congenital .

  20. 结果8例中3例出现胎传梅毒的典型临床表现,包括典型皮肤损害,梅毒新生儿肺炎,伴发心、脑、肝、肾多脏器衰竭;

    Results Three of 8 cases presented clinical manifestations of congenital syphilis , including typical cutaneous lesions , syphilitic pneumonia , and multi-system failure .

  21. 结果:广州市近五年性病报告发病率逐年下降,但AIDS/HIV、胎传梅毒及三期梅毒发病数及发病率呈上升趋势;

    Results : The reported incidence of STDs decreased year by year , but that of AIDS / HIV , congenital syphilis and late syphilis increased .

  22. 方法:利用统计图表及t检验、相关回归分析等统计方法对胎传梅毒流行特点及与其它梅毒的关系等方面进行分析。

    Methods : Statistics graph 、 chart and correlation / regression analysis were used to study the trend of the incidence of congenital syphilis and the correlation between congenital syphilis and other syphilis .