
  • 网络innate immunity;innate immune system
  1. AIM2:一种先天免疫系统中的细胞质双链DNA感应蛋白

    AIM2 : a cytoplasmic double-stranded DNA sensor of innate immune system

  2. 抗菌肽(AntimicrobialPeptides)是由微生物、植物、无脊椎动物和各种脊椎动物的细胞和组织产生的一种有抗菌活性的多肽,也是生物体内先天免疫系统中的重要组成部分。

    Antimicrobial peptides are a kind of polypeptides with antimicrobial activity produced by microorganisms , plants , invertebrates , and various animal cells and tissues , which are important component of innate immune system of biosystem in vivo .

  3. 先天免疫系统屏障的破坏和免疫系统的异常激活,是造成IBD患者以及相关动物模型中肠道组织损伤的主要原因。

    The breakdown of innate immunity and the aberrant activation of the immune system are responsible for tissue damages in IBD patients and animal models .

  4. 在先天免疫系统中,不同吞噬细胞如嗜中性粒细胞和树突细胞等通过来自Toll样受体(TLR)的信号而辨别出病原体及自己。

    In innate immunity , different phagocytes such as neutrophils , macrophages and dendritic cells play crucial roles in discrimination between pathogens and self by utilizing signals from the Toll-like receptors ( TLR ) .

  5. 但一些研究人员认为,艾滋病病毒可使先天免疫系统反应过激。

    But some researchers believe HIV causes the innate immune system to overreact .

  6. 防御素是动植物先天免疫系统的主要成分。

    Defensins are peptidic components of the innate immune system of plants and animals .

  7. 昆虫抗菌肽是昆虫先天免疫系统中非常重要的一类效应分子。

    Insect antimicrobial peptides ( AMPs ) are an important group of insect innate immunity effectors .

  8. 只有通过额外的广泛的研究才能阐明在先天免疫系统中器官保存损伤的病理机制。

    Additional comprehensive research is warranted to elucidate the pathogenesis of organ preservation injury in the context of the innate immune system .

  9. 无脊椎动物主要依靠先天免疫系统来抵御病原的入侵。

    Lacking an adaptive immune system , invertebrates rely on their innate immune system to resist invasion of prokaryotic and eukaryotic pathogens .

  10. 昆虫只有先天免疫系统,血细胞所行使的免疫功能对于昆虫对抗外源病菌尤为重要。

    Because of lack of the adaptive immunity , immunity functions that the insect hemocytes execute play important roles in combating exogenous pathogens .

  11. 一般情况下,成年人感染弓形虫不会有太明显症状;而对于先天免疫系统有缺陷、或者进行器官移植手术的患者,感染弓形虫便可能会引起多种并发疾病,而且有可能致人死亡。

    T.gondii infected adults are mostly latent infection , without showing obvious symptoms ; while immunodeficiency , immunosuppression or organ transplant patients infected with T.gondii can cause a variety of diseases and may be fatal .

  12. Toll样受体是先天性免疫系统的基石,它可被病原体引起感染的公共特性所激活。

    Toll-like receptors are a cornerstone of the " innate " immune system , which can be activated by common features of infection-causing invaders .

  13. 甘露糖结合凝集素(MBL)是先天性免疫系统的重要成分之一,在免疫防御中发挥多重作用。

    Mannose-binding lectin ( MBL ) is a key component of the innate immune system that plays a pluripotent role in natural defense .

  14. 尽管先天性免疫系统可以抵抗感染性病原体的侵袭,但是TLR信号通路的过度激活会导致过度炎症反应等严重后果。

    Although the innate immune system is designed to fight infectious pathogens , excessive activation of TLR signaling may lead to unwarranted inflammation with hazardous outcomes .

  15. 当接触到甲壳素时,我们先天性免疫系统-我们生来就有的系统-能促发一种反应生成酸性哺乳类甲壳素酶(AMCase),降解甲壳素。

    When exposed to chitin , our innate immune system the system with which we are born can muster a response that generates an enzyme called acidic mammalian chitinase ( AMCase ), which breaks chitin down .

  16. 补体系统是先天性免疫系统的重要组成部分,是一个复杂的限制性蛋白水解系统。

    Complement system is a major component of the immunity .

  17. 遗传而来的受体所建立的防御机制为先天性免疫系统。

    Defensive mechanisms based upon germline-encoded receptors constitute a system of innate immunity .

  18. 防御素在机体先天性免疫系统防御机制中发挥重要作用。

    The defensins play an important role in the innate immune system of host defense mechanisms .

  19. 树突状细胞作为先天性免疫系统中专职的抗原提呈细胞,能够融合处理多种环境信号,并将信号与抗原相关联,分析得到抗原的异常指标。

    Dendritic cells , as typical antigen presenting cells of the innate immune system , can fuse and process variety of environment signals , and associate the signals with the antigens , then obtain the anomaly indicators of antigens through analyzing .

  20. 在合适的疫苗被研发、利用之前,如今最乐观还是采用广谱抗病毒药物。它们可以激活先天性免疫系统,也能增加药物作用的谱带。

    At the moment , the best hope is to use broad-spectrum antiviral drugs until a suitable vaccine can be developed and deployed . Something which activated the innate immune system as well would provide immunological braces to add to that pharmaceutical belt .

  21. 国家审计从本质上来说就具有先天性免疫,但先天获得的免疫系统只能预防一般性的经济风险。

    National Audit essentially have the innate immune , but the priori acquired " immune system " can only be prevented general economic risks .