
shùn shì tiáo jié
  • cis regulation
  1. 凝血因子FⅧA链基因第1内含子内顺式调节元件的鉴定

    Characterization of Transcriptional Regulatory Elements Within First Intron of the A Subunit Gene of Coagulation Factor ⅷ

  2. 鸡乙酰胆碱受体γ亚基基因5′连接区含多元顺式调节元件

    Multiple Cis-acting Elements in 5 ' - Flanking Region of the Chicken Muscle Acetylcholine Receptor γ - subunit Gene

  3. 珠蛋白基因的转录受染色质结构、编码基因与其旁侧序列甲基化程度、顺式调节元件及细胞内反式作用因子的调节控制。

    The transcription of globin genes is regulated by the chromatin structure , methylation of globin genes and their flanking regions , local and distal cis acting elements and cellular trans acting factors .

  4. 多个顺式作用元件调节血管紧张素原基因表达

    Multipe cis Acting Elements Regulate Angiotensinogen Gene Expression