
xiān tiān méi dú
  • Congenital syphilis;heredosyphilis
  1. 妊娠梅毒TRUST滴度及产前干预对先天梅毒发病的影响

    Impact of TRUST titre and antenatal intervention on incidence of syphilis

  2. IgM抗体诊断早期先天梅毒

    Laboratory diagnosis of early congenital syphilis

  3. 目的评价胎盘组织荧光PCR(FQ-PCR)在先天梅毒早期诊断中的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the role of FQ-PCR in detection of placental Treponema pallidum DNA for diagnosis of congenital syphilis .

  4. 目的:研究荧光定量PCR(FQ-PCR)检测梅毒孕妇引产胎盘脐带组织中的梅毒螺旋体,评估其在早期诊断先天梅毒中的作用。

    Objective : To evaluate the FQ-PCR detection of Treponema pallidum DNA in syphilis with pregnancy for the early diagnosis of congenital syphilis .

  5. 19(s)-IgM-TPHA检测先天梅毒及1例报告

    19 ( s ) - IgM-TPHA test in diagnosis of early congenital syphilis and report of a case

  6. 目的:为了研究羊水聚合酶链反应(PCR)方法产前诊断胎儿先天梅毒以及梅毒对妊娠的影响,妊娠期梅毒的诊断治疗预后等问题。

    Objective : In order to study prenatal diagnosis of congenital syphilis by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) using amniotic fluid and to investigate effects of syphilis on pregnancy , treatment and prognosis of pregnancy with syphilis .

  7. 用梅毒螺旋体特异性抗体19(s)-IgM+TPHA检测方法,确诊1例出生4天新生儿患先天梅毒。

    Using 19 ( s ) - IgM-TPHA test , a case with early congenital syphilis was diagnosed in a 4 day infant .

  8. 报告1例早期先天梅毒。患儿女,70d。

    A 70 - day - old neonate with early congenital syphilis is reported .

  9. 应用TP-IgM-WB法诊断早期先天梅毒

    Diagnosis of early congenital syphilis with TP-IgM-West blot method

  10. 目的:以随访结果为依据,评价梅毒螺旋体IgM蛋白印迹试验(WB-TP-IgM)在诊断先天梅毒中的实际应用价值。

    Objective Depending on follow-up , to evaluate the practical value of scrum Treponema pallidum IgM Western blot assay ( WB-TP-IgM ) in laboratory diagnosis of early congenital syphilis .

  11. 结论:HIV/AIDS、NGU的增长呈明显上升趋势,先天梅毒形势不容乐观,应大力加强对孕妇的产前性病体检工作。

    Conclusion : Incidence of HIV / AIDS , nongonococcal urethritis were showed the ascending trends distinctively . The situation of genitic syphilis was urgently to be controled and we should do much work on STD examination for pregnant women .

  12. 目的:评价血清19S-IgM-梅毒螺旋体明胶颗粒凝集试验(19S-IgM-TPPA)诊断早期先天梅毒的应用价值,以指导临床实践。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical value of serum 19S-IgM treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay ( 19S-IgM-TPPA ) in diagnosis of early congenital syphilis .

  13. 预防和治疗先天梅毒与新生儿结膜炎;及

    Prevention and care of congenital syphilis and neonatal conjunctivitis ; and

  14. 深圳市新生儿先天梅毒高危因素调查分析

    Analysis on high risk factor of newborn congenital syphilis in Shenzhen

  15. 目的探索新生儿先天梅毒高危因素。

    Objective To investigate the high risk factor of newborn congenital syphilis .

  16. 蛋白免疫印迹和荧光-PCR诊断早期先天梅毒研究

    The value of FQ-PCR and Western blot in early diagnosis of congenital syphilis

  17. 10例早期先天梅毒的临床护理

    Clinical Nursing of 10 Cases of Forepart Congenital Syphilis

  18. 新生儿先天梅毒临床分类及治疗探讨

    Clinical classification and therapeutic exploration EM neonatal congenital syphilis

  19. 诊断:早期先天梅毒。

    A diagnosis of early congenital syphilis was made .

  20. 目的探讨妊娠梅毒的临床分期特征及妊娠结局,降低先天梅毒发病率。

    Objective To investigate clinic stage and pregnancy outcomes of syphilis infection during pregnancy .

  21. 先天梅毒又分早期和晚期胎传梅毒两种。

    Congenital syphilis is divided again inchoate pass syphilis with terminal embryo two kinds .

  22. 其所分娩的新生儿有先天梅毒11例,占18.97%。

    11 cases of inborn syphilis accounted for 18.97 % in their laboring neonates .

  23. 新生儿期先天梅毒36例临床分析

    Analysis of 36 Neonatal Congenital Syphilis Cases

  24. 先天梅毒患儿临床表现与脑脊液梅毒抗体分析

    The evaluation of clinical and treponemal antibody in cerebrospinal fluid of infants with congenital syphilis

  25. 结论与建议:1本市先天梅毒的分布以市区为主;

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) early congenital syphilis in Shanghai mainly happened in urban districts ;

  26. 目的:探讨新生儿期先天梅毒的临床表现特点。

    Objective : To characterize the clinic manifestations and understand the features of neonatal congenital syphilis .

  27. 早期先天梅毒4例

    Cases of early congenital syphilis

  28. 目的探讨阻断梅毒母婴传播和降低新生儿先天梅毒发病的策略,最大限度地控制和降低先天梅毒的发生。

    Objective To explore the strategy on syphilis prevention of mother-to-child transmission and reduction of antenatal syphilis .

  29. 目的探讨新生儿早期先天梅毒多脏器损害护理的最佳模式。

    Objective To study the best nursing mode for newborn with early congenitial syphilitic multiple organs lesion .

  30. 降低妊娠梅毒及先天梅毒儿的发病率,关键在于加强婚前检查及早孕检测。

    Strengthening the pre-marital consultation and medical checkup programme may reduce the incidence of congenital syphilis in pregnant women .